Please stop Alison.....


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Apr 27, 2009
going on about your age, which you do on nearly every one of your shows ! You're not THAT old, but you do bang on about "being old enough to be my daughter", and "oh I remember those days back in the 70's - yes I'm really that old".

Yes, you are an elegant lady with a figure to die for which looks good even in the rubbish Q fashion, but when there is a good proportion of the audience who were teenagers in the 60's then you are actually a baby in terms of remembering 'stuff' on the tele or fashionwise. So give it a rest, please.
Yes I agree, it is tiresome. I take it you're talking about Ali K not Young!

I have an older friend who does this a lot - "Who's that old woman staring back at me in the mirror?" and I really don't know what to respond.

I can only presume Alison must be feeling that she's looking older and isn't happy about it, so it's on her mind and she's almost apologising for it.
There are probably 2 reasons why she is doing this. She is not happy that she is getting older and she is hoping people will comment on how youthful she looks. I am sorry she feels this way. There are quite a few presenters heading that way. Instagrams full of photoshopped images of themselves and then vlogs showing someone quite different.
There are many other lines of work where employees don't have the opportunity to verbalise to a hopefully sympathetic audience. Age should have no bearing on how well anyone does their job but they probably feel the pressure more than most because they're on display, and in the limelight, as they chose. Put up and shut up is the order of the day.
There are many other lines of work where employees don't have the opportunity to verbalise to a hopefully sympathetic audience. Age should have no bearing on how well anyone does their job but they probably feel the pressure more than most because they're on display, and in the limelight, as they chose. Put up and shut up is the order of the day.
Some of these presenters are going to be really hard work in the next decade of their lives unless they accept that their dancing days or whatever are over and accept that we all get older and that’s alright.
she's married to a younger man thats what it is...she looks thinner in real life sometimes a bit of weight can actually take years off you but it depends on where it all goes
Yes I agree, it is tiresome. I take it you're talking about Ali K not Young!

I have an older friend who does this a lot - "Who's that old woman staring back at me in the mirror?" and I really don't know what to respond.

I can only presume Alison must be feeling that she's looking older and isn't happy about it, so it's on her mind and she's almost apologising for it.
I have the same mirror as your friend! lol
Julia often makes references to her age as well. 🙄 Maybe they do it so that they’re told “you don’t look it.” My partner is also a lot younger than I am, but i don’t harp on about my age. It’s just a number and having a larger number than someone else is better than the alternative.
going on about your age, which you do on nearly every one of your shows ! You're not THAT old, but you do bang on about "being old enough to be my daughter", and "oh I remember those days back in the 70's - yes I'm really that old".

Yes, you are an elegant lady with a figure to die for which looks good even in the rubbish Q fashion, but when there is a good proportion of the audience who were teenagers in the 60's then you are actually a baby in terms of remembering 'stuff' on the tele or fashionwise. So give it a rest, please.
Hear hear Brissles, I also think she does this for people to say “no you can’t be that old you look so young” I am totally serious about this.

I look at some of them, then myself I was 72 on Sunday, and partly genes, and partly my taking care of my skin since I was 14, I can tell you that in my 50s upwards, I do not look my age skin wise. People who don’t know me that well, therefore don’t know my age, have said( and it tickles me) that they hope when they reach their 50s they look so good 🤣🤣🤣I’ll be honest I just smile!

so QVC presenters who think they are young looking, presumably because of all the freebies they get for skin and body, take note. Some of us now over 70 can out do you. Stop bragging on about life in your 70s.
You must be my twin ! Oh no ! Blowing my own trumpet now - my sis-in-law at the weekend says I could be taken for much younger as I don't have a wrinkled skin, so yeah l've been particular about exfoliating for years before using a good moisturiser (marine cream), as I think if you don't then its like putting an evening dress on without showering. I gave up the fags over 30 years ago, I barely drink, and I've never had kids to give me sleepless nights or the worry.

Equally lots of ladies go into 'granny' mode once they hit the 60's or 70's, and there is nothing more ageing than wearing shapeless prints and sporting a short and greying haircut because its easy.
I'm really not bothered about trying to look younger than my years. I've been fortunate having inherited hair from my mother who didn't seriously start going grey until she was over 60, wrinklewise i've not faired to badly either though the bottom half of my face looks a lot slacker that in did, so a little bit jowly methinks when I pull the skin up tight it's a massive improvement but I wouldn't dream of spending money to go under the knife - It is what it is. I like to dress fairly fashionably, but not in a mutton dressed up as lamb look, definitely not ready for the twinset and pearls or shapeless polyester patterened monstrosities. So yes Alison K...It doesn't matter, if you want to try and look younger that's up to you, but nobody cares, sorry! One of my besties is very much into the AK style of looks...she bleaches her hair to within an inch of its life and I don't think she can actually remember what colour is naturally, she has a perma tan, false nails, spends a fortune on skincare and cosmetics and has had a boob job...I couldn't be doing with the tyranny!
I'm 61+1, I'm not wasting a birthday in this grim year, & I absolutely detest being in this decade. I've always lived for the day & have a horror of all things connected to ageing, from how people look through to age-related illnesses. I also can't stand the "When I was young I worked 25 hours a day & had to pay for the privilege of having a job" attitude & the way older people make a groan/sigh sound when they sit down. Everything is better when we're younger, unfortunately most people are so busy in their 20s, 30s & 40s they don't have time to appreciate the time they're in & old age is far away in the hazy distance.
I don't know how other 70 + year olds feel, but age never bothered me, inasmuch as I didn't have a breakdown when I reached a birthday with a nought on the end, BUT BUT BUT I felt so different at being 70; yes I know many dont reach that age, and am grateful for small mercies, but being 70 pulled me up short, as the past 10 years from 60 flew by in a second, and two years have already gone, so its 8 left to 80 - if I get there; but its the 'mortality thing' that hits me. Just knowing that the number of years left are finite, despite being relatively mobile, and am totally independent, its thought provoking. And if I hear another person say "age is just a number" ........................ on occasions it ****** well isn't, its a sign that we don't live forever, and time to start clearing the drawers out !!
It really doesn't matter one jot when push comes to shove what you look like, nor should anyone feel obliged to apologise for their looks. It's what inside that counts - really, that is all - the person you are and how you make others feel. Being obsessed with appearance isn't healthy. Nor is judging people on their appearance - but it happens. Knickers to it.
What was the old (daft) saying for women getting to a certain age...:’face or figure’. Interestingly there was never an equivalent saying for men getting to a certain age, or at least none I recall.

Face or figure......mmm Hobson’s choice....

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