Perfume week


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Here he is, the man himself, our very own Christian Dior. Karl Schlock.

Now he's somehow tying in the Nativity Story to a bottle of Jean Paul DuPont.

'ooh d'ya know I first came across this fragrance when myself, Peter Simon and Mike Mason went to give it as a gift to a new born but mother and child weren't where we thought, when they knew we were coming they scarpered and were lording it up at The Travelodge'
Expect more fragrance weeks and more fashion weeks... purely as they are the only things that (somehow) fly out of the door
Expect more fragrance weeks and more fashion weeks... purely as they are the only things that (somehow) fly out of the door

Despite Schlock's tales the JPD bombed, he only sold about a quarter.

Peter my love, if you want people to shell out £28 all in for a no name stink you'll have to do a lot better than inexplicably mentioning the Nativity Story lad:mysmilie_59:

Clutching at straws isn't in it. (he had quite a lot of Oscar De La Renta Volupte left too, it said 40 out of 100).
The call with the satisfied customer was going so well until Debbie asked him 'has anything caught your eye today?'

To which he answered 'no' :mysmilie_59:
Dear me, Schlock is having a mare despite his tales.

100 bottles of J Lo Love & Glamour. 85 left at the end of the sale :mysmilie_13:
I used to like Peter Sherlock, I remember he used to come on here and join in a bit of banter. But I don't like the way he acts with cheap fragrances acting like they are really exclusive. I remember a few months ago they used to sell Bijan Nude (I think it was called). They used to rave about it, how exclusive it was etc. I found it in Beauty Base (a discount perfume shop). I stupidly sprayed it on my skin instead of sniffing the bottle. It was vile and lasted absolutely hours even though I tried washing my wrist. I also find their sales of Betty Boop really creepy. All that "She is the embodiment of woman" etc etc. She was a cartoon character and nothing more. And I can't say I liked that when I tested it (maybe I an just fussy). On another note, my elderly mum who has used Channel Number 5 for decades saw some of the presentation with Dirty Pete, Perfume Pete and Elisa and had to swtich off. She said it felt like they were tainting the product with the way they were talking about it. Dirty Pete made her feel ill (but he has that effect on most of us by the sound of it).

yes I remember that he used to join in with our banter, he was down to earth and
it sounds like he might still read this forum and he always has the right of reply
but I feel his presentation style seems to have changed
I used to feel quite comfortable watching him but now something seems to have changed - I can't put my finger on it though
I contacted him to ask him a question about 6 months ago and (unsurprisingly) I never received an answer but then, I'm just a Bid viewer so I'm clearly not important because I'm not Kelly from Brentwood or Dympna from Biggleswade, I'm not one of his favourites, his 'queens of beauty'
and from comments I've read elsewhere, this has got up other peoples' noses, they feel excluded because he has his favourites
hmmm, perhaps I've answered my own issue here!
yes I remember that he used to join in with our banter, he was down to earth and
it sounds like he might still read this forum and he always has the right of reply
but I feel his presentation style seems to have changed
I used to feel quite comfortable watching him but now something seems to have changed - I can't put my finger on it though
I contacted him to ask him a question about 6 months ago and (unsurprisingly) I never received an answer but then, I'm just a Bid viewer so I'm clearly not important because I'm not Kelly from Brentwood or Dympna from Biggleswade, I'm not one of his favourites, his 'queens of beauty'
and from comments I've read elsewhere, this has got up other peoples' noses, they feel excluded because he has his favourites
hmmm, perhaps I've answered my own issue here!

I think Peter lost a lot of credibility when, as Bid's resident beauty and fragrance expert, he got Botox (and obviously so) but was selling Skin Pharmacy and other miracle face potions claiming how wonderful they are. In his defence he has acknowledged this so fair play to him.

However, the constant Laurelle and later Skin Pharmacy 'check their website prices' business is what changed my opinion of him, drastically. As a buyer and expert he knows the dance, these constant price checks are an insult to our intelligence.

I know I constantly take the pish out of him but to be honest I could be a lot more blunt if I chose to, it's only my opinion but at times I don't think he has been as candid as he could have been and I think that's being kind.

And I was very, very unimpressed by the '16 year olds should use snake serum' comments. That's taking the hard sell too far but of course with Peter it often dosen't appear hard sell in the same way as with Gollum.

But it is hard sell, every bit as much. Peter Sherlock is every bit the salesman, much more than the fragrance expert.

And if anyone thinks otherwise they need a reality check. I suspect he would happily sell us 2 week old bath water if the bosses told him to and he'd still give it one of those enthusiastic, over the top descriptions.

