I've got to admit that I've never bothered to give Ebay a try (as a seller) I find the process a little daunting, and I've donated many an expensive item to a charity when the item's been portable enough for me to take there under my own steam. I have also left very expensive stuff outside my house with a note to tell people to help themselves and that has included bulky and expensive exercise equipment. If it's been gathering dust and taking up precious space in my home for years and making me unhappy then sod it...get it gone. It would be nice to be able to recoup some of the money I've wasted on buying the item/s but that comes with its own hassle, so I console myself in the knowledge that a charity will benefit, or just someone else will be thrilled to find it and make good use of it. Quite possibly an ebayer could pick it up and make money themselves, however I'm better off not thinking about the money, just thinking about how much better life would be without it! Thankfully I've learned my lesson now and am extra cautious when I'm buying big and expensive items. If I'm in any doubt - I don't buy!
Our BHF and Air Ambulance will pick larger items up - or they did pre-Covid.
Yes I agree. I always thought that my diet was reasonably healthy until I had my cholesterol checked!
I bought a Collins Cholesterol Counter book and really studied labels.
Yes it can get boring but I have never had to take statins and I lost 3 stone.
I have gained a stone but can't really blame lockdown - I was just greedy.
My husband and I get up at 6am every morning and practice yoga and he is 76!
I have to be careful because I have dehydrated discs, arthritis in my spine, cervical spondylosis, hip problems and radicular nerve damage but I find that most moves can be easily modified to take this into account.
Interestingly my GP told me that the menopause increases cholesterol and so does hypothyroidism which I also have![]()
Well done on taking your health into your own hands and getting a good outcome.
Mr. AE and his sister both have gall bladder attacks. He's avoiding them by eating sensibly and has lost weight. She's hugely overweight and has no intention of losing weight to help herself. Instead she 'borrowed' £7k from their parents and is now waiting for a private op.
Statins cause more problems and solve none. familial hypercholesterolemia cannot be diagnosed without a blood test which is never done as it is expensive. Any excuse to dish out these poison pills
I worked closely with GPs and consultants years ago. The perks they got for dishing out prescriptions of a certain brand were enormous. Reps would also take a lot more time with them than they ever had with their patients.
The whole system is broken.
This is going to be common practice now. I managed to get to see a nurse and I was given two items a mask and wipes. One to clean the seat in the reception area and one to clean the seat when I got to see the nurse. I have to say its put me off visiting.
Seriously? They're expecting ill patients to clean seats before using? No wonder it put you off. They're quiet enough between patients to do all that themselves. Not that I'd trust them...