Odd bunch???


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Jan 2, 2009
Are we an odd bunch because we watch and buy from QVC? My family all think I'm mad for watching it. I don't tell my friends because they'd probably laugh at me or think I was a bit sad. Maybe they do watch it and don't let on, afraid I'd laugh at them! There's seems to be a definite stigma attached to the whole shopping telly scene. Why?
My husband says I'd let them talk me into buying a chair with three legs, but I really consider my purchases carefully and have returned less than a handful of buys since I started shopping with them ~ bar a couple of mistakes, I'm always really pleased with what I buy.
I feel I consider what I do buy much more carefully than when I'm dashing round the shops in town where I'm prone to buying on impulse.
I don't know many people who watch it (or admit it), but was so shocked recently to hear my very well-off and stylish Director admit to being addicted! She even admitted to buying the handbag shaped cookie jars!! You're right though, there is definitely a stigma attached to it :blush: although I would rather have this on in the background than watch the cr%p that passes for TV these days - reality shows :headbang:
Are we an odd bunch because we watch and buy from QVC? My family all think I'm mad for watching it. I don't tell my friends because they'd probably laugh at me or think I was a bit sad. QUOTE]

It doesn't bother me admitting I watch and buy. A Centrig. coat everybody admires and is toasty warm this weather I tell them where it is from. I think it depends on your attitude to how people respond to you. If you say it in a surreptitious way then people will respond with a snigger. Stand proud and let them think they are missing something if indeed they are not viewers. A relative who is a keeep up with the Jones's type ordered from BidUp regularly and admitted it.
my family make fun of me but have been very happy with things such a slanket and southern western silver. I have work colleagues who watch and buy and we support each other against the mockery and feel vindicated when non qvc viewers admire anything we have bought.!
Whenever anyone comments on my jewellery I always tell them it's QVC (unless of course it is not!) and then I tell them the price. A colleague has a premier tanzanite ring and when she saw my diamonique "tanzanite" ring she fell in love with it and said if she had the two rings on together she wouldn't be able to tell the difference, she then proceeded to prove the point. Another "friend" said there was a difference but the colleague with the tanzanite ring was adamant there was no difference to the eye. She has asked me to show her more similar looking rings so I introduced her to the site. I think that it's great, she has a brilliant un-snobby attitude and have to say the friend who is suddenly a jewellery expert has some real but very un-exciting pieces herself which I wouldn't have if you paid me.
QVC's ability to produce some pretty and original designs are the reason I stay with them, I love being different and although I am happy to share my interest I would hate to share the designs with people I know because it would make me less original.
On another note, I remember when Argos first started up, there was a lot of criticism about the jewellery being hollow, but today it's acceptable and Argos has stood the test of time much like QVC.
Part of me thinks that it is snobbery. If I see something in a shop that I've gotten from QVC I will actively promote it if I like it, I did that with Bare Escentuals which I have been using since QVC first introduced it, now people are beginning to take note because they really can't believe how subtle it is. :happy: :heart:
This is going to sound so over-dramatic but when I first started watching QVC about 4 years ago I was off work with very severe depression. I really think that some days it kept me sane and gave me a reason to get out of bed in the morning (to check out the TSV). It was also nice to have all the chatter etc going on in the background - the telly was tuned to QVC most of the day.
This is going to sound so over-dramatic but when I first started watching QVC about 4 years ago I was off work with very severe depression. I really think that some days it kept me sane and gave me a reason to get out of bed in the morning (to check out the TSV). It was also nice to have all the chatter etc going on in the background - the telly was tuned to QVC most of the day.

I can identify with that - I suffered late 60's early 70's and I think if QVC had been here then I'd have done just what you did - as it was I don't think there was any daytime telly at all and the radio isn't the same.
I don't know what it is, but there still is a stigma attatched to using the shopping channels. I think people still associate them with "orange" presenters selling overpriced tat, and sad souls bankrupting themselves by ordering millions of parcels that sometimes they don't even bother to open! I must admit, I used to sneer at this way of shopping before I got sky tv.

It was "SHOP!"....(How I miss that channel!) that first drew me in, not only was the presentation on that channel extremely friendly and entertaining, I thought the demos were informative and useful. My first purchase was a bread maker, it was about £45 and I was able to have 3 months interest free credit as well. I was really pleased with my purchase and haven't looked back since, especially with their one lot of £2.95 p&p per order!

I know a lot of people prefer to look at/try on stuff before they buy, but for me the other conveniences with the shopping channels pretty much outweigh trawling the shops, unless you actually enjoy doing that, which I don't! P&P's my only real bugbear. I've got some great things I would be without thanks to shopping channels....Stylees, the only thing I've ever found that will hold my thick long hair up without falling down, Miche bag, everybody I've shown it too have been really impressed with it, Scarflaces, sorry...but I've got some lovely ones, none of these available on the high street. I've even got some QVC clothes (print fusion dresses) that always bring me compliments when I wear them, and it is nice to know that unlike the high street you're unlikely to find about 10 other people wearing the same outfit when you go out!

I've had my share of disasters though, which were annoying at time, but make for a funny conversation afterwards. I bought something called Air o Dry back in the day. It was supposed to dry, and iron your clothes at the same time....it did neither, a telescopic window cleaning device in which the head used to fly off every five seconds..how I didn't do some serious damage to the cars in my street is a miracle, and a vacuum cleaner that you filled with water, it had little or no suction power, made a horrendous noise, was heavy, cumbersome and impossible to store due to its size and shape and cleaning it after use took the best part of half an hour! Most recently, some extremely poor quality make up, and a tanzanite ring (over £100) that looked like a real sparkler on screen but turned out to be a piddling array of minute wishy washy stones set on a piece of wire!

