Prai TSV 26/02/2013


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Hi everyone I'm new to forum but does anyone know the tsv for prai tomorrow night
You can order early using the link in post 1. It appears to have free p&p.

Jude xx
Someone was allowed to leave a review for the neck cream stating it was full of chemicals.
I'm sorry but Cathy doesn't inspire confidence, she's a bit like the 'fairy lady' on Q to me so although I've had a free sample of this range in the past I can't bring myself to put in on my skin.
Imo the Prai Lady is yet another unwatchable guest, she is so full of gobbledygook...LOL
Has anyone tried Prai, what are your thoughts? Thinking of maybe going for this, I didn't buy the Decleor or the last Liz Earle one, so it's between this or the Elemis on Sunday, but I've used Elemis before, not Prai.
I bought the last TSV but have so far only opened the pure Prai and the Micro-something-facial. Seems like all their products have a similar smell, it's not unpleasant, bit like clean washing. Can't really say one way or the other on the range as I've only tried these 2 - the prai extract serumy stuff is ok, it's quite watery in texture, couldn't see myself morphing into Thai royalty in the mirror but it wasn't horrible. The micro-Facial stuff, while admittedly was a faff to get off, it's like tiny little polystyrene beads that stick to everything, was FAB! After (eventually) rinsing it all off, my face definitely felt softer/nicer/different - either that or it did something to my fingers?!! So I'd say go for it, you can always send it back?!
Prai woman herself has a turkey neck which is the very thing she claims we won't have if we use the TSV. Unless of course she's 90 years of age then yes it does work, otherwise what a load of b*llocks.
Always wondered if the "unique", "exclusive" Prai ingredient was a pronunciation piss-take on what everybody else calls it: Plai. It's basically a common extract from the ginger family. Inexpensive stuff and not at all exclusive to this company and the mad Martian woman who flogs it.
Then the active ingredient will be curcumin, although inexpensive but all creams containing it are because of it’s benefits. I think I’ll try to run a slice of fresh ginger on my skin and see how it feels.
I understand the Prai guest has been quite kind to Amica and is quite generous to the models and presenters by giving them free products etc, so I suppose she is a nice person but I get this imagination that if she wore a dark wig and dark clothes, she will make a good witch in a pantomime .....the wagging finger (not in the same way as Debbie) at the monitor and the "now then girls" and the "cackle" she will be just ideal for the part.

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