Old Misery Guts....


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Polly Esther

Registered Shopper
Oct 7, 2008
Kelly Hoppen has the TSV on Tuesday.

Wonder what she'll be looking down her nose at us with? Overpriced bedding? Extornionate cushions?! :sleepy:
whatever it is it will be in neutral tones truly dull, over priced and the presenters will be raving about it, telling us which celebs have something of its ilk in their homes.
OMG don't get me started on this woman............

I was foolish enough to buy some of her bedding, what a disaster. After sleeping on it for a week the fitted sheet became incredibly bobbly and horrible (just like some cheapo cut price stuff you get from the supermarket), saying that, the latter is probably better value. I sent it back and put a really snotty review on the website (which to my surprise was accepted).

I will never again be duped by this stuck up her own arse woman and her vastly overpriced shabby merchandise......... There I feel better for that rant already.
You know I feel sorry for Kelly she obviously sat down on day without looking and got one of her horn ornaments stuck - well how else can you explain her pained expressions and akward demeanour
I don't like to say I 'hate' people when I haven't met them and don't know them, but I have taken a very strong aversion to this woman.

She appears so cold, ungracious and lacking in any interpersonal skills that she makes me feel quite depressed :sad:

Needless to say I won't be watching her or whatever overpriced 'designer' tat she is trying to flog us :dull:
Would it surprise you to know that she's very pally with that other thicko, aloof plank known as Victoria Beckham?

You see this is why QVC for me has lost all credibility when it sells tat like this!

Love Becky <3
I haven't seen her yet, but these posts make me want to watch, just to see how awful she is. :happy:
I love the title of this thread, we had one before but everyone seemed to defend Ms Hoppen's humour as dry, but it must be me then cos all I think of is a nasal whine and expensive and rather unimaginative neutral duvet covers. (with buttons of course).
Someone on here (sorry cannot remember who) hit the nail on the head with their comment that she's like a dementor.
How much??!! :eek:

She's just said that she's jet lagged - oh dear, how sad, what a shame! She should have timed her schedule better then shouldn't she considering the TSV's take months in the planning?! Perhaps she ought to jump under her own duvet cover and cut out all the ridiculous twaddle. We've heard it all before with NN and know we can get good quality bedding at a fraction of this cost on the high street.
Wow,this woman is a first class,grade A,FACE-ACHE!!

The bedding does look nice though,but unless it was handwoven by actual,virgin Egyptian maidens,I ain't paying that price for it.
Is this early morning showing of the TSV on a loop? It's on the background as I catch up with the forum, and it's the same presentation for the 3rd time - ooh, no wait, Sam DD's has just popped up with some NN. Looks like someone in the gallery woke up.
(mum writes)

I really don't understand the current hype over bedding. The only person that sees my bedding is me! And my bedroom is not the focus of my home. After all, in keeping with many, I can just about get my bed in there with a little room to spare. Without a word of a lie, I still use a set of sheets that I bought in the 70s. They came from a catalogue that was all the rage at the time. They've been washed probably thousands of times now and they've not lost their colour, no loose threads, they don't need to be ironed or anything like that and yet they really do look as good as they day I bought them. They don't need to be this, that or the other thread count or made from cotton grown in a light mist syphoned from craters on Mars and they certainly didn't need to be expensive. After all, how much does it really matter? If it's comfortable, looks good and matches your decor and tastes, is anyone going to complain that it might have only cost £20 in Linens Direct?

I couldn't help but laugh when Craig said that this is the sort of stuff he'd have if he won on the lottery and she responded with "Awwww...." I guess she doesn't consider that us plebs would actually want it.

Bah humbug ;)
Dementor. Yes this is perfect. KH is so dreary and depressing, it is like having all your vitality sucked out of you.
Her affected, monotonous, nasal voice matches the pretentios, dull greige of her bedding.
Let's hope nobody buys much today.
I watched Ms Hoppen this morning and what an absolutely bore..... she so looked like she didn't want to be there and who would pay those extortionate prices for bedding and when she mentioned that Victoria B had the same set - OMG!!! We can all get better quality and cheaper at good old John Lewis.

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