old. bags.


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Jun 24, 2008
with all of the "amazing" skincare alison young has at her disposal "i'm an advanced skincare user" why does she look old, and even worse why does she have massive bags under her eyes as she presents gatineau in the early hours of sunday morning?

is alison young bullshi**ing the nation? i think she is.

in fact, who IS alison young? yes she goes on about her pedigree, but the woman hasnt worked in the industry for 15 years, she's been on telly instead.

to quote edina from ab fab when she went into the art gallery: "drop the attitude love your only a shop assistant"
AND she needs to sack her stylist - probably herself.

Trying to be at the cutting edge of fashion at her age does not work. Grey tights, purple tights with platform clumpy shoes look ghastly, and dont get me started on her spectacle frames. Sorry Alison, your whole "together" look makes you look older than your years. I'm 62 and I could give you a run for your money any day ! PLUS my skin is great - no fancy formulaes, just slapped the Nivea on from age 16, AND I grew up by the seaside !
I noticed her bags the other day and wonder what the rest of her skin is lke as she never lets anyone do a close up

I once read an article that said it is not necessary to use high range skincare as a year or so later the magic ingredient is then in the cheap ranges. I have tried high range skincare and to be honest I couldn't see the difference in my skin so have gone back to buying off the high street
I've said it before, most of what AY sells is snake oil in a fancy pot.

I recorded the beauty show last night, when I watched it this morning it had cut off the very beginning so the first word I heard was 'presteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeejus'......so I hit the forward button. Why was the show only 30 minutes long though?!

I think its been mentioned before that Alison has an underactive thyroid. Even with the right medication the affects still take a toll on your body - its like having a flat battery. I can always tell when my thyroid is bad by my puffy and swollen eyes.
alison is not the best put together presenter tbh clotheswise but i do think she has lovely skin and is quite attractive when her makeup is put on righ specially when she has been mallyed. noone can really help having very thin skin round thier eyes.

now the diet chef lady gets me she looks really porky bit like the becllugh,exmoor meat man they look related!
with all of the "amazing" skincare alison young has at her disposal "i'm an advanced skincare user" why does she look old, and even worse why does she have massive bags under her eyes as she presents gatineau in the early hours of sunday morning?

is alison young bullshi**ing the nation? i think she is.

in fact, who IS alison young? yes she goes on about her pedigree, but the woman hasnt worked in the industry for 15 years, she's been on telly instead.

to quote edina from ab fab when she went into the art gallery: "drop the attitude love your only a shop assistant"

I've ribbed her mercilessly on here - I know I have, contrary to the ribbing I do actually like her a lot.

But I watched the Gatineau hours this morning while I choked on my cornflakes. She didn't look well at all I have to say, very tired and her eyes had awful bags. Well, more like suitcases. Call it late night, call it not being well whatever - it does prove that you can have the best and most expensive presteeeeejeyus skincare at your disposal, but it really can't do all that it claims to, even when you're unwell.

She could do with using that miracle Alpha H thing again that peels off your eyes or whatever :grin:.
Don't forget she's had a foal recently so she might have put in a few all-night vigils in the stables ! Also an under-active thyroid can be quite debilitating.

Bless her, I like her and can overlook her screeching style because she has a feisty personality.

While were talking about Gatineau, I thought Andrew Bagley looked a bit rough last night. He has a very furrowed brow for someone in his early forties, you'd think he'd use his own products wouldn't you (aaahh perhaps he does !). He needs a good haircut.
Did anyone see the 'German AY' the other week? I thought she was fantastic.

Although not classically beautiful she was well groomed, nicely made up, and really looked like she looked after herself, and used products that worked for her (and played to her strengths) - AND she knew her onions - I thought AY had some stuff to learn from her....
alison is not the best put together presenter tbh clotheswise but i do think she has lovely skin and is quite attractive when her makeup is put on righ specially when she has been mallyed. noone can really help having very thin skin round thier eyes.
now the diet chef lady gets me she looks really porky bit like the becllugh,exmoor meat man they look related!

very true, but AY keeps telling us you can get rid of them by applying overpriced blobs of grease. this is clearly a lie.
To be quite honest, I seriously doubt if ANY of these skin creams can really make you look any younger, it's all in your genes, having said that, I don't think its a bad thing to look after your skin, especially if you wear make up a lot. I think skincare can make your skin feel nice, and some of the containers are going to look nice on your dressing table.

