Oh dear Jill


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I have watched QVC very little lately but when I have flicked on I have seen JF.I know she has never been a curvy girl but now she looks too gaunt.If she looks like this on TV what is she like in real life? She says she doesn't cook but extend that to doesn't eat, not a good look.I hope she is not ill.
She had the XS Together TSV pulled tightly with a clamp around her back to make it fit her. ( I don't miss a thing)!
Note to QVC. Do NOT put Jill Franks on food shows. She makes me feel like a fat heifer (so I don't buy) and she clearly doesn't eat anything that QVC sell - I see her juicing her way through life. She's nearly as bad in the gardening shows, in fact she's worse with all that "lordy, lordy, my nails will get ruined". Maybe just not have her on at all?


Amen to that!
She had the XS Together TSV pulled tightly with a clamp around her back to make it fit her. ( I don't miss a thing)!

I didn't see the clip but it's wrong to mislead customers as to the sizing and style of the TSV by doing that. She should wear it as it is even if it is a bit big or not wear it at all.
I think she loves the fact that nothing fits her. It`s that warped sense of achievement, weight/exercise obsessed people have. The " oh look I`m so slim nothing fits me " routine. I once worked with someone like that. She ran several miles to and from work everyday, her normal healthy size would have been a size 10/12 I should imagine but she rarely touched solid food, worked out in a gym even after running several miles home and was proud of the fact she was a scrawny size 6. Before anybody jumps on me, yes I know some people are naturally thin and yes I know some people suffer from eating disorders but there are also some people who know full well they don`t look good but continue to do it.
The woman I worked with was in her late 30`s but her face was so thin and lined, she looked in her 50`s and her clothes never looked good on her. Jill looks pretty much the same IMO.
We all knew she was into bulldogs, now it seems she's into clipping her clothes with bulldog clips for that extra "cinched-in" / fitted look. It is rather strange that she should feel the need to do this. Imagine going out to a restaurant / dinner party with a bulldog clip digging in your lower back?! Maybe even the XS in that range would have swamped her waif-like figure that's as thin as an ice-cream wafer. She could hardly appear on screen sporting a baggy tent look, and I gather it would not have been practical to have the garment altered. She was probably just doing what she had to do to look reasonable in something she probably wouldn't be seen dead in outside of Q Towers.
There appears to be many who live by the old Kate Moss mantra of "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". But as you get older its not an advantage to be super skinny, as your body needs nutrients more as we age (and now we are told that whole milk and butter are good for you and to ditch the low fat 'stuff'). I would concur with that, I've never let semi skimmed pass my lips and have always eaten butter - but after a lifetime of reasonable health, have been told to take a Vit D supplement ! Also as we see, slender can be elegance personified, but once again, there comes a point when the skin loses its elasticity much quicker when there is no fat to plump it, thus wrinkles and creases are more evident. That's why the saying goes, 'face or figure' !

Audrey Hepburn is the ultimate icon for everyone it seems, - a prime example of super slender, and it appears that Victoria Beckham is desperately trying to 'morph' into her with the latest hairstyles and poses. But being this slim and equally overweight/obese both bring their own health problems. Being on tele doesn't help, it adds 10lb to your weight, so by this token Jill Franks must look even slimmer in real life, as would the ladies who present Yankee Candles and Nina Leonard.
Maybe even the XS in that range would have swamped her waif-like figure that's as thin as an ice-cream wafer. She could hardly appear on screen sporting a baggy tent look, and I gather it would not have been practical to have the garment altered. She was probably just doing what she had to do to look reasonable in something she probably wouldn't be seen dead in outside of Q Towers.

I agree entirely that she probably wouldn't be seen dead in that top if it was up to her. However clipping it in changed the look of the top as it looked fitted around the bust on her but dropped from the bust on the models(sorry if I'm not explaining well). To me it misrepresented what the top actually looks like and was misleading. If it really wasn't suitable for her then they didn't need to get her to wear it, after all they sometimes have male presenters on fashion shows and obviously they don't wear the items being sold.
I agree entirely that she probably wouldn't be seen dead in that top if it was up to her. However clipping it in changed the look of the top as it looked fitted around the bust on her but dropped from the bust on the models(sorry if I'm not explaining well). To me it misrepresented what the top actually looks like and was misleading. If it really wasn't suitable for her then they didn't need to get her to wear it, after all they sometimes have male presenters on fashion shows and obviously they don't wear the items being sold.

I see your point, however I think QVC tend to like to use the presenters as models and advocates of the brands / products. It would have been strange if Franks had come on-screen wearing a completely different range - and people would have probably asked why she wasn't wearing the TSV. Furthermore, her whole shtick pivots around "I love this, I couldn't LIVE without this, I, I, I, I, I, I...."therefore it would have been strange for her not to wear the top. she was just doing what she had to do to make it look presentable. I don't think anyone really thinks of JF as a style icon or would buy it "because it looks like that on Jill..."
I see your point, however I think QVC tend to like to use the presenters as models and advocates of the brands / products. It would have been strange if Franks had come on-screen wearing a completely different range - and people would have probably asked why she wasn't wearing the TSV. Furthermore, her whole shtick pivots around "I love this, I couldn't LIVE without this, I, I, I, I, I, I...."therefore it would have been strange for her not to wear the top. she was just doing what she had to do to make it look presentable. I don't think anyone really thinks of JF as a style icon or would buy it "because it looks like that on Jill..."

