Please listen Gemporia !


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Steve hasn't appeared or updated on better practices (i e ditching unending jade), aside from his one appearance to announce shorter refund times.
Fact that nothing else has improved, that the 3 amigos still dominate most shows with their boring waffling, keeping the worse female presenters (especially shoutty and shreiking Jess and Hattie) and worse of all the ridiculous prices for jade, silver and plated items, probably means Steve is behind current practices and has his approval.
In spite of putting his money into Gems, Steve doesn't seem to be changing things for the better. In fact he seems to be part of the problem. Someone previously said they thought Steve stepped back into managing Gems very reluctantly, his current behaviour or lack of it, proves it??
I think Gemporia have definitely seen this thread....and ignored !
In my few quick flicks through the channels and on the website, today there have been lectures from Dave & Jake, jadeite, Midas, hand wash & candles..... quality viewing !
I don't think anything has changed either. I know Steve did say he was heading off to India. However, before he headed off he should have made sure some things changed. The constant monologues by, in my opinion, boring males, and the never ending jade shows are still carrying on. The droning on and on before items appear, hysterical female staff with high pitched screechy voices that should never be near a microphone. Over dramatics in selling items, etc. Gems got rid of the staff they should have kept.

I prefer just a jewellery channel, but I appreciate that Gems needed to diversify to survive. But goodness me, some of the tat they sell is just far too much.

I had high hopes when Steve returned, but so far, those high hopes are being dashed against a rocky crag.
They aren't going to change and there must be people who are still buying. Steve has made a good living out of all this. When one company goes under he just starts another. It is very easy to get addicted to buying more and more stuff which is fine if you can keep it under some sort of control. I do have some pretty things I bought from them in the past. But I wouldn't bother now because if I want a nice piece of jewellery there is far more to be found by individual artisans on social media with longer guarantees and better value for money. I think Instagram has killed off a lot of their trade. In the long distant past Gems did a beautiful looking range of Italian (or Italian style) gold circle chains - can't remember the name. In retrospect it was incredibly good value. I couldn't justify Ā£49 for a bracelet at the time though. That is the trouble with this sort of shopping, while some of it is great a lot of it ends up falling apart outside the guarantee period so in the end it all evens out. Better to buy something beautiful that lasts - and it's not a choice between shopping telly or Boodles or Tiffanys either.
Absolutely right. I have just invested in a hand made gold ring crafted in this country by a talented artisan, I know who made it and its real value, and supported a talented creative woman in the UK rather than paying the salary of Troth, Thompson and the rest of this outfit who don't care whether I buy or not.
I think we really should just call it "Jadeporia" and have done with it. Lots of people have messaged them and said "too much jade". Ellis herself even commented that people who think there is too much jade should remember "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all". So there have obviously been messages and, as Ellis's comment proves, they are willfully ignoring customer opinion - which is exactly why they are in the poo in the first place. But, hey, you can't cure stupidity.
I think we really should just call it "Jadeporia" and have done with it. Lots of people have messaged them and said "too much jade". Ellis herself even commented that people who think there is too much jade should remember "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all". So there have obviously been messages and, as Ellis's comment proves, they are willfully ignoring customer opinion - which is exactly why they are in the poo in the first place. But, hey, you can't cure stupidity.
I think that they're stuck in a corner, with currently nowhere to move. Apart from the neverending jade, the small numbers of jewellery in the vault they've started rushing to sell and the Cavill range, the only other stuff they've shown recently is heavily reduced tat. I was very surprised to see a silent auction of frankly horrible looking "lifestyle" home decor stuff at midnight last night.

Steve's input of cash won't have made much of a difference yet, until any new stock bought with it arrives. So they're apparently stuck for now with wall-to-wall jade. And selling off anything else in the vaults or warehouse.

