Peter Simon's wonderful pronunciations.


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Careful Bings, I wouldn't be but I think some people could be slightly offended that you would mention God in that context.

I cant believe you have the tenacity to claim your post was anything other than a nasty petty insensitive jibe. maybe we should look through the forum at how many times YOU have used the term god bless?? or how many posts YOU have responded too which contain the word 'god' and you haven't mentioned the need to 'be careful' or posts which have been placed with 'god bless' in them and you have somehow ignored the potential for offence?? yet you would have us believe that after i post and POLITELY ask someone to delete an offensive post you just coincidently sprang into defence of anyone with an incredibly sensitive religious perspective?? come off it wirral. even your most blinkered followers would struggle with that BS. and it is utter BS !! you constantly ask BID to hold their hands up maybe you should take your own advice. i had you down as many things but not this. hank god you have ignored my posts. i feel dirty just posting to you.
its a shame you dont have the spine to back up your venum.
and your credentials as a fashion journalist are?

Sorry Wirral, but...



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Peter was selling a clock on Friday night, I think you can guess what he called it a few times :blush:

Remember that time he said he had a power c**t
I remember one Monday afternoon when Peter's co-presenter on the fashion constantly made fun of him for pronouncing the word "straight" as "st-right" He did not look best pleased ! Maybe it's a regional thing, but I've never heard it pronounced that way before.
As I blindly step into the firing line.....
Someone on the QVC forums was saying how QVC degraded the real meaning of xmas, the religious connotation, by selling etc etc. I kindly pointed out that Christmas is nothing to do with the birth of Christ as any honest christian will tell you, Jesus was born around september if you follow closely the dates in the bible, I have also been told this by several religious people. I also pointed out that Christmas was originally a Pagan festival, the tree and decorations and big feast to darken the height of winter and celebrate plentiful supplies of food. thirdly, the 'story' of christs birth, is just that, a STORY, its a faith NOT a fact. With the utter flagrant disregard most of this country has for other religions and faiths, I find it offensive that people are offended by me using the word god. I remember once in a GP surgery waiting room, I was yapping away and said jesus christ a few times. After a while this woman comes up to me and bends down and says "you shouldn't take the lords name in vain", I think had she not shocked me into silence with her cheek, we would have had a lively 'debate'.

yes, I too heard peter simon calling Lindt 'Lenor' hehe, in fact I couldnt work out what chocs they were as I didnt have my glasses on and was just listening. Some of his pronunciations absolutely have me in stitches, but yes, I totally agree with Wirral, he certainly isn't as dumb as he makes out to be, very nice persona to portray, but rather different when the facade slips :)
Back in February he was selling a "Bird Hotel" with bird bath, feeder and illuminated lantern. He's a member of the RSPB and if you buy it "with this weather you'll be helping our garden birds, not only the White Chaffinch, not only the Coaltar, not only the Yellow Tit, not only the Common Sparrow". The first 3 birds are new to me.
My favourite from him was when he was selling a doorbell and telling viewers that he had trouble hearing a doorbell due to his medical condition known as TITANUS.
I've noticed Pete has trouble with the word 'tubereuse' when he's selling perfume, he always makes it sound like 'toblerone'.

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