Postage double take


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Bea Frugal

Registered Shopper
Feb 1, 2010
We’ve come to expect random and erratic p&p from dear qvc but I just had to get up close to the tv to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. £6.95 for a Marla ‘topper’. Really??? Where did they pluck that beauty from? At the same time £4.95 will get you a le creuset cast iron pot that would put you in hospital if you happened to drop it on your foot. This is plain crazy. There needs to be clarity in the terms and conditions about how they calculate postage because it’s a complete shambles. I’d say it’s a joke except that it’s not funny.
We’ve come to expect random and erratic p&p from dear qvc but I just had to get up close to the tv to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. £6.95 for a Marla ‘topper’. Really??? Where did they pluck that beauty from? At the same time £4.95 will get you a le creuset cast iron pot that would put you in hospital if you happened to drop it on your foot. This is plain crazy. There needs to be clarity in the terms and conditions about how they calculate postage because it’s a complete shambles. I’d say it’s a joke except that it’s not funny.
I bet it comes screwed up in a plastic bag as well. I want it neatly wrapped in tissue paper, in a box, complete with hanger, dust over for this price.
I looked at the reviews for this item to see if any mentioned packaging.
The below is part of a review left by someone. I’ve no idea how much they paid for the two toppers but review is from November 2021.
So, aside from the fact that she could have got her outward postage returned and “only” been out of pocket for the return postage…she’s kept two items that she’s a bit “meh” about which must have knocked her back at least £150; and I’m being generous and assuming they were OTO’s because I can’t believe you’d buy 2 at full price which is currently £125. Madness.

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