Ellis has a bit of a cheek telling viewers critiquing the channel to shut up. We have as much of a right to an opinion as the Gemporia luvvies do. So much for her being an experienced industry professional.
Too right! Gems is in the poo because they are ignoring the very customers who helped build and strengthened the business in the past. Gems not only ignores customer opinions but employs questionable practices i.e. selling substandard gemstones (fissure filled and heated, low grade stones) as premium quality stones, substandard gold weight in their jewellery, blocking accounts of customers who criticize them, and until recently, taking 30 days to refund people, even covertly stealing from customers.
In my case I was not refunded a ring because returns team claimed it was not in my returns parcel (seems I had neglected to put it in box and probably still have it!!!) Then they sell the same ring a few weeks later. (Have date, time and price of this.) I challenged them but they denied with a load of made-up claptrap. Still pushing Gems for refund, going to Trading Standards and RM.
Gems have evolved from a fun, spontaneous, affordable, customer focused business into a nasty, arrogant, overpriced, greedy corporate entity in the poo and on the edge of going under.
Lennyboy's Mum
I think that they're stuck in a corner, with currently nowhere to move. Apart from the neverending jade, the small numbers of jewellery in the vault they've started rushing to sell and the Cavill range, the only other stuff they've shown recently is heavily reduced tat. I was very surprised to see a silent auction of frankly horrible looking "lifestyle" home decor stuff at midnight last night.

Steve's input of cash won't have made much of a difference yet, until any new stock bought with it arrives. So they're apparently stuck for now with wall-to-wall jade. And selling off anything else in the vaults or warehouse.

Ellis has a bit of a cheek telling viewers critiquing the channel to shut up. We have as much of a right to an opinion as the Gemporia luvvies do. So much for her being an experienced industry professional.
Was the rabbit head on the show?
I think that they're stuck in a corner, with currently nowhere to move. Apart from the neverending jade, the small numbers of jewellery in the vault they've started rushing to sell and the Cavill range, the only other stuff they've shown recently is heavily reduced tat. I was very surprised to see a silent auction of frankly horrible looking "lifestyle" home decor stuff at midnight last night.

Steve's input of cash won't have made much of a difference yet, until any new stock bought with it arrives. So they're apparently stuck for now with wall-to-wall jade. And selling off anything else in the vaults or warehouse.

Ellis has a bit of a cheek telling viewers critiquing the channel to shut up. We have as much of a right to an opinion as the Gemporia luvvies do. So much for her being an experienced industry professional.
Remember this is the one and only Ellis talking!!!
Remember this is the one and only Ellis talking!!!
The Beanie Babies queen, you mean? I wish she'd stop breaking into song all the time.

Though Jade Troth wasn't letting her get much of a word in edgeways in this morning's show. Pity he's so blooming boring though.

And I am not a fan of his latest habit of saying "For sure" whenever a "Yes" will do. Like Ellis' "singing" and screeches to "Christiano", it really puts my back up.
Her and Angeline both!!
Angeline smiles only with her mouth. Her eyes still glare.

Like the buyers, she talks down to viewers IMO. And I am not a fan of her barking at us to buy multiples.

I don't know if I would call any of the remaining presenters "sincere". My guess is that those who stayed are the ones who get the most sales, and are prepared to ramp it up now the crap has hit the fan.

You just have to see their reaction to the Bennetts' return. Before, they were behaving like everything in the garden was rosy. And Gemporia garden equipment and tatty home decor were beyond fabulous. And anyone lamenting the lack of affordable, decent jewellery shows were borderline evil.

Now it's "Hurrah! More jewellery wheels! Oh, how we've missed those!" So no, Gemporia is a sincerity-free zone
Lindsey Carr's currently calling diffused sapphires "legacy stones". The fact that they're set into Midas silver, and are selling for Ā£49.99 should tell you all you need to know about that.

God help anyone who decides to recut these "legacy stones" for new jewellery.

What were we saying about changes to Gemporia? And sincere presenters? Lindsey's not mentioned the sapphires being diffused at all
Lindsey Carr's currently calling diffused sapphires "legacy stones". The fact that they're set into Midas silver, and are selling for Ā£49.99 should tell you all you need to know about that.

God help anyone who decides to recut these "legacy stones" for new jewellery.

What were we saying about changes to Gemporia? And sincere presenters? Lindsey's not mentioned the sapphires being diffused at all
The constant reference to 'legacy' and 'heirloom' for low priced items with treatments is my main issue with Gemporia, even MD Jake does it.When I started watching the channel I would have had little idea about the range of criteria that determines the price of a gemstone, so overselling the perceived value takes advantage of new customers in particular which is not ethical and surely misleading. I can't understand how Gemporia gets away with these tactics.

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