Poundworld Now Deliver - Check This Out & Save A Fortune on Bid Ripoffs!


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Registered Shopper
Dec 14, 2010
Poundworld now have an online shop called poundshop.com and they charge £3.65 delivery PER ORDER.

You might be interested in some of these haircare products.





But check this out, Bid's Macadamia DOTD last week that in fairness did include a hair mask from the same line would have set you back £17.98 all in or even £19.53 with a phone call.



These cowboys really need to go, they are an utter disgrace :mysmilie_51: Paul Herrington and Peter Sherlock, I appeal to your better side. Please stop being party to ripping off old people who trust you. It's arguable that Sherlock has never had any real credibility but what on earth are you playing at Paul Herrington, do you have no self respect?

You should both be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves.
Coffin, nail, hammer.

Bet they won't be mentioning THAT site in their price comparisons :mysmilie_11:
Thanks for the link, just placed an order :mysmilie_59:
Ill show my other half later as she likes alotta the products but doesn't like ques & our local PS is always qued almost out of the door.
I've just bought some more Argan oil shampoo and conditioner from Home Bargains for 99p each as I love it and the conditioner was the last on the shelf. I actually spent just over £10 on bits and bobs in there and when I got home I realised I'd forgot the mouthwash I went in for :doh:
To put into perspective how gigantic a ripoff has been taking place here Bid, on the back of a full presentation by the lovely, softly spoken Paul Herrington with his 24 years of expertise have been selling 2 each of the Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner, and the Hair Mask and Oil for £27.98 delivered.

Poundshop.com would charge £9.65 delivered. Or of course £6 in store.
To put into perspective how gigantic a ripoff has been taking place here Bid, on the back of a full presentation by the lovely, softly spoken Paul Herrington with his 24 years of expertise have been selling 2 each of the Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner, and the Hair Mask and Oil for £27.98 delivered.

Poundshop.com would charge £9.65 delivered.

What an absolute rip off!!!!!
What an absolute rip off!!!!!

Let's be clear here, nobody begrudges a company making a profit as it's what makes the world go round.

But this is extortionate, there's no other way of describing it. I know it's the management who decide what they sell and for how much but we have a so called expert in Herrington happily dancing to a tune that as a professional he must know is a load of crap, there's mark ups and there's blatant calculated profiteering. And as for that other grinning phoney, he's plain embarrassing.

But perhaps they'll both come a cropper when the house of cards falls down, and it will.
Let's be clear here, nobody begrudges a company making a profit as it's what makes the world go round.

But this is extortionate, there's no other way of describing it. I know it's the management who decide what they sell and for how much but we have a so called expert in Herrington happily dancing to a tune that as a professional he must know is a load of crap, there's mark ups and there's blatant calculated profiteering. And as for that other grinning phoney, he's plain embarrassing.

But perhaps they'll both come a cropper when the house of cards falls down, and it will.

It's almost three times as much! It's scandalous!

I noticed in Home Bargains there's various wrinkle fillers and snake serums etc for £1.99 too
It's appalling! They must be laughing up their cuff at the people who buy into this nonsense! They are completely shameless. To sit there and be open mouthed at the fantastic prices they are offering us is actually quite a nasty way to treat people. Everyone talks about Debbie Greenwood being too good for them, frankly 'oh! gosh' Greenwood is as complicit as the rest in this. To a man, none of them have any integrity!
Wow. I'm off to the Poundland website to buy those Macadamia products! Bid prices looks totally extortionate compared to Poundland!
It's almost three times as much! It's scandalous!

I noticed in Home Bargains there's various wrinkle fillers and snake serums etc for £1.99 too

And poundshop.com seem to deliver in 2-3 working days not 5-10 working days or sometimes 14 working days.

If just one person reads this thread and then has second thoughts about buying these ripoffs from them it will be worth it.
And poundshop.com seem to deliver in 2-3 working days not 5-10 working days or sometimes 14 working days.

If just one person reads this thread and then has second thoughts about buying these ripoffs from them it will be worth it.

good spot Mr. Wirral. It wouldn't surprise me if Sit-up make in excess of 100%++++ mark up on everything they sell. Nothing is a loss leader for them! (says Peter Simon)... :mysmilie_47:
It's disgraceful! I know we laugh at it and the presenters outrageous spiels, but, unfortunately, lots of people get sucked in. As has been said 100 times, it would appear to be quite a percentage of elderly people judging by the names you see scrolling along the screen, people who are perhaps not able to go out to shop around or are internet savvy and these are the people you have to feel sorry for. Take, for example, this solar light they are offering. People might think they need 2-3, because they are being told it's ideal for front door/shed/back door etc and it's easy to install, no wiring so no mess/upheaval etc but that's £24 just for delivery before you've even paid for the light! They're preying on these people! Shameful!
This is a total disgrace. I can't believe that one company would attempt to sell a product for more than another! To blatantly attempt to Make more money! It's an outrage. All companies should sell products for exactly the same price or face the consequences!! Needless to say I will be Informing our glorious leader Raul Castro of this immediately !!

Oh ... Hang on.. Sorry .. I thought this was 'Cuban shopping telly'
Guess who said this about the Poundworld products (two of which costs £2 and I fancy the third would also cost £1) that eventually sold all in for £22.98

"I also love the packaging, not that the packaging matters but I think when you have packaging that looks so grand and it looks really expensive dosen't it and it's wonderful you know so £19.99 (looks approvingly) I just think people will pay money because of the upkeep between salon visits"

I doubt it's rocket science to work out who says such ********. Sherlock, you're embarrassing.

What a phoney.
Guess who said this about the Poundworld products that eventually sold all in for £22.98

"I also love the packaging, not that the packaging matters but I think when you have packaging that looks so grand and it looks really expensive dosen't it and it's wonderful you know so £19.99 (looks approvingly) I just think people will pay money because of the upkeep between salon visits"

Sherlock, you're plain embarrassing.

firstly - they are NOT poundland products. but rather products that poundland sell and you have no idea if they are selling them as a loss leader.

secondly its peters job to talk favourably about products. i know you would like him to say "hey they sell these in poundland" but those of us who reside in the real world appreciate thats just not going to happen.

thirdly. i think its a well done to poundland for selling a product for a quid that people are prepared to pay over £20 for.
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Fill your boots, delicious :mysmilie_8:

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