Perfume week


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...and the cynic in me thinks very deffinately that these shouts to Kelly queen of beauty are just a ploy to make the poor lasses feel so guilty they come in, and/or the psychological thing of "ooh yeah I am a beauty queen and I know what I'm doing so I'll buy this"...... notice how he's naming more and more of the Queens?
I have a sneaky feeling that they thought they would sell more of Sclock's stink.

It was hilarious, the grinning Schlock just sat there as the percentage sold figure barely moved.

Sadly it eked out just 18% sold but of course it was the 5th fragrance from his 'Divine Decadence' range so people are familiar with his fragrances now.

Not really a ringing endorsement from his audience :mysmilie_12:
Have they launched Sherlocks "Eau de P" yet? :mysmilie_48:

Eau De Merde :mysmilie_59:

You see Greg the trouble is he can't really say 'ooh d'ya I first came across this fragrance........' because he created it himself. This of course is a major drawback.

He can't say he saw Anna Wintour liberally spritzing it on her latest Mink in the Winter Edition of Vogue. He can't say he saw it when he was the UK Ambassador to France and he can't even say he saw it in the Calais Carrefour as a free gift with every family sized Camembert.

It limits his bullshitting opportunities, a dire situation for a Sit-Up shill.
Goodness, I've had to stop eating to reply (not a small feat). I whole heartedly agree with all of you on here, we all need to go for a coffee, we are on the same hymn sheet :)
I too, like you said DeeDee, felt Peter has changed somewhat, I really did enjoy watching him, but he has very much become a different persona, so so glad it wasn't just me being weird (again). Fully agree also about the old people and those less savvy being 'taken advantage of' to use a phrase. There is no real excuse though in these people being 'salepersons' to justify their behaviours in my opinion, Debbie Greenwood and ALL of the QVC presenters manage to sell thing based on....wait for this......the products ACTUAL merit!! gasp!!! The GREAT andy hodgson used to be the same, he'd say things like "this isn't a special xxxx, but at this sort of price it might be worth a go". Its the old thing of slagging a landline off to sell a mobile, then slagging a mobile off to sell a landline, just sell each on their own sodding merits. With Bid's sheisters, it seems, not only good enough to say "I have a steam mop at home" when selling a steam mop, as QVC presenters would do, and Debbie Greenwood, no, at Bid the presenter will have to have the exact same model as they are selling, have paid 4 times as more, and rate it as their top product in the world.......... until the next sale ;(

It's just like when they wear an article of clothing..... until they have done their spiel/sold it. Then they change into the next poncho/skirt/dress they wouldn't usually be caught dead in.
It's just like when they wear an article of clothing..... until they have done their spiel/sold it. Then they change into the next poncho/skirt/dress they wouldn't usually be caught dead in.

Ay you Mr Tom, you can have a dig at most of their muck but leave the Ponchos out of it.

You can dress it up, dress it down, wear it on a night out, wear it on the school run, wear it at the supermarket, wear it down the dole.

High heels, flat heels, wellingtons, bare foot, wear it at the pool, wear it in the pool, wear it in bed. Wear it everywhere.
I think Peter lost a lot of credibility when, as Bid's resident beauty and fragrance expert, he got Botox (and obviously so) but was selling Skin Pharmacy and other miracle face potions claiming how wonderful they are. In his defence he has acknowledged this so fair play to him.

However, the constant Laurelle and later Skin Pharmacy 'check their website prices' business is what changed my opinion of him, drastically. As a buyer and expert he knows the dance, these constant price checks are an insult to our intelligence.

I know I constantly take the pish out of him but to be honest I could be a lot more blunt if I chose to, it's only my opinion but at times I don't think he has been as candid as he could have been and I think that's being kind.

And I was very, very unimpressed by the '16 year olds should use snake serum' comments. That's taking the hard sell too far but of course with Peter it often dosen't appear hard sell in the same way as with Gollum.

But it is hard sell, every bit as much. Peter Sherlock is every bit the salesman, much more than the fragrance expert.

And if anyone thinks otherwise they need a reality check. I suspect he would happily sell us 2 week old bath water if the bosses told him to and he'd still give it one of those enthusiastic, over the top descriptions.

But he's a salesman so we shouldn't be surprised.

Maybe one day someone will launch 'Corinthians TV!' A shopping channel which is honest to the point of insanity. The presenters will;
- Tell you that fragrances are cheap and smell terrible
- inform you they may use the skin care but actually prefer cosmetic treatments.
- kindly add up the extra charges for you.
- be genetically altered so they look and sound perfect.
- inform you they are far too thin to wear the fat fashion and suggest you do to buy anything at all if your size sells out.
- be attached to a polygraph machine at all times
- have no hobbies, pastimes and ambitions outside of BIDTV
- never under any circumstances attempt to sell anything

Considering the superb academic achievements of this forums members combined with Their unparrelled commrrcial knowledge I'm pretty sure you are all incredibly well off and could comfortably combine your resources and fund a shopping channel. I'm sure it would be an absolute roaring success LOL
Ay you Mr Tom, you can have a dig at most of their muck but leave the Ponchos out of it.

You can dress it up, dress it down, wear it on a night out, wear it on the school run, wear it at the supermarket, wear it down the dole.

High heels, flat heels, wellingtons, bare foot, wear it at the pool, wear it in the pool, wear it in bed. Wear it everywhere.

ok fine, the poncho's are awesome
I can see Schlock in one, a la Karl Lagerfeld.

I don't think Bid do black ones though, he might have settle for an Aztec Print.

I remember Mr Sherlock saying and I quote ''I was a really huge Madonna fan....and then I fell out of love with her.... but then I realised I was just being silly''

Did that realisation co-incide with bid getting her fragrance in?
I remember Mr Sherlock saying and I quote ''I was a really huge Madonna fan....and then I fell out of love with her.... but then I realised I was just being silly''

Did that realisation co-incide with bid getting her fragrance in?

Oh I know Mr T, funny eh?

But life is full coincidences like that. It's funny that he hated celebrity fragrances except Elizabeth Taylor (which used to be his favourite) but his opinion seems to have softened somewhat these days.

But I guess that's his prerogative :mysmilie_59:
Oh I know Mr T, funny eh?

But life is full coincidences like that. It's funny that he hated celebrity fragrances except Elizabeth Taylor (which used to be his favourite) but his opinion seems to have softened somewhat these days.

But I guess that's his prerogative :mysmilie_59:

I suspect bin laden would be his favourite terrorist if bid started selling autographed pieces of the world trade centre

too far?
whoa there people, listen up, I have an FB exclusive from Schlock, he's just announced on his FB page that he's decided to come back into presenting full time!
whoa there people, listen up, I have an FB exclusive from Schlock, he's just announced on his FB page that he's decided to come back into presenting full time!


Does that mean no more 'ooh d'ya know I first came across this fragrance........'

I've been waiting for the story of when Schlock was the 16th Pope to tie in with Rosa Benini's first foray into stinks.

Does that mean no more 'ooh d'ya know I first came across this fragrance........'

I've been waiting for the story of when Schlock was the 16th Pope to tie in with Rosa Benini's first foray into stinks.

yep, methinks you could be right!
maybe he'll have more time to tell us his stories of 'd'ya know when I first came across this fragrance'.....oh joy!
Dirty Peter claimed that Mr Sherlock has been featured in the media many times due to his knowledge of perfume etc. Would he care to back this up? Was he in Daltons Weekly or Loot? I've never read about him in Cosmopolitan.
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