Pervy Pete AWOL


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I remember this clip cos shopperholic asked what he was doing with his left hand :giggle:

Whenever he tells a story about himself, it's always 'in the early hours/in the wee small hours', although this time the sun was up, so it wasn't that early.

'This morning, the sun was shining. I stood in the early hours. That sun filled my heart. It's a new day................It's on flexipay'

Know we know what he's doing with his left hand after seeing his Oscar worthy performance as Ronald MacDonald.
Haha.......notice his lips in that clip, he's defo having 'a moment'

Saw him earlier today with Brodders (repeat from 4pm Monday) and he was on about 'buttocks on a wet floor' :mysmilie_11:

Oh for goodness sake! Is their no beginning to this mans talent. What gets me is is why are they putting up with this totally unacceptable behaviour, if they think he's funny then they've been locked in a studio for too long. "buttocks on a wet floor"? Do we really need to know what he does in his personal life, got to say that vision will haunt me now. :mysmilie_17:
Oh for goodness sake! Is their no beginning to this mans talent. What gets me is is why are they putting up with this totally unacceptable behaviour, if they think he's funny then they've been locked in a studio for too long. "buttocks on a wet floor"? Do we really need to know what he does in his personal life, got to say that vision will haunt me now. :mysmilie_17:

He was having trouble with the word 'gravy'...............'Oooo I nearly said that wrong then hahaha oooooo er hahaha........' :mysmilie_506: I spent a while wondering what it was he nearly said , I must get out more :mysmilie_845:
He was having trouble with the word 'gravy'...............'Oooo I nearly said that wrong then hahaha oooooo er hahaha........' :mysmilie_506: I spent a while wondering what it was he nearly said , I must get out more :mysmilie_845:

Gravy? I'll have to get out more too, can't for the life of me think what he means, mind you, his mind is in the sewer the Pervy get, so it could literally be anything.
Oh FFS :taphead::taphead:

Someone find him a staff and mitre.

Did that really go out on air ??? Is there no broadcasting standards authority that looks at this ??? It's worse that IW have played along with the "haunting" music in the background. I've visions of him collecting his harp and climbing up the ladder to heaven as we speak!

And the fact that he puts in those portentious pauses as if to make out that what he is selling is so significant -then slips in a quick nod to flexipay. Truely dreadful. I'm not religious but the way he presents this is an insult to anyone of faith... and the product is as cheap and nasty looking as his presentation (and I've deleted the presentation rather than have his fake sanctimony beaming out from all the requotes).
He's selling Chinese watches now, as if they are special, it's like watching Only fools and horses again :mysmilie_11:
I'm amazed as what they are selling. Who buys these - unless there are people looking for props for period-set plays...
Did that really go out on air ??? Is there no broadcasting standards authority that looks at this ??? It's worse that IW have played along with the "haunting" music in the background. I've visions of him collecting his harp and climbing up the ladder to heaven as we speak!

And the fact that he puts in those portentious pauses as if to make out that what he is selling is so significant -then slips in a quick nod to flexipay. Truely dreadful. I'm not religious but the way he presents this is an insult to anyone of faith... and the product is as cheap and nasty looking as his presentation (and I've deleted the presentation rather than have his fake sanctimony beaming out from all the requotes).

It's sad IW is taking on dodgy Bid practices. As far I am concerned, this channel has hit rock bottom on shopping telly integrity...
It's sad IW is taking on dodgy Bid practices. As far I am concerned, this channel has hit rock bottom on shopping telly integrity...

I'm just staggered that the selly telly channels are not more tightly regulated than they seem to be.

He just announced they were entering the dangerous area of the product selling out... 50% sold. They are the boys crying wolf all the time these days! I rolled my eyes out loud.
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It's sad IW is taking on dodgy Bid practices. As far I am concerned, this channel has hit rock bottom on shopping telly integrity...

Knowing Paul Beque got a gig with IW was bad enough, but when the other three were hired, Mike Mason, Peter Simon and Sally Jaxx then I decided I will not buy anything from them, didn't at dodgy Bid, I'm not doing it at IW, I'd even buy from from Howard and that's saying something. I Wouldn't trust these three if they said today is Wednesday. IW have lost all credibility now, sad really because everything else about them is good.
Dearie me, Saint Peter of Simon is inventing the wheel here while trying to flog the snore wizard........sitting in his American 60s style attire using his usual tongue twisters (well for him to say anyway) "Believe me, Honestly, I'm not just saying this, Its changed my life, Arrr Bet thinks its a god send..............then he slowly and thoughtfully reads out the "viewers and buyers" comments like he is bringing them back from being dead for 50 odd years............hand up to the mouth looking all sad and gormless straight down the camera.

PS something recently thats been geting on my ti................. is the fact that IW love rolling out the old 14 day money back guarentee line like they came up with this innovation and they have copyright on it!!!! I thought with shopping telly this was the buyers basic right.

IMO IW must be paying the lowest in the shopping telly world with the quality of "presenters"
Dearie me, Saint Peter of Simon is inventing the wheel here while trying to flog the snore wizard........sitting in his American 60s style attire using his usual tongue twisters (well for him to say anyway) "Believe me, Honestly, I'm not just saying this, Its changed my life, Arrr Bet thinks its a god send..............then he slowly and thoughtfully reads out the "viewers and buyers" comments like he is bringing them back from being dead for 50 odd years............hand up to the mouth looking all sad and gormless straight down the camera.

PS something recently thats been geting on my ti................. is the fact that IW love rolling out the old 14 day money back guarentee line like they came up with this innovation and they have copyright on it!!!! I thought with shopping telly this was the buyers basic right.

