Poor JF


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She sounds a bit like that l'Occitane woman - Alexis Murdoch, with her thoapth. She seems to have a touch of OCD in that she is forever lathering her hands in a mixing bowl, her million bracelets chinking and clacking against the glass.
It its true (brace), and not professing to know of such things, but why would she be wearing a brace at her age ?.... isn't 50 a bit late to start straightening teeth!

Actress Sharon Maughan had braces because of teeth movement, not to straighten them, in later life.
She sure was Julius.

My mother used to think that woman was the height of sophistication because she wore a gold coffee bean round her neck. My mother saved up hundreds of gold blend labels to get a free gold coffee bean pendant. It was the only item of her jewellery I kept when she passed away. I've still got it now. In solid 9ct gold it must be worth a fair bit now, but to me it's priceless because of the memories.
Aw that's lovely Julius.

In a similar vein, my Mum used to wear a little crystal and gold teapot charm on a chain because she loved her cuppa ! and so true that no amount of money, whether a couple of quid or couple of thousand, is worth parting with the memories these little trinkets hold.
The pendant must be a lovely memento of your Mum, Julius. I do remember those ads well - as you say, they were thought of as so trendy and sophisticated "back in the day" (was it the '80's or even earlier, I can't remember for certain?). My sister-in-law loved the ads too - and she still wears her gold coffee bean pendant nearly every day, I dread to think what she'd do if she lost it! I wonder if any of today's ads will have that impact some 30-odd years later?

My mother used to think that woman was the height of sophistication because she wore a gold coffee bean round her neck. My mother saved up hundreds of gold blend labels to get a free gold coffee bean pendant. It was the only item of her jewellery I kept when she passed away. I've still got it now. In solid 9ct gold it must be worth a fair bit now, but to me it's priceless because of the memories.
Must admit I feel for her - I only had work done on a tooth last week, nothing as invasive as having braces fitted, but needed 2 injections and found that for a few hours I was dribbling a bit because I was numb on one side of my face, so I am sympathetic to her on this one.

Oh dear she's developed a lisp poor thing
Mum loved him in Shoestring, he reminds me of Hughie Green.

Oh No! you have put me off! I hated HG but I like Trevor Eve - he is one of those lucky people who looks even better the older he gets - think it is because he didnt put on a lot of weight and still has hair!!

I like him in Waking the Dead
Having worn a brace in my 20s for orthodontic reasons (not cosmetic) I take my ****** hat off to anyone who has to, or decides to, go through it. You know that old nugget ... it hurt so much it made my eyes water? Well I can honestly say having my brace adjusted really did make my eyes water. It was unbelievably painful. But of course, mine wasn't for minor cosmetic reasons. I had a tooth moved from one side of my mouth to t'other, turned 180 degrees and then shoved into place. Amazing that it could even be done.

So if Jill does indeed have a brace, she has my sympathy. But if she's talking funny (I haven't seen her) it might be a retainer or a removable brace. In my case the fixed one didn't affect my speech but the retainer you wear at the end of the treatment most certainly did.
I had a brace from probably 12 to 15 because I looked like bugs bunny. The really painful but was the final metal fixed brace that was regularly tightened. Had 2 teeth out then 2 teeth moved over and then the 2 front teeth pushed back into space created by the moved teeth.
My front teeth still have indentations that I suppose are from the fixed metal brace. It all worked and my teeth look normal. I think the NHS must have paid for it.
I used to have to wear a removable brace due to some oddly placed teeth, but it hurt like heck and affected my speech, so I always took it out the moment no-one was looking and hardly wore it in the end. I'd pop it in just to see my orthodontist and he'd always tell me how well it was working. If only he knew! Fortunately for me, my teeth managed to sort themselves out on their own with little intervention. Is this something of a cosmetic trend then as I notice others, like Andrea Maclean, having it done.

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