Possible Christmas Gift Recipients


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I have now madde my list and I think its complete:
The bin man, meter reader (gas and electricity), the window cleaner and the bin clearner. My next door neighbour who gets parcels in for me sometimes, the Hermes delivery guy, the postman and the parcel force man, the TNT and I think there are 3 other different delivery organisations who sometimes take over, my kids teachers and daughters university lecturers ( I think thats 24 people), the lady at the post office depot if I have to collect a parcel myself as I was out, the people at the checkout in Texo, Sainsburys, Asda and Lidle (sometimes Aldi, depending which one is closer and where I am)......... and the guy or lady at the bankrupcy centre....
Oh, we must not forget ourselves......buy one as a gift and two as Xmas pressies for ourselves....of everything!!!!!!:giggle:
Scarecrow in cabbage patch field. He's there, day in, day out, rain or shine.

I am sure his day could do with juussing up (one of QVCs latest phrases) and I have bought him a complete Elemis gift set for men...
Scarecrow in cabbage patch field. He's there, day in, day out, rain or shine.

I am sure his day could do with juussing up (one of QVCs latest phrases) and I have bought him a complete Elemis gift set for men...

this is when i miss the thanks button. That's brilliant:grin::grin::grin:
Thanks for the laughs in this thread. I would love to see what the QVC presenters give the teachers etc in reality at christmas. I think signed photos of themselves might be graciously given away but how much of any real worth?
I personally feel that I should be buying gifts for my bank manager and the CEO of my energy provider, they really do not get enough bonus' around Christmas time.

I think I'll add my MP onto the list too.
My lovely boss who has made each working day a living hell
My colleagues who I have worked with for 7 years who can barely be bothered to speak to me
My neighbours who have woken me up in the wee small hours with their parties and arguements
Exmoor food parcels for Goldman Sachs senior management who have been "doing God's work".
I was thinking about getting a gift for the lady who lets her dog carp outside my gate every morning and then doesn't clean it up. She really deserves one;)

Or we could do what AY suggested when Molton Brown were on, she suggested buying MB handwash as it would be per:grin::grin:fect as a gift for someone 'you don't know'. How about that? Spending umpteen squidoodles on some posh soap, and then just wazzing it at some random stranger in the street whilst shouting 'ho ho ho, merry christmas...':D[/Q

That was so funny
Missing the thanks button for this very funny thread. My list in real life is very short and as small as my bank balance. I do not know what sort of world the presenters think most people inhabit, plus there's a recession on, not that they seem to have noticed apart from mentioning blommin "considered purchases" quite a lot. I caught a bit of a jewellery programme the other day and one of them was harping on about a ring costing nearly £300 as a gift to fit someone's budget for one item, suggesting that this might be the sort of spend one would have for one's nearest and dearest. Now I know that some people are able to spend this amount on one gift but I've never met them. I wonder what QVC presenters think is a realistic budget for a typical family christmas? About £5k when we've "gifted" everyone we've ever met, bought a ton of Exmoor meat, a mountain of chocolate, redecorated and refurbished the guest room, and also made sure that that all rooms are ablaze with lights and candles.
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Is that cute cat yoursrcat Star234!? which has suddenly made me think that they have yet to have a "Presents for Pets" show, trouble is I would watch and ooh and ahh over the animals
Oh I forgot.. what about ALL the secret santa gifts.. that seems to be a fave of the presenters.. anything from £10 onwards... I don't know about anyone else but I've never heard of it 'till QVC ... and of course there has to be a cupboard full of gifts just incase.. lol, incase of what, well you never know when that old lost thrice removed neighbour turns up over the holidays, or what about an old childhood school friend, when you were about 4... yep it's always best to be prepared :tongue2:
Caused the forum to crash and had to be removed.

Is that why I couldn't get the site up towards the end of last week? I wondered what had happened. Seems a bit weird that something as simple as the thanks button (which has been working well for ages) could cause a crash.
I was thinking about getting a gift for the lady who lets her dog carp outside my gate every morning and then doesn't clean it up. She really deserves one;)
Or we could do what AY suggested when Molton Brown were on, she suggested buying MB handwash as it would be perfect as a gift for someone 'you don't know'. How about that? Spending umpteen squidoodles on some posh soap, and then just wazzing it at some random stranger in the street whilst shouting 'ho ho ho, merry christmas...':D

:D She deserves something - that's for sure! My dad's at the grumpy old man stage and he has recently taken to immediately flying out of the front door, shovelling it up with his big ole garden spade and following the offender home bearing the shovel before him and offloading it on their path.

One lady thought she had escaped because she'd driven there to walk her dog so he dumped it (pun intended!) on her bonnet. (sadly the one belonging to her car and not one she was wearing!)

He's going to get arrested isn't he? :eek: :D

PS LOl at AY. I think it's her looniness I like the most! :grin:
:D She deserves something - that's for sure! My dad's at the grumpy old man stage and he has recently taken to immediately flying out of the front door, shovelling it up with his big ole garden spade and following the offender home bearing the shovel before him and offloading it on their path.

One lady thought she had escaped because she'd driven there to walk her dog so he dumped it (pun intended!) on her bonnet. (sadly the one belonging to her car and not one she was wearing!)

He's going to get arrested isn't he? :eek: :D

PS LOl at AY. I think it's her looniness I like the most! :grin:

It sounds like the kind of thing that Victor Meldrew would do A'kin, lol.. But your Dad is probably so fed up with these dog owners, well, hes doing something that a lot of people would like to do :sun:
I would have loved to have seen that woman's face when your Dad put the dog's doings on her car bonnet! :cheeky:
Your Dad is a star :star:
ps. Thanks for your post x
It sounds like the kind of thing that Victor Meldrew would do A'kin, lol.. But your Dad is probably so fed up with these dog owners, well, hes doing something that a lot of people would like to do :sun:
I would have loved to have seen that woman's face when your Dad put the dog's doings on her car bonnet! :cheeky:
Your Dad is a star :star:
ps. Thanks for your post x

Me too chick! :D

My Mum's just finished having chemo and he's worried about the germs and her immune system - I think that's what tipping him over the edge.

My son offered to set up a webcam and a website at the end of their path - and I think dad's considering it! :D :eek:

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