I think there's some basic do's and don'ts....eg, DO take your make up off thouroughly of a night, don't use astringents if your skin's dry, and be gentle when applying creams and applying and removing make up. If you take care of your appearance, and feel happy with the way you look, then perhaps that's what keeps you looking younger.

All this crap especially via the lips of AY about "prescribing" certain creams and potions really grates on me, and as for the prestigious boloney, the only prestige that can possibly be applied to these overpriced potions are that they are seen advertised in the glossies, and that you need to have a lot of money, or more money that sense to buy them!
Nothing that comes out of a pot will get rid of wrinkles

Only a face lift will. Again bags and dark circles surgery nothing else will do it.

Andrew was a sun lover and that is why he looks so wrinkled.

Buy whatever range you enjoy using and use sun block. You get older you get wrinkles thats life.
The only ingredient clinically proven to reduce wrinkles on the skin is retinol which is a derivative of Vitamin A. As far as I know nothing else will physically alter the skin. So all the 'youth molecules' in the world will only make a surface difference to your skin (make it feel soft etc) unless they contain retinol.

It always strikes me as somewhat hilarious when AY and Andrew pesent Gatineau together as neither of them are particularly good advertisments for the products!! *miaow*


I think its been mentioned before that Alison has an underactive thyroid. Even with the right medication the affects still take a toll on your body - its like having a flat battery. I can always tell when my thyroid is bad by my puffy and swollen eyes.

I can vouch for this - I have an underactive thryoid. I'm on medication for life but it needs tweaking from time to time. The condition really does take a toll on skin and hair (although Ojon sorted that out). I love the prestige brands which normally work well for me except when my thryroxine levels start to fluctuate. I can only describe it as stressed skin and even the most expensive cream in the world can't sort this out. However, I do find the smell and texture of the products quite comforting but I'm not kidding myself that it can correct everything!
I have warmed to AY of late.A few weeks ago she was on a show & really sending herself up, mentioning her non stop talking & her husband calls her 'gobby'! She said she was very quiet @ home?!
Also i have heard she is a very nice & helpful person to know.
It must be difficult in such celebrity obsessed county as this to present beauty products when heaven forbid you have hit the big 40!!!
I have warmed to AY of late.A few weeks ago she was on a show & really sending herself up, mentioning her non stop talking & her husband calls her 'gobby'! She said she was very quiet @ home?!
Also i have heard she is a very nice & helpful person to know.
It must be difficult in such celebrity obsessed county as this to present beauty products when heaven forbid you have hit the big 40!!!

In fairness I don't think it's anything to do with AY being a certain age or (god forbid) a celebrity. I think it's more the fact that every product she sells is our saviour and will do everything bar make the tea. Yet she herself doesn't always look radiant and glowing and youthful depsite the claims she makes about the products. Plus her expertise is questionable at best so that's doesn't help either...
Don't forget she's had a foal recently so she might have put in a few all-night vigils in the stables ! Also an under-active thyroid can be quite debilitating.

Bless her, I like her and can overlook her screeching style because she has a feisty personality.

While were talking about Gatineau, I thought Andrew Bagley looked a bit rough last night. He has a very furrowed brow for someone in his early forties, you'd think he'd use his own products wouldn't you (aaahh perhaps he does !). He needs a good haircut.

I would have thought that AY being bagged and Andrew being furrowed would tell folks that the Gatineau products just don't make any difference what so ever, instead people jump on the phones and spend their hard earned cash in the hope the product will work for them.
None of the big brand skin care presenters look as good as they should...if all their claims are to be believed!
Keeley,Fiona,Andrew,the Alpha H people,all look what they are age wise and their skin just looks average.None make me go "wow I must buy that"!
It's all hype..some products make your skin feel clean and moisturised but nothing reverses ageing and lifestyle plays a big part.
I stopped being sucked in by Ali young ages ago :rock:
i'm of the thought that you don't need to buy these high priced creams i use a £10 moisturiser by soap and glory and it's one of the best i've tried wouldn't go back now. agree that the majority of the guests don't represent their brands well i am a fan of andrew ok i fancy him lol last night he didn't look as good as he usually does his hair was all bouffant and he just didn't look his best. AY has been better as well maybe it is her illness my mum has thyroid probs so know all about it.

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