Anyone seen him recently?! It's weeks since I last saw him!
I bet he's just gone on holiday..............lets just hope it was to the Bermuda Triangle eh.
Come on, Barry Manilow fans....."Bermuda Triangle, makes Pope Pete disappear, Bermuda Triangle don't go too near.." He's probably whisked Our Bet off on a Caribbean cruise (making sure he takes his fitness equipment, stepladder and Kinkycade print with him, of course).
Her name was Lola......she was a showgirl........:mysmilie_17:
He's been away for nigh on 3 weeks!!!!! :mysmilie_11:
Can't say I've seen Sally Jaxx in a while either..
Oh boy, not 2 of them gone? Here's the theory: wherever they are, they are together - he's ditched Our Bet, and it'll all come out in the National papers, mark my words. They'll sell their story, entitled "It was the Kinkycades that brought us together". It will go on to explain how he sold his stepladder and fitness equipment in order to buy her a 250 carat Moissonite ring that had to be returned, as it turned her finger the same shade of green as the mixture in the Nutribullet. You heard it here first.
Can't say I've seen Sally Jaxx in a while either..
Can't say I've seen Sally Jaxx in a while either..