I'm happy to shop with QVC et al, I quite enjoy being laughed at tbh. I reckon I'm getting the last laugh as I'm beating the queues/crap weather/extra money spent on bus/taxi fares, pitstops in Starbucks etc whilst I'm tapping away at my computer in the comfort of my own home, wearing my pj's. As I say, P&P's my only real bugbear.
I can really identify with the op who said that QVC can be a comfort to you in tough times, I can't believe I wrote that, but it's true :grin:
It's always consistent, like an old friend, I nearly always watch it 30x faster but I know that if I want to listen to them prattling on I can. The presenters will always put a smile on and just get on with it.
I feel the same about Corrie, I've watched from day one and it never lets me down. Btw, I do have a really busy life with husband and 7 kids but they all have mood swings!!:giggle:
This is going to sound so over-dramatic but when I first started watching QVC about 4 years ago I was off work with very severe depression. I really think that some days it kept me sane and gave me a reason to get out of bed in the morning (to check out the TSV). It was also nice to have all the chatter etc going on in the background - the telly was tuned to QVC most of the day.

I can identify with this Erics Mum, it doesn't sound over-dramatic in the slightest. I think a number of us on this forum have experienced a similar relationship to QVC at times, I know I have. My OH used to say that when I was down and at home on my own she was reassured if I had QVC on as it was like I had company :nod:. I didn't need the presenters as friends or the products as a debt-inducing pick-me-up, just an innocuous voice yattering on in the background about cubic zirconia or feather duvets. The way presenters talked about these entirely missable items, with such detail and sincerity, actually used to make me smile :giggle:. As my OH says, QVC is better for your sanity than the news, it's a world where nothing bad ever happens!
Are we an odd bunch because we watch and buy from QVC? My family all think I'm mad for watching it. I don't tell my friends because they'd probably laugh at me or think I was a bit sad. Maybe they do watch it and don't let on, afraid I'd laugh at them! There's seems to be a definite stigma attached to the whole shopping telly scene. Why?

I've not noticed any stigma attached to it and I've been buying from QVC for about 5-6 years. Personally I can't see any difference in buying from a shopping channel on TV to buying over the Internet, which seems to be one of today's most popular purchasing trends. At least if you watch a demonstration on TV you get more of an idea of what a product looks like and how it performs than looking at a picture on a webpage.
I've definitley had people mock me for watching and shopping at QVC until I tell them that I shop for Smashbox, Elemis, Decleor, Birkenstock etc. and usually for far less than they're paying! I freely admit that there are still god-awful products on but in fairness, you could swan into John Lewis and see some god-awful tat, the only difference is there's no-one there telling you it's wonderful and you can't live without it. But like any tv, you pick the shows you want and ignore the rest! And you ignore the sales patter and make an informed decision, it's a darn sight easier to do when you can simply switch over, not so easy when there's a sales assistant standing right in front of you putting you under pressure!

There is a stigma, I've noticed it through the years and the Daily Mail article and comments underneath affirms it, though the comments are generally pro QVC. When alls said and done though, I love to say to people, yes I got this for so and so, great quality and price. Also what they sell is somewhat unique too, different tastes and all that.

It's getting better, I now don't worry about saying I got it from QVC and know some people who wouldn't before use them, are starting to. My family and friends no longer flinch when I mention those three letters and are starting hear of some of the brands themselves we have purchased for years.

We may be odd but I LOVE the oddness LOL.
i really identify with the comments on here
i have become a qvc avid watcher over recent months and it is a comfort because its always there i suppose
definately agree that some people look down their nose's at shopping telly, i have loads of visitors (have been really ill and am unable to work at the mo) and when they come in they will always comment if qvc is on, like it is more acceptable to watch rubbish day time tv that is filled with ads as it is!
will admit to passing this qvc passion on to my daughter who is 17 and i have found her watching Mally in her room (digital tv -great eh!)
Funny but the only time I've ever really had someone scoff at a QVC purchase was when I was in the Butler and Wilson shop and the lady in there obviously thought I was wearing a Chanel watch when it was actually Gossip!! When I told her I thought she was about to be sick all over me! What a laugh considering her boss makes a killing on QVC!

Most of the time though people dont bother, my BF thinks I'm a bit nutty watching make up hours but then I think he's a bit nutty for playing Football Manager for hours on end!

QVC has brought me a fair amount of comfort over the last few years, I agree, sometimes its like having an old friend there to support you.

I'd also like to say that this forum has given me many many hours of laughter since I discovered it and I'm happy to say that this family of telly shopping nutters have become like an old friend too! :mysmilie_504:
QVC has brought me a fair amount of comfort over the last few years, I agree, sometimes its like having an old friend there to support you.

I'd also like to say that this forum has given me many many hours of laughter since I discovered it and I'm happy to say that this family of telly shopping nutters have become like an old friend too! :mysmilie_504:

Yes, I can relate very much to that.

My OH used to scoff a bit till he realised just what they sell & just how easy his Christmas/birthday shopping for me has become since he got his own membership. :happy:
I agree. When life is at it's most challenging for whatever reason, QVC is a completely undemanding distraction.

Jude xx
I drifted into the shopping channels when a friend bought me a digibox and the fact there was nothing else worth watching most of the time. Living alone I prefer the TV on in the background for company rather than the radio, enjoy the chatter and a giggle whilst I'm pottering about.

I also like the convenience of not traipsing round shops, parking etc. Try not to impulse buy too much but am a bit of a sucker if I can't get back to sleep in the early hours!, don't watch so much these days as all channels are suffering from lack of variety

Couldn't care less if there's a stigma attached, I enjoy it and it makes my life easier! Has also introduced me to things I probably wouldn't have heard of or tried for obvious reasons on the High Street :clapping:

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