Ped-Pro. No!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 25, 2008
Ped-Pro arrived today. Got home, rushed upstairs, removed tights and got to work anticipating the ease of use, vacuum action and fine dust that would leave my feet looking and feeling fantastic.
Alas no, nothing!
If you press too hard the thing stops. If you don't press, it rotates around giving your wrist a workout but doing nothing for your feet. I know that you are supposed to do it for a few minutes each day but by the results from the first go it would take the 30 days and more to remove the hard skin on my feet.
One good thing though, I got out my Microplane, got to work and within 5 minutes all hard skin had gone.
Needless to say it's going back.
As is the Diamonique watch that I bought in a monent of madness and wore to work today. No-one mentioned it, which as you girls know is NOT a good sign!!:33:
Awww, not a good QVC week for you then Annie? :(
Which watch did you go for? (Not that I'm nosey or anything..........actually that's a rotten stinkin' lie on my part, I'm the nosiest person ever! lol)
I was wondering about the ped-pro, guess I will avoid it

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I went for the Rose Gold TSV.
Moral of the story, never purchase after having a few drinks and don't be panicked when they say something has gone limited!
I've got the ordinary PedEgg, £2 from the market, and it's great.

My pedro came today and I obviously didnt watch the presentation well or I am doing something wrong as it keeps stopping and I am not pressing much at all.

I dont have a lot of dry skin on my feet but thought the "sander" would be good but I think I will be sending it back
Oh no, what a disaster, MOMAD (so excited at the thought of 'no effort' foot planing!) is going to be absolutely gutted! :11: :D
Considered this although I just wanted the file and recommended it to my sister. So glad we didn't bother and will do as Mad4Gems and my brother and get one from the market at £2!
I too received my Pedpro this morning.....I think it's good...but not that good....

the built in vacuum is a bit of a joke (as expected though)......and it's a shame the design doesn't allow you to store both the sanding and buffing discs inside when not in use (unless I'm missing something!)....

I tried it out as soon as it was delivered and also found that it keeps stopping....I've tried it again tonight and I think I'm getting used to it....I think I'm getting better results with this that I do with the Microplane
In this hot weather have just discovered a FREE way of removing hard heel skin. The only requirement is an outside patio !

Lie down on a cushion etc facing the sun, then rub both heels up and down on the concrete paving slabs ! Result: smooth heels. SIMPLES !!!!!! and no p&p.
In this hot weather have just discovered a FREE way of removing hard heel skin. The only requirement is an outside patio !

Lie down on a cushion etc facing the sun, then rub both heels up and down on the concrete paving slabs ! Result: smooth heels. SIMPLES !!!!!! and no p&p.

Ohhhh, sounds painful!
Painful, naaaaaah ! if you have really hard skin on your heels you dont feel a thing ! but boy do they get smooth - I am living proof !!!! mind you the paving slabs are a bit scuffed, but what the hell !
My husband uses a Ped Egg thing on his feet. He goes at it like a lumberjack - dust and skin flying in all directions and I swear he is half inch shorter afterwards. I am left like shivering wreck - he - not a flinch. If they ever decide to re open the Tower and break out a few of the items, I am sure he's the man...
I was suspicious of how this could work when in the demonstration they said "it doesn't hurt, if you touch it with your finger it stops". If it stops when you touch it with your finger then it will stop when you touch it with your foot, or anything else for that matter! JML have been advertising these Ped Egs for £9.99 so I think I'm going to have to find a market with the £2 version.

Did you notice in the demonstration that the guy only ever used it on his 'good' foot, which was already smooth. It would have been more of a demonstration if he'd used it on his other 'cracked' foot!!
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Did you notice in the demonstration that the guy only ever used it on his 'good' foot, which was already smooth. It would have been more of a demonstration if he'd used it on his other 'cracked' foot!!

I never noticed that Topaz, ooh err, how strange! I did however notice the before & after photos & sorry but nobody has feet that grotty, unless they have:
a) A raging fungal infection &
b) Two week's worth of dirt of he soles of their feet!
Yuk! :26:
I'm not impress either! Mine came with no replacement buffers ( should of had 5). Emailed QVC & was told that as the product came from overseas then they could not send me any? Pre-paid label is on its way instead!
Smooth feet

I really like mine. My feet have never been so smooth and it only stops if you press too hard, so I didn't and it was fine. The vacuum bit is a bit naff - i.e. doesn't work and you can't put it on with the buffer at all. I just did mine over an old towel and it was fine. I found it better than an ordinary foot file or the 2 piece grater set that was a TSV a while back - each to their own, I suppose.

I like mine too, but I think the shape could be better. Below my ankle is a hollow, and there's rough skin there, but I can't get at it because the surface of the grater is flat.

It needs a thinner, wand-type bit. No doubt a future version will have that.

Otherwise I'm pleased, although the white dust stuff is gross!

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