Yes you're right her only sales pitch is that she loves things and uses/wears them all the time which makes her sound insincere, I've heard JR say that an item isn't for her but her mum would like it which sounds far more genuine. Maybe there was something else within the range that would have been suitable for her rather than the TSV.
Many times there have been shoe TSV which the presenter has not worn as it didn't come in their size or they didn't have a sample so they didn't expect them to stand for an hour in a pair of 4 if they were a 7

If they can't pair up a suitable presenter to the product then they should just have come out and said they didn't have it in her size and moved on. After all Miss Julia often says "I should be in a small but they didn't have it "
I see your point, however I think QVC tend to like to use the presenters as models and advocates of the brands / products. It would have been strange if Franks had come on-screen wearing a completely different range - and people would have probably asked why she wasn't wearing the TSV. Furthermore, her whole shtick pivots around "I love this, I couldn't LIVE without this, I, I, I, I, I, I...."therefore it would have been strange for her not to wear the top. she was just doing what she had to do to make it look presentable. I don't think anyone really thinks of JF as a style icon or would buy it "because it looks like that on Jill..."

I saw her in a maxi dress the other day (think it was a TSV brand (not the maxi but the brand overall), and she actually suited it in a weird kind of way. It made her look (if this is possible and I realise I am contradicting everything I have previously said about JF), quite elegant, I don't think that she wanted to wear it as even though I thought it suited (but then my fashion sense ain't exactly anything to write home about) her, I think she would rather be wearing anything but that.
Sometimes when they are given 'suggestions' on what to wear, some ranges don't suit. All seem the presenters seem to be ok in the 'easy' fashions of Together or the 'precious' Yong Kim I know most brands are 'easy care, easy wear' (talk about an Americanisam), but if sometimes the models or presenters who are a 'slightly fuller' are made to wear tops that are not necessarily designed for the larger ladies (like Yong Kim), I think they do this to try and show that there are bigger sizes in this particular fashion, thus bigger ladies can go for them, all it actually does for me is, make me feel sorry for the models/presenters who are made to wear ill-fitting garments. I know clothes are subjective, but to me the one's on Q are way out of my price range (even the 'budget' end).
No sometimes it is difficult for presenters/models to override what they are 'told' to wear, because at the end of the day it is their job and they are being paid to sell and wearing a garment is an ongoing form of selling.
Many times there have been shoe TSV which the presenter has not worn as it didn't come in their size or they didn't have a sample so they didn't expect them to stand for an hour in a pair of 4 if they were a 7

If they can't pair up a suitable presenter to the product then they should just have come out and said they didn't have it in her size and moved on. After all Miss Julia often says "I should be in a small but they didn't have it "

True - with the shoes she has launched TSVs not wearing the TSV because there wasn't a sample in her size. I think the samples are normally a size 7. When she does the emu shows, Julia normally wears her own emus.
Are they too thin or not???

The big decider, I think, is the butt. A womans bottom is usually the last area to be affected by low weight. If there is no inferior gluteal crease or fold (line beneath the bottom) or a very shallow or non existant intergluteal cleft (bottom cheeks not touching) this would mean that yes indeed, JF is below optimal weight. So I think if Jill looked ok in a bikini, with appropriate fullness in her bottom, then yes shes ok, just a tiny framed girl.

If Jill was asked to stand next to Duchess Kate, I think JF would actually look ok, in comparison.
True - with the shoes she has launched TSVs not wearing the TSV because there wasn't a sample in her size. I think the samples are normally a size 7. When she does the emu shows, Julia normally wears her own emus.

Julia Roberts is a UK size 3 in shoes
Are they too thin or not???

The big decider, I think, is the butt. A womans bottom is usually the last area to be affected by low weight. If there is no inferior gluteal crease or fold (line beneath the bottom) or a very shallow or non existant intergluteal cleft (bottom cheeks not touching) this would mean that yes indeed, JF is below optimal weight. So I think if Jill looked ok in a bikini, with appropriate fullness in her bottom, then yes shes ok, just a tiny framed girl.

If Jill was asked to stand next to Duchess Kate, I think JF would actually look ok, in comparison.

That's all very useful, or it would be, if Franks were to pout her posterior live on cam - but I can't imagine her doing that, lest we see the line of bulldog clips cinching her clothes to fit her near-skeletal body.
I don't blame Jill for the bulldog clips. She is the size she is and it is up to Q to organise shows in the correct manner. We have seen poor Jilly H being shoved into terrible dresses like a sausage As presenters I'm not altogether sure that it is necessary to wear clothes that don't fit them after all they have enough models to show them off. As said the male presenters can front shows on makeup and underwear without having to model them.

Surely we don't expect her to gain a couple of stones just to fit into a bit of lace tat.
Jill Franks loves Birkenstock`s so much she can`t even be bothered to wear them whilst presenting the show just now but is wearing a very high pair of her own wedges !!

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