Pilates TSV 26h April


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Jun 24, 2008
London, UK
Not for everyone, I know, but there looks like a Pilates TSV at the end of the month...and I think it is the 10th anniversary so it may be a good one...I wonder if they may have a few offerings on special prices, not just the reformer?
I would like to upgrade my pilates machine but can't afford it at the moment:(

I thought that Marjolein looked much more muscular last time I saw her. I can't help but wonder whether she weight trains.:33: I have been using a pilates machine for about three years and although my mid section feels stronger I really don't have much muscle definition in my arms and shoulders. I train a lot but just don't seem to see results.
Oooooooh....I do love my Pilates hours. I still have my original Performer which I bought about 8 years ago. It's as good as the day I bought it and I use it regularly although I imagine that Marjolein does more than just Pilates. I know she used to run - you won't get her kind of body just by doing pilates three times a week for 20mins a pop.
I love the pilates hours too. I don't think that I could ever have a body like Marjolein's even if I ran. She has an athletic build and mine.... well lets just say it's curvy. My husband dosen't train at all but has an athletic looking body (bearing in mind he is 50). People ask him all the time how he stays so fit. Its just not fair.:12:
I thought that Marjolein looked much more muscular last time I saw her. I can't help but wonder whether she weight trains.:33:

Or does yoga?

Lily K;179655I said:
have been using a pilates machine for about three years and although my mid section feels stronger I really don't have much muscle definition in my arms and shoulders. I train a lot but just don't seem to see results.

Aww, don't be despondent, remember muscle definition is genetic to a degree & some people never achieve that highly sculpted look no matter how hard they train!
One of my girls is of the 'lean & mean' variety, girly 6-pack, fab arms & shoulders, whereas the other one is like me, stocky & piles on heavy muscle easily but not so refined!

A good yoga teacher could help you improve your arms/shoulders in conjunction with your Pilates, or try a local gym with a good reputation? (I used to have to stick to low weights & endless reps or I'd have looked like Arnie in a month but a well planned weights routine could help you get a little more definition I would think?)
Don't be shy, I have walked into virtually all male gyms before & never felt out of place or unwanted, if you're keen & committed a good gym should be only too pleased to help you out!) :)
it is true, marjolein does look very muscular...i personally think she has gone a bit too far, although i think her look is v popular in the us (sarah jessica parker, madonna and others have that same look). that said, she looks a hell of a lot better than me, so i should not really comment!

i think if anyone does want to acheive the same look though that it is possible through pilates, although as misstibbs says, 20 mins is not enough to make it happen - i used to go to a spin class and had an excellent instructor who had the same look. i asked her what she did and she said apart from spinning, she did masses of yoga. most of the other women who had the same look did weights classes, but she must have done probably a couple of hours of yoga and spinning a day, so pilates can work, if you do enough and maintain it with a good cardio workout also.
I love the pilates hours too. I don't think that I could ever have a body like Marjolein's even if I ran. She has an athletic build and mine.... well lets just say it's curvy. My husband dosen't train at all but has an athletic looking body (bearing in mind he is 50). People ask him all the time how he stays so fit. Its just not fair.:12:

Don't worry LilyK, everyone is made differently and, for what it's worth, Marjolein's particular body shape, although undoubtedly amazing, is not my particular cup of tea and I wouldn't really want my body to look like hers. Everyone has their own particular shape and the most important thing is being healthy and doing something you enjoy. Speaking for myself, I absolutely HATE gyms - I go brain dead the second I step into one. I'm lucky to have a small home gym with a few pieces of quality equipment that I enjoy using, otherwise, I am out on my bike, I am out walking with my dog etc - it's free and you get some fresh air into the bargain! I hope you eventually find something that you will be happy with and will help you achieve your goals. :)
I gave up the weight training because it made me look big and bulky. That's what made me start pilates. As for yoga I did practice for about a year but prefer pilates. I have always done some form of cardio.

I look upon pilates as a way of keeping me flexible more than anything. Just wish I could get a machine with the cardio board - it won't fit mine.

I only recently realised that I have exactly the same shape body as my mum's. She has been on a diet all her life. She never exercised though.
The cardio board is fantastic - I was amazed that it fitted mine when I bought it, I was ready to have to send it back. Sorry it won't fit your machine LilyK :(, what about trying to trade up? What machine do you currently have?
I have the machine with the integrated stand, miss tibbs. I think I bought it just before they brought out the cardio board.

If I could trade up I think I would most probably be able to get rid of some of my cardio equipment. I have got a rowing machine, slide, bike, step, cross trainer. The Cross trainer is my absolute favourite (purchased from QVC). Good thing I have a separate room for all these things!

Gosh this forum is addictive. Trouble is while I am sitting here with my laptop I'm not getting any work/exercise done:rolleyes:
lol LilyK - yes, these forums can become quite addictive. I write on a few, so I have to pace myself lol. I guess I'll have to bounce around on my Swiss Ball this afternoon to make up for it lmao.

Well, I absolutely love my cardio board and boy, is it hard work when you first get it!! I do a lot of cardio (I too have a cross trainer - I love it!) and even I found that I could not do the board for more then 10mins the first time. My husband couldn't even reach five mins. If you think you can trade up, then I would recommend it - it's a fantastic piece of kit
Thanks Miss Tibbs. I really will have to consider trading up.

This is actually the first forum I have joined. It took me about a year to pluck up enough courage to do so.
I am not the same size or shape as marjolean but if I use my Pilates Machine 3or more times a week my arms do become more defined.
I am not the same size or shape as marjolean but if I use my Pilates Machine 3or more times a week my arms do become more defined.

saw your name on marjolein's lighterlife forum, grovesy and wondered if it was you? :3:
I bought the aero Pilates 4295 with the rebounder when she was on QVC last time and I love it. Must agree that the rebounder is veryhard work!
I would like to upgrade my pilates machine but can't afford it at the moment:(

I thought that Marjolein looked much more muscular last time I saw her. I can't help but wonder whether she weight trains.:33: I have been using a pilates machine for about three years and although my mid section feels stronger I really don't have much muscle definition in my arms and shoulders. I train a lot but just don't seem to see results.

I think Marjolein does weight train because that is the way to get defined muscles in your arns like marjolein. Weights is the answer to muscke definition. When I do my fitness I always do 1 hour and 20 minutes cardio and then 40 minutes weights four times a week. Sounds to me like you are in great shape and I bet you look fab.

Have any of the super sleuths managed to find out what this may be yet? I am seriously thinking of trying a new regime (I say new - any routine would be good!)

For those of you that have the machine do you really need to purchase the stand or does it work as good without?

Thank you in advance for any help

Have any of the super sleuths managed to find out what this may be yet? I am seriously thinking of trying a new regime (I say new - any routine would be good!)

For those of you that have the machine do you really need to purchase the stand or does it work as good without?

Thank you in advance for any help

I have the aero pilates machine with the rebounder and use it with no stand without any problems.
I've had my machine for 3 years now and haven't got the stand. I've not found any exercises that I can't do because I don't have the stand. I leave it open all the time now but used to fold it up (something you can't do with it on the stand). I gave up my gym membership to buy it and although I miss my spin class I wouldn't swap my machine and cardio board. I like the convenience of having it at home.

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