IMO IW must be paying the lowest in the shopping telly world with the quality of "presenters"

I find QVC presenters the same though, if I had a pound for every time I've ever heard "30 day money back guarantee so give it a go and if you don't like it, send it back" I could buy my own pad in The Hamptons.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking IW as a shopping channel, they have some good products, offers, postage etc it's just their really bad judgement in presenters they've hired, the "Twaterrati" who used to sell the "Tatteratti" over on Bid, the Bid that went out of business yes that's right, these three are dragging IW down, making them a laughing stock with no credibility but hey like I said before, it's their bed, let them sign on for it and when the receivers get called in, we won't smile and say "told yeh so"
I don't mean to sound rude, but have some of you watched IW before the Bid lot got involved? It's always been a sham channel, the presenters using different but just as bad tactics to get a sale, unbelievable claims, the Zhuzzh dress scandal, absolutely shocking after sales. They never have had any credibility for goodness sakes, unless Dennice using her disabled daughter every 3 minutes to get a sale, Loen and her Mums' incontinence and her ill Dad used to get sales, "our clothes used to be not really that good a few years ago" says Denn, well you didn't say that back then Denn, you were doing your sham buying while on screen then! Linda Lusardi and her neck treatment with a specialist which Ideal World STILL won't answer me about, yet they still let her peddle her crap on here without mentioning it. Good grief, yes, the Bid lot are more openly 'obvious' but have you ever listened to say Hayley Green on a sale? Lyn the model, and Sheila, who use everything they are modelling makeup wise, buy everything they wear and model, if Denn suggests this will go to a size 20, Lyn says "oh yes, eaaasily" yet next show Genn will say this will go to a different size, and there is Lyn "oh, eaaasily". They are constantly making claims they can't back up, giving no real size charts, no composition charts, "try it, you've got nothing to lose, trust me" well, will you refund my £4 for postage and another £4 to get it back to you? £8 isn't "nothing to lose".

Deep breath....

I don't mean to sound so awful, if it comes across that way, but having watched Ideal World from the very beginning, what the Bid presenters are doing is no worse, just different, to what the shambolic selection of presenters have always done, in my opinion. Don't even start me on claims about Christmas delivery, Ideal and their presenters, year after year, before any of the Bid lot came on the scene, have stood on air and promised delivery by christmas...and year after year I've come on here and read elsewhere that delivery didn't happen, in some cases, til 1st week of Jan the following year. I will never forget one lady whose Mother had trusted IW with 90% of her grandkids gifts only to have her christmas "ruined" her words, by failure of delivery. Always makes me seethe with anger, don't promise anything, say you will try, but with 2 days to xmas and whiter than white Joanne begs you to trust her........

At least we are all on here talking about Ideal, for many times this forum has been moribund, nothing new, no new items and boring presentation, I watched half of a craft hour yesterday for the first time in about 3 years, cos Pope Pete was on and I was waiting for him to cock up in some spectacular fashion.... but if I'm watching I could be buying.

As for the QVC vs IW guarantees, 30 days, extended to 25th Jan already, and you can use the items, Ideal won't even let you take the cover off their mattresses properly which I always think will not really give the proper comfort, and with shoes Ideal always tell you to wear them in the house not outside, lots of other differences, but QVC really do let you try things properly.
UI've only read the first few lines of your message grippeh and stopped myself there. Yes we've all watched IW before the Bid lot arrived that's what gives us the ability to compare the before and after. I myself have been with IW since day one and yes in the beginning, like QVC, they were a shambles but the last few years since they've had new backers they've really upped their game, that's why we'd hate to see a seventeen year old business go down the shoot. IW have brought in a lot of new products, although they have their core best sellers like QVC have had Elemis, SBC and Gatineau to name a few for twenty two years. We all like different things and apart from the Bid additions, it's the better of the two shopping channels, don't forget they have no conglomerate, big commercial Ammerican backers, IW are still standing after 17 years so some would say they're doing something right. As I say, we all like different things and if the Bid crew weren't there, it would be perfect with good products, flexi pay, cheap and fast delivery, good auto delivery. I've just caught the end bit and yes IW do allow you to use the products and take the plastic wrapper off the mattress and sleep on it, then return it, I've done it and let's not forget, the reason many QVC customers are getting sent out used goods and charged full price is because they allow people to use something for thirty days, that's one of the reasons I closed my QVC account after twenty years, so let's face it, fourteen days is long enough for anyone to decide if they're keeping something. I've had more let downs by QVC than I've ever had with IW.

Just adding, it's the demo of a product that will get me to buy, not presenters or anything they say, if I like it, I'll buy it, it's the shananigans of Peter Simon and Mike Mason that are the sore point, and how they act which is inappropriate. QVC have gone from bad to worse, sending out used products, misleading info, putting pictures on the website saying you'll receive two items but only send one, so QVC is far from perfect, that's why they dropped from 2nd place to 3rd. These are just my opinions though.
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As a man i guess i am a bit odd using shopping channels although i do use the high street and online shopping and after many years i have to say apart from the presenters especialy ex bid, IW is much better with deliveries postage etc imho of course
Better of the 2 channels? I would have to disagree vehemently there, in ONE hour QVC showcase more products that Ideal can do in a week.
Perhaps read the whole message and try and defend the christmas delivery claims Ideal make, along with all the other unsubstantiated claims they make. I am very happy you see them as 'perfect' and you obviously have not had the bad experiences a lot of people on this forum have had, or other consumer forums, however, blaming it all on the Bid presenters is very naive in my opinion, perhaps if it interests you, do a web search for Ideal World CS problems before Pervy Pete and co arrived, I think you may be shocked and be believing the IW hype they pump at you.

However, as long as you are a happy customer, and I am happy to enjoy Pope Pete and the shenanigens as entertainment, then everyone wins :) We are all different which is great, else there would be no need for biscuit assortment packs :)

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