But he's a salesman so we shouldn't be surprised.
I think Peter lost a lot of credibility when, as Bid's resident beauty and fragrance expert, he got Botox (and obviously so) but was selling Skin Pharmacy and other miracle face potions claiming how wonderful they are. In his defence he has acknowledged this so fair play to him.

However, the constant Laurelle and later Skin Pharmacy 'check their website prices' business is what changed my opinion of him, drastically. As a buyer and expert he knows the dance, these constant price checks are an insult to our intelligence.

I know I constantly take the pish out of him but to be honest I could be a lot more blunt if I chose to, it's only my opinion but at times I don't think he has been as candid as he could have been and I think that's being kind.

And I was very, very unimpressed by the '16 year olds should use snake serum' comments. That's taking the hard sell too far but of course with Peter it often dosen't appear hard sell in the same way as with Gollum.

But it is hard sell, every bit as much. Peter Sherlock is every bit the salesman, much more than the fragrance expert.

And if anyone thinks otherwise they need a reality check. I suspect he would happily sell us 2 week old bath water if the bosses told him to and he'd still give it one of those enthusiastic, over the top descriptions.

But he's a salesman so we shouldn't be surprised.

I think that's it, he's purely a salesman, he's not a friend of the Bid viewer, not even Dympna or Kelly
the 'my queens of beauty' act has become a bit phoney and fake
I think that's it, he's purely a salesman, he's not a friend of the Bid viewer, not even Dympna or Kelly
the 'my queens of beauty' act has become a bit phoney and fake

Forget the 'fragrance expert' persona that has been created for him, I don't doubt he knows something about perfume but he's a salesman.

End of. And a pretty hard nosed one too.
I think that's it, he's purely a salesman, he's not a friend of the Bid viewer, not even Dympna or Kelly
the 'my queens of beauty' act has become a bit phoney and fake

at the end of the day, he is just like someone knocking on your door to sell you a pair of shoes with two left feet..... except he's no longer at your door, he is already in your house, via the tv. He can hide flaws with words and hide words behind other words. sexier words. words that make you feel like a friend and you haven't got to make him 8 cups of tea while trying to get him out of your house.
Has anyone else noticed that most of the people they speak to on the phone seem to put it bluntly quite old. I just feel they are being exploited by sales tactics and disingenuity. If they knew they could buy most of these perfumes cheaper on the internet, they could save a bundle of money. Ah well, I hope Schlock can sleep OK at night.

His 'line' makes me laugh. Affordable = cheap as if he is doing them a favour and Bid are so well known for their altruistic approach to their customers. His smugness as the perfumer is nauseating.
Has anyone else noticed that most of the people they speak to on the phone seem to put it bluntly quite old. I just feel they are being exploited by sales tactics and disingenuity. If they knew they could buy most of these perfumes cheaper on the internet, they could save a bundle of money. Ah well, I hope Schlock can sleep OK at night.

His 'line' makes me laugh. Affordable = cheap as if he is doing them a favour and Bid are so well known for their altruistic approach to their customers. His smugness as the perfumer is nauseating.

Yes-I just made exactly the same points in the Random Musings thread. Old people who are not internet savvy paying over the odds.
What a great business model.
I have a sneaky feeling that they thought they would sell more of Sclock's stink.
Goodness, I've had to stop eating to reply (not a small feat). I whole heartedly agree with all of you on here, we all need to go for a coffee, we are on the same hymn sheet :)
I too, like you said DeeDee, felt Peter has changed somewhat, I really did enjoy watching him, but he has very much become a different persona, so so glad it wasn't just me being weird (again). Fully agree also about the old people and those less savvy being 'taken advantage of' to use a phrase. There is no real excuse though in these people being 'salepersons' to justify their behaviours in my opinion, Debbie Greenwood and ALL of the QVC presenters manage to sell thing based on....wait for this......the products ACTUAL merit!! gasp!!! The GREAT andy hodgson used to be the same, he'd say things like "this isn't a special xxxx, but at this sort of price it might be worth a go". Its the old thing of slagging a landline off to sell a mobile, then slagging a mobile off to sell a landline, just sell each on their own sodding merits. With Bid's sheisters, it seems, not only good enough to say "I have a steam mop at home" when selling a steam mop, as QVC presenters would do, and Debbie Greenwood, no, at Bid the presenter will have to have the exact same model as they are selling, have paid 4 times as more, and rate it as their top product in the world.......... until the next sale ;(

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