Presenter/Guest presenter pairings


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Jan 15, 2012
The clue is in the username
This thread has probably gone before, but hey ho. I was curious to know what others thought about people dynamics between guest presenter and Q presenter.

An example of a good one was Steve Mcdonald (really don't like him at all), and Gilly who were doing the Dyson presentation yesterday, they seemed to bounce off each other and was amusing to watch (well for a few minutes at least).

Where as DF (female) style of presenting is a little bit 'gun-shot' which is fair enough as she thinks she is doing it 'for her fans', but this can put even relative seasoned guest presenters on edge. I was watching a repeat this morning of her on air with Ellie (tech person) and because she had got Ellie on edge from the start, she was then getting slightly tounge-tied and couldn't cope with 'breaks' in her presentation spiel, this made from awkward viewing. Someone like Andrew, who I have previously posted had the unfortunate position of even before he got to share the Gatenieu products she was going on about future TSV. It was the measure of his professionalism that he could 'almost' laugh it off.

I know there is a common negative theme here (DF), but to be fair to her, she is trying to ask the questions that perhaps we are wanting to hear and give all the necessary information so that us the viewer can make an informed decision, but the way she sometimes goes about it is slightly shotgun putting presenters slightly on edge. She needs to as it were know audience and she has been in the 'selly telly' business long enough to be able to do just that.

What parings do others view as both positive and negative. Curious if there is a general common theme running here.
IMO a truly professional presenter should be able to elicit the most important info from the guest seamlessly while keeping the presentation flowing smoothly.

The "expert" guests should also ensure that they put over the key features of the product rather than the arty-farty wishy - washy spiel that I suspect hides the fact that they don't have the hard detail.

Presenter and guest should do some prep before going on air so they agree what key points must be mentioned and in what order. They need some structure

Sorry this might be too rigid for selly telly, I've based my comments on how we had to plan and present presentations and project boards in my old job.
In the early days they used to bang on about prep days.
I know when I visited QVC for a Pilates event about 10 years ago, they had trolley' s set out with the various products for the coming hours shows, laid out !
Chloe is great with Mally at the moment. Whereas Ally Young drives me mad when she is on with Mally.
ellie is one of my least favourite guest presenters. at best she can barely get her words out. she struggles to project her voice. her sales spiel is also weak
Well I reckon they should put Patrick Quack Quack Hoy on every show with every presenter and then when the presenter starts interrupting or wandering off topic he can Quack Quack over them or quack them into silence. Job`s a good un !
Well I reckon they should put Patrick Quack Quack Hoy on every show with every presenter and then when the presenter starts interrupting or wandering off topic he can Quack Quack over them or quack them into silence. Job`s a good un !

Quacker man with Claire S would be hilarious and then can go both quack away to their hearts content :mysmilie_13:
Simon from B + B darlings seems a hard nut to crack when on with any presenter! The only one that flows + gives a good presentation is Julia, she does very well through his quirky comments etc. Enjoy watching to see what he says next, haaaahhaa:mysmilie_17:
IMO a truly professional presenter should be able to elicit the most important info from the guest seamlessly while keeping the presentation flowing smoothly.

The "expert" guests should also ensure that they put over the key features of the product rather than the arty-farty wishy - washy spiel that I suspect hides the fact that they don't have the hard detail.

Presenter and guest should do some prep before going on air so they agree what key points must be mentioned and in what order. They need some structure

Sorry this might be too rigid for selly telly, I've based my comments on how we had to plan and present presentations and project boards in my old job.

That is exactly what a professional would expect from another professional, BUT both guests and presenters are programmed to an exact spiel and woe betide anyone or anything which gets in the way of that. I have listened to a guest say things like "this will last 4 weeks if you put 2 drops on every night before bed" only to have the presenter ask straight afterwards "and when do you use this and how long will it last". Robots at least wouldn't scream about how they have every product on the show. Quite honestly how some of them got the job is beyond me.
ellie is one of my least favourite guest presenters. at best she can barely get her words out. she struggles to project her voice. her sales spiel is also weak

Marginally better than awful Abby (but then who isn't ) but no expert in my book.
Don't remember the TV show but I reckon that they should introduce the hook which when we have enough old twaddle from them, comes out from behind a curtain and grabs them by the neck and yanks them off set.

That would soon sharpen their pencil. Bags I first go!
I have listened to a guest say things like "this will last 4 weeks if you put 2 drops on every night before bed" only to have the presenter ask straight afterwards "and when do you use this and how long will it last".

Trouble is that presenters have the Director in one ear saying, Camera 1, Camera 2, no wait - Overhead close up..... and then the Producer in the other ear telling them that real time sales aren't high enough so tell them what a good deal it is, tell them phone lines are busy, tell them to use other ways of ordering (you know the rest) etc. Unfortunately presenters don't have third ear to actually listen to what the guest is actually saying! Once you realise that, then all those unnecessary pauses, elongating sentences etc all make sense. :)
One of the problems is they are usually both so keen to listen to the sound of their own voice that they don't listen to what the other person says, hence some information is repeated and other information not given. A good presentation is one where participants work together to convey vital information, so that the listeners know the pertinent facts - but with the enormous egos of most selly telly presenters, this 'ain't going to happen. Their main concern IMO is preening themselves or telling you silly stories about themselves, their friends, families or everyone they know who has had their life changed by this product. 'Seamless' is not a word I would apply to QVC presentations, I think 'shambles' would be more apt for some of them. They may prep some of the presentations, but I cannot believe they prep all of them.
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I think Chloe is great entertainment value when paired with Keeley (Elemis), or the Camouflage sisters (Louise and Corinne). She used to be great with Leighton Denny too.

I think Ali Young and Adele from SBC are a good pairing.

Mission impossible: Kelly Hoppen - doesn't tolerate the men and only a select few female presenters make the grade; Simon Wilson - the two queen bees seem to be the only ones who are able to hold their own (Julia and Debbie).

Vile combination: Jill Franks and that queasy-making Lee from Philosophy.

Pointless combination: Jill Franks and Richard Jackson - neither of them do a thing, and Jill plainly doesn't want to be there.

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