Pippa's student card


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Bens mum you didnt mention the beneits system I know that but you did say there was something wrong with the system in your opinion and I think that this phrase is what people have latched onto. I was only replying to other posts not just yours.

Burly bear I have to disagree tax avoidence is as bad as benefit cheating. If someone manipulates the tax system, claiming for things that are not for buisness use etc. to pay less then they legally should that is no different to someone manipulating the benefits system to gain more than they are legally eintitled too. Both are as bad as each other, both are dishonest. The problem is that the honest people are the ones who get penalised for the ones who think its OK to fiddle the system be it tax or benefit. We all end up paying more to make the shortfall up for the ones who seem to think they dont have to live by the same rules as the rest of us.

As for Pippas student card I did say that if she has paid for it then she is eintitled to use it

Whilst I agree with your general point Delh, for the sake of this argument it's important to know the difference between evasion and avoidance as Burlz has pointed out. Your example is evasion (illegal) and NOT avoidance (legal). Evasion is not paying tax that is due by deliberately fiddling your Accounts, or simply not paying at all. Avoidance is paying as little as possible by any means available through existing tax laws or loopholes (morally questionable in some instances and most certainly unfair, but entirely legal). It's the tax laws that need sorting rather more than the individuals that take advantage of them. I hope I haven't patronised. xxxxxxxxx
the country is run on the p.a.y.e's who get thier tax deducted at source. they are normally the poorer people and pay proprtionally more in tax than all the big businesss out there.

scandalous imo!
Anyway back to the point of Ms Gordon (or whatever name she goes under these days) and her use of a student discount card. I suspect she only applied for this card simply because she likes to be labelled a STUDENT.....which is usually associated with YOUTH. :devil:
:happy:You can be pedantic as you like burly I don't mind:happy:
I don't really care wether legally it's avoidance or evasion they are both as bad as each other as far as I am concerned as someone who pays through the PAYE system and pays a he'll of a lot

Pippa is welcome to her discount card whether she got it to make her feel young or not good luck to her we all like to think we have got a bargain and I am sure she is no different. Personally there is no why I would go back to uni and all that entails just to get 10% off in new look:blush: mind you I suspect my daughter would make use of the Top Shop discount!
Ooooh, I do like a good educational debate; especially a heated one!

If Pip(p)a Vanderberg-Gordon is entitled to a student discount card because a) she's paid for it and b) is a student, then WHERE is the problem? It's like complaining that people who meet the criteria for Nectar points get discounts at Sainsbury's.

I just wish the poor love would sort her name out: pick one and stick to it! For someone who wants to make her living in the public eye, it's self-defeating if no-one knows what to call you (or spell it!) because you keep changing your name.

Who does Pi(p)pa think she is: Prince? :taphead:
On her blog Pippa has written that she's doing a Master of Arts degree and how she enjoyed using her student discount card.

She works at QVC, has a singing career, is on BBC London radio and runs an online magazine. If she's eligible for student discount (which she must be), then there's something wrong with the system in my opinion.

Hmmmm. Not sure I would have written that if I were you Pippa. Aren't you leaving yourself wide open?

Gosh, Bensmum, I think it was just a lighthearted throwaway remark, revelling in being a mature student!! I wouldn't read anything into it at all:flower:
Debbie wrote about budget flights and saving money and I suppose you could say she should go for an expensive flight cos she's got a good job!!
:happy:You can be pedantic as you like burly I don't mind:happy:
I don't really care wether legally it's avoidance or evasion they are both as bad as each other as far as I am concerned as someone who pays through the PAYE system and pays a he'll of a lot

Pippa is welcome to her discount card whether she got it to make her feel young or not good luck to her we all like to think we have got a bargain and I am sure she is no different. Personally there is no why I would go back to uni and all that entails just to get 10% off in new look:blush: mind you I suspect my daughter would make use of the Top Shop discount!

I avoid paying tax by saving money in an ISA rather than a standard savings account where tax is deducted so are you saying I am as bad as someone who fiddles their tax return to pay less tax?
I avoid paying tax by saving money in an ISA rather than a standard savings account where tax is deducted so are you saying I am as bad as someone who fiddles their tax return to pay less tax?

Think you answered your own question with the use of the word highlighted

To fiddle something is to be morally bankrupt be it tax return or benefit application - in my opinion of course.

To make use of a perk be it a student discount card or a savings account is totally different unless of course your not entitled to it.
student discount

Ii'm 25 and both myself and my husband (26) have student cards. I'm at college full time and he is doing a Masters at Edinburgh University as part of his job. Perhaps student discount isn't intended for two 20 somethings but we're both entitled to them. We both work hard, and pay full tuition fees. SO, if old Pip wants to brag about course work, tuition fees and the occassional 10% off, she can. She probably didn't mention that she is entitled to discounted council tax.

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