pompos molton brown staff reveals all....


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I remember when MB first came to Debenhams Belfast, I was excited. Had to travel to Frasers in Glasgow to see a real counter in those days. Anyway it was at QVC and a sa told me Jill Goldsmith was coming over to Belfast to do the staff training.

Now rumour has it that MB are a nightmare to work for. I know they did seem to have a different face everytime you wandered into Debenhams or a store over here. Talking to friends who work for other companies always told me MB were tough and no mercy if you didn't perform to standard.

Felinewoman, Forestside all I see is this unfortunate goldfish in a bowl on the counter. Its a Black Moor and I used think, how many of those poor things have they gone through? I refused to think it was the same goldfish still surviving week after week. The staff when I went in for a nose swear it was the same goldfish, but I doubt it.
Good riddance if you ask me.. A case of a brand getting far too big for their boots!
Let MB keep their exclusivity - but as others have said, their shops always seem empty, hardly a good sign..
I used to buy their Christmas tsv's too, but I don't miss them.. Moved onto L'Occitane & far prefer their ranges over MB..
I suppose if MB can afford to snub a large proportion of their past customers (qvc ones), then good luck to them.. But it makes me laugh that they think they're such a prestigious brand - sorry, but they're not! Now, Louis Vuitton on the other hand, is! :thinking:
from my own personal point of view,I used to buy the MB TSV's for my MIL - it made a good present.however,since they've gone I've not gone into john lewis for example to continue buying for my MIL - and as far as i'm aware,nor as she - so IMHO,it was a stupid decision to leave QVC - because they were getting money from customers like me,who were happy to buy because the product and price was at QVC - and a customer,they wouldn't ordinarily have had (if that makes sense!) and how many other people were buying,but haven't bought since??

I never tried any of their stuff - didn't really do it for me - but am happy to admit,its an area on QVC that dosen't do it for me generally! however by the time they were leaving - they were bringing bits and bobs of make up - so i would've bought in the end!
I think MB need to get over themselves! At the end of the day it's feckin soap and shower gel, it's perfectly nice but I certainly wouldn't pay full price for it! I only ever went for the TSV's, took a few bits for me and gave the rest as presents. It made a very nice presents but shockingly (NOT!) I've manged to find perfectly good alternatives since they stopped selling on QVC.

And like everyone else has said, I never see a sinner in their shops so where are all these presteeeeeeeeeeeeeeegious customers they're aiming at??!


My husband used to love their shampoo and I would get it for his birthday and Christmas etc. It used to smell of melon. He absolutely loved it. Now they have changed the formula. What a shame. There is not another shampoo like it.

Personally, I prefer L'Occitane - the almond shower oil is magnificent. I never really rated MB. I always thought it was too expensive.
Stuff MB, get Bayliss and Harding from your local factory shop for £2 for 500ml. The one I have smells *exactly* like MB's ABC, no parabens and it's nice to use.

In her defence, we met the MB rep Jill at the Beauty Bash and she was really nice. She was quite shocked about the decision MB had made with QVC and considered it a mistake. She was knowledgeable about lots of brands, and talking with her really was an eye opener, especially with regards to the buying-up practices of the likes of Estee Lauder. That was the first time we realised just how many brands they owned. She never actually worked directly for MB, she was freelance but she was dumped along with QVC. Not that it'll bother her much, I'm sure :) My big shock was hearing that Liz Earle has sold out. Money talks and bullsh*t walks, as they say and I guess everyone has their price, however much they spout about their company heritage. Things have already started to change and I can't help but feel it'll just keep on going downhill from here. For example, the Cleanse and Polish is not of the same quality it used to be. It's thin and needs 2 or 3 times as much as it used to.

Perhaps I'm wrong but regarding to Gill Goldsmith I could have sworn AY always introduced her as working for MB in a staff training position.

Surely that is rubbish about leaving QVC as didn't they go to Ideal World for a bit?

Anyway I used to buy the MB TSVs in the hayday of QVC but the gels are very expensive. I do have 2 in my cupboard still, I got them when they had those £10 off vouchers in the magazine last year, mind you I still felt a bit ripped off paying £6 for a MB gel lol.
ooooops my mistake then, I am sure I read that they went to one of the other shopping channels, not for long mind.
I used to buy MB at Xmas only the TSVs were amazing, but other than that I never bothered. My boyfriend loves their Black Pepper showergel and I still love that but tbh, full price I can't justify the expense any longer. As has been said - it really is only soap, it's packed full of SLS. I have yet to see another member if the public in an MB shop when I've been in and the sales assistants have always been beyond snooty. The straw that broke the camel's for me was constant website ordering problems with them, 3 or 4 times I'd tried to place orders and they'd either failed or the site just stopped working! All the money they must make, but they couldn't get their page working proper. Terrible I tell thee!
Cavegirl----have you tried the MB outlet in the Lowry Outlet @ Salford Quays?

I always have a look around but have never bought from there!
what annoyed me most was his insistance that rich folks in dubai will buy molton brown and not just the soap but the other tat.
like it did not matter that it was not selling well in britain as this market was not worthy of this brand even though it was a real british brand.

his arrogance was annoyance in disguise i suspect that he was seriously prepped about qvc and molton brown watch this space methinks that the molton brown brand wont be able to stand its exclusivity any longer:doh:
we sell to countries like dubai who will pay for our luxury brand we are so sure of our exclusivity that we dont even supply british airways.:tongue::tongue::tongue: QUOTE]

Well as for not supplying British Airways anymore.... my husband always travels B.A. on business trips (when they are not striking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), and always gives me the amenity kits he gets in First Class or Business Class. Use to be Molton Brown, but now I'm happy to say it's Elemis !!!! Much better kit (even has PCMC in it!). I'm glad MB think they are too good for BA.
I think their brand is very schizophrenic - they have throws and leather bags at hundreds of pounds, some of the most expensive candles I've ever seen, and yet most of the beauty products are in really cheap and nasty looking plastic bottles.

I know they underwent a 'repackaging' exercise a year or so back - I'm guessing they were trying to create a sort of 'retro' or 'hippy chic' feel with all that brown and orange, but it just doesn't work for me. And the names of the products are ridiculous - it's all style over substance to justify the insane prices.

I love the 'Wonderlips' balm but that's the only product I still buy from them. And I used to buy loads.
Cavegirl----have you tried the MB outlet in the Lowry Outlet @ Salford Quays?

I always have a look around but have never bought from there!

i go in occasionally but its no great shakes. the products are seconds or end of line from what i cant tell, ie slightly off in their colour or defective in some other way. they also bundle lots of things up into those plastic drawstring bags and try to flog them off.

i remember about 5 years ago going in and asking if they had any vitamin ABC shower gel.
the assistant said "no but we have the handwash and its exactly the same product in a different bottle"

thats when my love affair with MB ended.
Cavegirl----have you tried the MB outlet in the Lowry Outlet @ Salford Quays?

I always have a look around but have never bought from there!

I've not been to that one yet - I've intended to for some time, but just not got round to it. My folks have been in though, and said it was ok, but they didn't buy anything! :happy:

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