Overused Words/Phrases in the QVC Dictionary....


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"On Trend" - The minute they say it, I know that supposing it's " a this season must have", there isn't a chance in hell I'm buying it.

And "considered purchase" is so patronising imo.
There's nothing worse than...........

A very bright red/A dull red
Sleeves too long/sleeves too short
Using a bag that is not big enough/using a bag that is too big
And all the other examples that appear to be good in one product but bad in another depending on what is being demonstrated.

And I am not Santa bloomin' Claus.
I do not want to give away half of everything I buy as a gift.
A cardigan that comes with a scarf, ooh give the scarf as a gift.
A bag that comes with a purse, ooh give the purse as a gift.
Lock and Lock set of six, - ooh keep three and give three as a gift.
NO, I buy them because I want them. If I wanted to give money away I would go to a multi storey car park and throw £20 notes off the roof.
Rant over!!
What about the "dreaded" SUPERMARKET?

Ok, they accept we all have to go there from time to time, but for the love of sweet Jesus, don't buy any skincare/shampoo/ houseplants/toothpaste/frozen pies/ready made desserts whilst you're there. At the moment about the only thing we've got the "thumbs up" on is toilet paper, but I guess it won't be long before Michele Hope produces some kind of bespoke filigree ar*e wipe that's the only thing AY et al will allow "anywhere near" their skin! Hold on a minute, she already does, sorry, I'm hearing that's supposed to be a shawl!!!!

Has anyone noticed how happy they are to discount this theory at the drop of a polycarbonate foodsaver?
"make use of all those supermarket b.o.g.o.f.s" eat one now and store the other in one of these freezer safe tubs...it makes so much sense! Then see the presenter move seamlessly into an overpriced candle extravaganza and tell us that those "so called" air freshening candles you can buy from the supermarket are a total waste of money as they only mask the smell for two nano seconds, and have a burn time of about ten minutes!
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My sister and I now have a drinking game for when the lady from Kipling comes on. Every time she utters words like "it's like a tardis", "Lindsay Lohan has one", "it would make a good nappy bag", "for a yummy mummy", "this season's colours" or "it's on trend" we have a glug.

Talk about being blotto after an hour :beer: She's a lovely lady but she needs to get a new script LOL.
My sister and I now have a drinking game for when the lady from Kipling comes on. Every time she utters words like "it's like a tardis", "Lindsay Lohan has one", "it would make a good nappy bag", "for a yummy mummy", "this season's colours" or "it's on trend" we have a glug.

Talk about being blotto after an hour :beer: She's a lovely lady but she needs to get a new script LOL.

That sounds like a good game.:happy: you could add in, these colours/bags have been specially made for our qvc viewers. In other words the stores rejected those colours and they've been left with them.
Latest from AY is the 'wow' after the guest is describing a product they've been selling for donkey's years....so false! and 'mm, yeah' while she's busy looking elsewhere and not listening to the guest.

And not let's forget Dawn Bibby and her "INCREDIBLE" this, incredible that, incredible price etc etc etc :sleepy::sleepy::sleepy::sleepy:

I lost count of the number of times that b.....dy word was uttered yesterday.

Please Dawn - you can't be that skint that you can't afford a new dictionary (and to use it :giggle:

Pauline x
Between now and Xmas the constant references to the 'Party Season' - if we were always attending 'events' then we wouldn't have the dubious plesure of listening to their tired old spiel. :thinking2:
Before my son went to uni we used to play a game called "Shopping Channel Panda". I had been given a hideous ( in our eyes) brooch in the shape of a panda, all bejewelled with multi coloured cyrstals and an odd expression on its face that was possibly meant to look cute. Son and I used to take it in turns to sing its praises of as long as poss in the manner of a QVC presenter, the object of the game was to see how long you could do this and how many superlatives you could use while keeping a straight face! . Maybe I could go to QVC towers and become a trainer?
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This thread is so funny especially the lady who wants to drop kick her cat!

I don't think I can think of any more phrases that are overused apart from Glen and his "story" and the mention over and over again that LD used to be a forklift driver (like we care!). Must admit when I first saw this thread the word "phenomenal" sprung to mind.
This thread is so funny especially the lady who wants to drop kick her cat!

Oh it's a great thread - I've been in knots reading people's replies!! What a wicked sense of humour people have. It's us ST members that should have a shopping channel and I'm quite sure we'd entertain the masses, as well as rake in a fortune with our much more honest and forthright selling techniques!!
Some of those QVC folks are so lazy, over relying on superlatives to sell products. They should give their little book of superlatives a well earned rest, do some homework, and tell us exactly why their products are so incredible, fantastic, fabulous, brilliant, amazing, luxurious supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.:sleepy:
Hold the cat, it’s an encyclopaedia, that needs to be drop kicked their way.:gigli::Yikes!:
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I find "wonderful" quite tiresome when used 65 times an hour but the one that makes me go "Grrrrrr!" is when they say that something is "really unique".

Something is either unique - or it's not. No "really really's" are necessary! :D

In addition to the annoying "really"s, if we are talking about a TSV that is mass produced, that sold a hundred thousand units in the USA, and that they expect to sell twenty or thirty thousand units of today in the UK, and then the same again in Germany in a couple of weeks...then "Unique" is not really the right word at all now is it? ;) :grin:
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Good Thread.

But I ain't saying nowt... just only incase me speling an grama ain't wright, an Ive got thinks the rong way round...:taphead:

But I'm "really Unique"...............lol
'Us Girlies......'

'They're so helpful in Liverpool'

'25,000,000 of you have now got your name on one of these in our warehouse in Liverpool'
"fashion forward" always cracks me up......especially when they use to describe something they've had in stock for ages. Also when they say how excited they are about each and every product, maybe a new line of incontinence products beckons
Art Deco. :sleepy:
<img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_11_117.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img
This garment "TICKS ALL THE BOXES".....yes, it probably does, if you're looking for Overpriced, shapeless, clingy, and frumpy!

This is a real "NO BRAINER"....also very true 'cause you'd have to be "out of your mind" to consider buying it!
"have you purchased ...... Why not just say "bought"

All Kipling and Travelon bags have to hold "a bottle of water and an oyster card. "

RJ - plant it and stand back

Amica - I love everything about this range (said about every skin care range she demo's)

The grey Archos man - every other word is "movies"

flying off the shelves - a touch of Mary Poppins perhaps ?

my Sophie, my Billy, my cats, my flatmate, my mum, my granny, my horses, my girlfriends (Sara G and Jill F), my Ernie,

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