OMG! Craig is so flirting w. the guest


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Laura L'occitane Earle

Registered Shopper
Nov 9, 2009
He is so flirting with her! She just said could she take him back to the stairs with the green Gtech sweeper thing, and he replied with something like she could take him back anytime, or something like that! He then giggled hysterically. Good job they're not presenting northern nights together! :heart: No knowing what might happen under that flannel covered down duvet! :blush:
Was very amusing though, she even called him a naughty boy or something like that.

P.S. I bought the sweeper. Nowt to do with Craig & guests antics of course, just that I've been fancying it for aaaaaaaaaaages.
He does seem quite effeminate but there's a lot of camp men that are straight and men's men who are - well just that!
It's not important whether he is Gay or not just that if he is why pretend not to be?
He does seem quite effeminate but there's a lot of camp men that are straight and men's men who are - well just that!
It's not important whether he is Gay or not just that if he is why pretend not to be?

Was just about to say,which male guest was Craig flirting with?:giggle:

But yes,you're right,Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen(sp?) and Simon Cowell spring to mind.Conversely there are men who present as uber-butch,uber- masculine,who are actually gayer than Xmas on Fire Island with Elton John!

Don't generally bother with the blogs (don't really give a stuff what they get up ti in RL tbh!) but having seen the pis, I'd say that was a fair assumption Kitee - fairly classic body language for 'partner' (as opposed to 'friend'! lol) on the one certainly, & if 'Stuart' leant in any further towards Craig, he'd risk toppling over! lol
I couldnt really care less if he is gay or not,i think its a bit naughty to be discussing it anyway
sorry but I think its not really our business!!
I couldnt really care less if he is gay or not,i think its a bit naughty to be discussing it anyway
sorry but I think its not really our business!!

I agree - I started the thread (my first one!) because his flirting caught me by surprise. Usually Craig is so cute and cuddly! I was like "grrr! Go, tiger!" But seriously, Craig has been there for a year now, and although I watched with interest when QVC went through the X-factor type casting for a new presenter, and thought it was sweet when he blubbed like a baby at winning, I don't really enjoy his shows. I don't know why, sometimes I think he is a bit sincere, the way he seems to love everything he is selling. It puts me off a bit. The only blokes I like on QVC is Dale (becaus ehe can be incredibly funny, and just has a glint in his eye). Actually Simon Biagi is O.K and the technology one (whoops! forgotten his name) can also be quite funny, and just seems to be quite genuine. Although I have seen some awkward moments between him and Suzy of NN, who clearly can't stand him.
I dont mind him at all to be honest,sometimes I think its just over enthusiasm the way he seems to just love everything he's trying to sell.
I like Julian and I dont mind Charlie,I think Dale is my favourite fella on qvc,cracks me up sometimes!! :flower:
Who care's if he's gay or not?? :rolleyes: I just can't watch him because he's such an obsequious little creep. :34: :pPC:
Who care's if he's gay or not?? :rolleyes: I just can't watch him because he's such an obsequious little creep. :34: :pPC:

I don't care about his lifestyle per se, and it certainly wouldn't stop me from buying an item. My only gripe is that people have fought for years for freedom to be gay - there are those who have died and those who have suffered as a result. It must be quite disheartening that people still feel a need to be dishonest even though society is more understanding of these differences - just look at Stephen Gately' s death, I don't know anyone who wasn't sad about that.
Saying that Craig has not mentioned anything about his lifestyle except where it relates to the items that he sells which is quite right so I withdraw my statement that suggests he is pretending because I really don't feel he is, I was just getting on my hobby horse.!!!
Presenters can be picked up on many things on this thread but sexuality shouldn't be one of them. There are some narrowminded comments on this thread and I for one think it should be closed! We live in 2009 for goodness sake!
Presenters can be picked up on many things on this thread but sexuality shouldn't be one of them. There are some narrowminded comments on this thread and I for one think it should be closed! We live in 2009 for goodness sake!

I agree and said this the other day on here.... I dont think it should even be discussed its not anyones business.

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