Pillar candles


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It could be they use imperial measures as it is still widely used in the US and QvC are an American based company.
inches are annoying and not logical. Don't like pillar candles. I don't live in a church so don't need them.
Well I know where I am with an inch :wonder: even if it was all cms and metres in school lol
I'm a bit of a hybrid. I can perceive length better in inches rather than centimeters, but am better with meters rather than feet or yards. I understand Farenheit better than Centigrage/Celcius. I understand Miles over Kilometers, and Stones rather than kilos. However the same is true that I understand stones rather than pounds which is the american way of stating weight. I am very strange, I know. Bet there are not many more as mixed up as me!
It was clearly a woman who did the details, men would have used cms to make them seem bigger :wonder:
I have just remembered my 28 year old granddaughter rang me this morning to ask me if I knew how many inches were in 1 foot. She was measuring a piece of furniture with a six inch ruler lol and here we are discussing the very subject. I still think in imperial measures but I am fairly good at converting as I had to us metric at work.
I like metric! How can anyone use silly imperial nonsense!? 12 inches to a foot, 16 ounces to a pound, fourteen pounds to a stone and goodness knows what a yard is. Hate it when people talk about yards! Use metres! And as for miles and gills, I really don't get it. It all seems so illogical! What is a hundredweight? A hundred what?!!!
I just can't visualise in metric, if someone says someone is 5'10'' tall for example I can visualise that perfectly, if some says they are 170 cm it means nothing to me. Same with weight I can picture what 10 stone looks like but have no clue what 97kg would be like - is it light, heavy?? I guess it's just about what you're used to.
I remeber when QVC used to give out the clothes sizes in cms but that didn't last long. I'm glad we still use miles on road signage, why should we have to copy what's done in Europe? The next thing is they'll be telling us to change our electricity system, which my electrician brother-in-law says is the safest in the world.
I like metric! How can anyone use silly imperial nonsense!? 12 inches to a foot, 16 ounces to a pound, fourteen pounds to a stone and goodness knows what a yard is. Hate it when people talk about yards! Use metres! And as for miles and gills, I really don't get it. It all seems so illogical! What is a hundredweight? A hundred what?!!!

A substantial amount of the population grew up with "silly old" imperial measurements. They made maths fun and complicated! Adding up money was even more interesting - altogether now "12 in the pennies column - carry 1 over to the shillings". Life's too simple when everything's divided up into 10's, what's wrong with keeping both sets anyway, keeps the old grey matter working....

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