Peter Simon & The Nativity Stone Hour


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As a more casual viewer of IW, I was 100% sure his mother was dead.
He was talking about the northern lights that was around the evening before (although I thought it was foggy in a good swathe of the country?) and said he saw 2 shooting stars that reminded him of people who has passed, and then had the good on yer son comment. He was choking up, I was choking on my tea. I am shocked that she is still alive - I mean, I know anything seems to go on IW but that is poor. Very poor.
As a more casual viewer of IW, I was 100% sure his mother was dead.
He was talking about the northern lights that was around the evening before (although I thought it was foggy in a good swathe of the country?) and said he saw 2 shooting stars that reminded him of people who has passed, and then had the good on yer son comment. He was choking up, I was choking on my tea. I am shocked that she is still alive - I mean, I know anything seems to go on IW but that is poor. Very poor.

It's sick! I mean she's getting on but she's still very much alive.
I don't believe a word he says. If he told me it was raining I would stick my head out of the window to check. As a former work colleague of mine was fond of saying "he lies like cheap lino"!

His dead Mother is very much alive and living in a bungalow!!!!!!!!!!! That's what he said while he was flirting with the ladder guy. Obviously using his Mother, dead or alive, to further sales. Maybe he had a little chat with her and she ok'd it to keep him in a job.

The ladder guy "sorry Peter I had to slip that in".........Pope P "Well I would" :puke:
Another chance to buy the Nativity Stones jewellery. Peter is nearly in tears with emotion and warning us that we need to buy now as stock is limited. He also spoke about attending the Vatican some time ago and "feeling a presence", which made me laugh! Hope you have all ordered something as they may not get them back again...
Oh.My.Word. I recorded the programme just to see how bad Peter Simon was going to be. He is so creepy, does he actually know what he is going on about? I've lost track how many words he gets wrong when he slurs them. Brrr he makes me shiver & not in a good way.
Muttley, so he "felt a presence" did he? Think I'd better not comment on that one, the mind boggles!! Glad you warned us about getting in quick to buy the Nativity Stones jewellery, there was me thinking they had about 25 million left in stock.... I've just turned over to IW, and the Brother sewing machines lady is on - he's just repeating her words back, as though they are coming from him. It's a bit like being in an echo chamber. "Just look at this stitch, I love it, they may not last, so order quickly".... yes, of course Peter, now go and lie down and take your tablets. He's now reading from a "viewer's letter" - first it was from the viewer, now it's changed and it's from the viewer's Mum. He's wearing glasses but seems unable to see anything through them...Now he's faking absolute amazement...followed by................."over 10% gone and it's rising rapidly, this is the 21st century, with its 2nd nature (??? don't ask) you can choose the fabrics of your choice"", where have we heard that one before? I'm getting the feeling I've been here before..............Now he's in the middle of a whole list of "not onlys....."zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Oh PS: this is priceless, he's attempting to speak to a viewer who has phoned in about the sewing's obviously a bad phone connection and she can't hear him, although you can hear her clearly....he's just called her by the wrong name.

Another chance to buy the Nativity Stones jewellery. Peter is nearly in tears with emotion and warning us that we need to buy now as stock is limited. He also spoke about attending thesome time ago and "feeling a presence", which made me laugh! Hope you have all ordered something as they may not get them back again...
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Historymistory, he gets worse doesn't he! The sewing machine is quite a niche market, he makes us think we all need one and its not exactly cheap although "we are saving so much money!" I taped the Nativity Stones hour just to watch a little of it later and wasn't disappointed. He said "its like the candle in the wind", thought they might have hired an Elton lookalike to serenade us!
I hadn't seen him since he played a major role in getting Bid investigated by Ofcom but I caught a bit yesterday. He was pulling the same old stunts ' 'ang on-this price can't be right-we're just getting the producer to phone through and check this price 'cos I can't believe're not telling me you get the box as well...I can't believe this!!!!!!!!!!!'
I'm sure the other presenters must fear for their livelihoods as Peter drags the whole channel down into the abyss.
I hadn't seen him since he played a major role in getting Bid investigated by Ofcom but I caught a bit yesterday. He was pulling the same old stunts ' 'ang on-this price can't be right-we're just getting the producer to phone through and check this price 'cos I can't believe're not telling me you get the box as well...I can't believe this!!!!!!!!!!!'
I'm sure the other presenters must fear for their livelihoods as Peter drags the whole channel down into the abyss.

Do they think people fall for this nonsence? Maybe they do, perhaps it is just us that are cynical and can laugh at sales tactics like that.
I switched over to IW at 6.30 to see what was on and there he was almost in tears saying when we are on our knees all we can do is stand that made me chuckle to start with, then the angels are gathering well that was it off he went 5minutes of that was enough what a load of bullshine.
I watched him twice last night (I really should get out more!). He was on the Constantin Weisz watches hour and the poor woman keprt trying to say things about the watches and he kwpt interruptiung her. I got the feeling by the end of the hour that she was not best pleased with him.
Then I saw the Nativity Stones show and it was so awful! He kept spouting lines from 'The Lord's my Shepherd' and sounding like he was going to cry!
Ideal World really should come to their senses and get rid of him. And to think they moved a professional like Dave Bradford to make way for Peter Simon!
Goldenbrown, I am just as bad, I actually taped the Nativity Stones hour to watch later. I think I lasted 5 minutes... It was hilarious watching him nearly in tears!
see I cannot imagine the woman being mad at him simply as somehow he has convinced people in the shopping tv circles that he is a god-like salesman.
I watched him twice last night (I really should get out more!). He was on the Constantin Weisz watches hour and the poor woman keprt trying to say things about the watches and he kwpt interruptiung her. I got the feeling by the end of the hour that she was not best pleased with him.
Then I saw the Nativity Stones show and it was so awful! He kept spouting lines from 'The Lord's my Shepherd' and sounding like he was going to cry!
Ideal World really should come to their senses and get rid of him. And to think they moved a professional like Dave Bradford to make way for Peter Simon!

I think IW love him as he draws in viewers because he's so awfully odd! And while these viewers are watching, openmouthed, at this oddball, maybe they might just reach for their credit card and buy something. Maybe?
I think IW love him as he draws in viewers because he's so awfully odd! And while these viewers are watching, openmouthed, at this oddball, maybe they might just reach for their credit card and buy something. Maybe?

I understand your point of view Mommabear, but can state, hand on heart, that my Mastercard is safely in my handbag and does not come out during his shows. Obviously if the Worry Angels were featured then that would be a different story! Have to go now and increase my medication!!!!!!
I understand your point of view Mommabear, but can state, hand on heart, that my Mastercard is safely in my handbag and does not come out during his shows. Obviously if the Worry Angels were featured then that would be a different story! Have to go now and increase my medication!!!!!!

Well that makes two of us :mysmilie_59:

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