Presenter & Guest Combo


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Lee Jones

Guest Shopper
Does someone who has never met the presenters decide who they will pair up with when it comes to guests?

Earlier today, as lovely as she is, Debbie Shore was presenting an hour of DIY featuring a saw - as if a whole hour foccusing on a saw wasn't bad enough, but would it not have made more sense to have someone who who could relate more to the item hosting it.

Now Howard is presenting a DIY Blockbuster - again as lovely as he is, he doesn't strike me as a DIY'er and presenting alongside a husky builder type guest, well it's just strange.

Thinking about it - Ideal do have a very short list of butch manly presenters :mysmilie_61:
I saw Debbie on C&C this morning and I thought she said that they're short of presenters because of the bad weather and some not being able to make it in and that's why she was on.

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