Oriental Super Poppy


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Suki 1

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
These have all come up, but there no flowers yet, wonder if any one else had these?
Hi, My mum bought these for me and guess what? Yes, there are no flowers yet promises of several flowings each year. I also bought some fritilary and had no flower, some peonies - no flowers. I also rung up and got a refund for something else (can't remember what) as I didn't have any flowers. I really am not such a bad gardener - everything else seems to grow ok.:flower::flower::flower:
Mine turned to dust within few days of arriving - despite TLC so requested another set. They did not arrive. Supposedly yet another set was dispatched and they also did not arrive. Do not believe either set was sent. Then requested and got money back.
If your poppies have not flowered yet I don't think they will this year. It is getting quite late in the season. Some varieties will flower twice in a season but only if cut back early after the first flowering.

Maybe next year.

If it is any consolation my oriental poppies that always flower did very badly this year. In part caused by bamboo growing through the area they were planted in.

A strange growing year. A lot of things peaked early

I have been using seaweed exract as a feed with with my usall feed this year and so has my friend, and we have both had good results with it. I have a blue berry bush(or should I say twigg), bought in wilkinson a few years ago. I have had about 6-12 berriees off it each year, and no sign of new growth this year till about a week ago and now it is romping away with nice healthy looking shoots.
I bought the Straberry TSV from May, and although I have fruit off them and the plants look healthy , I have only had a few fruits ripe at one time about 6 berries at the most.I have been feeding them regular too. I also turn the stand around a few times each day.I think the claim was made for about 5lb of fruit this year.
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i bought 2 sets of these poppies, 2 of the same variety died immediately which qvc replaced, now all except for 2 plants have died, and those 2 haven't flowered.

should i get in touch with qvc and tell them or what?

any advice welcome. :flower:
can't advise you about the poppies, but getting a bit concerned as my first ever purchase from a gardening show has just arrived, blue trailing pansies and there is stuff on here suggesting that the plants aren't the totally amazing things that "Jacko" (rj) claims.........why do i fall for the hype time after time?. Will let you know how the pansies progress.
this is the first year I have bought plants from QVc and would say that 90% of them have been fine. I have even given some to a friend and she has been pleased with what I have given her.
My strawberries the plants are healthy and there over 20 plants in total, and it was claimed that they would produce lbs of fruit this year and loads more next.I have been having fruit off them all month so far but not enough ripe at once to have even a small bowl. The fruits have also been varying size to tiny to decent strawberry size.
As I have said on a few other "plant threads" this year my QVC plants have all but one been awful !, and curled up and rotted, drooped, failed to flower, yellow and dried out on arrival etc !, I will not be purchasing from QVC gardening hours again:thinking2:
I have been using seaweed exract as a feed with with my usall feed this year and so has my friend, and we have both had good results with it. I have a blue berry bush(or should I say twigg), bought in wilkinson a few years ago. I have had about 6-12 berriees off it each year, and no sign of new growth this year till about a week ago and now it is romping away with nice healthy looking shoots.

That is really late. I bought a couple of Blueberry bushes from Ideal World three years ago. The first year there were no fruits but from year two I had new growth from March/April and a reasonable amount of fruit. They are two different varieties in square pots with ericaceous compost next to each other. The first variety fruits earlier and has sharper berries. The second is just finishing fruiting.

This year I had 4 or 5 good size dessert bowls of fruit plus a lot went to the birds or dropped off. I broke off half of one of the bushes last year with the hose pipe. I am sure if they were in a less crowded and safer position I would have had even more fruit

I top the soil up with ericaceous compost each year and feed with seaweed extract and this year RJs Flower Power as well

Work colleagues have reported similar poor fruiting. I think the secret is to have the two bushes!

The only product I have bought on the gardening hours (for the OH) that has been a total sucess is Flower power my OH loves the stuff !.

Yes totally agree, when Flower Power ran out bought some Miracle Gro but did not get the same results.
That is really late. I bought a couple of Blueberry bushes from Ideal World three years ago. The first year there were no fruits but from year two I had new growth from March/April and a reasonable amount of fruit. They are two different varieties in square pots with ericaceous compost next to each other. The first variety fruits earlier and has sharper berries. The second is just finishing fruiting.

This year I had 4 or 5 good size dessert bowls of fruit plus a lot went to the birds or dropped off. I broke off half of one of the bushes last year with the hose pipe. I am sure if they were in a less crowded and safer position I would have had even more fruit

I top the soil up with ericaceous compost each year and feed with seaweed extract and this year RJs Flower Power as well

Work colleagues have reported similar poor fruiting. I think the secret is to have the two bushes!


I have read that before about more than one plant I did start off with 3 but the other 2 died completly over a couple of years.

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