Nutri Ninja Blender with Auto IQ TSV 19/10/15


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Should I buy another Ninja?

I use my 900W previous TSV Ninja every day.

But now they have an automatic 1000W model TSV.

It is not all that much more expensive than my previous one.

I do find it a chore to keep holding the jar down, it needs both arms ro hold it down as the spring is quite strong.

So I am very tempted to buy the new one, and give the previous one to a close friend, although I don't know whether she would want it or use it. If I asked her, she would definitely put me off buying another one.

BTW the Q price is MUCH cheaper than anywhere else.

What do you think?
You may think holding the jar down is a minor chore, but I have found I have to blend for much longer than the stated 30 seconds, often for several minutes.

It would be so much easier to just set a time and walk away.

But I suppose it is improving my biceps.
I don't think it can be working correctly if you have to bend for several minutes. Does your friend need to improve her biceps then?
I don't think it can be working correctly if you have to bend for several minutes. Does your friend need to improve her biceps then?

LOL. TBH I would use it myself when I stay in her house, so there is an ulterior motive.

But really I am trying to convince myself to buy it, or talk myself out of it.

I am logging off now, and will ecord the midnight presentation, then I will consider the 100s of posts of advice from you all tomorrow.
LOL. TBH I would use it myself when I stay in her house, so there is an ulterior motive.

But really I am trying to convince myself to buy it, or talk myself out of it.

Decisions decisions. Buy it use it for 30 days to see if it's much better than your old one and if it isn't return it.
I got 'sucked' in years ago with all the juicing fad. Bought a Jack Lelani (whatever) machine and spent all day cleaning it after use. ALSO it cost me a small fortune in fruit just to get a glass full of juice, so that went into the garage.

Then bought a Bullit when it was first marketed a few years ago, again I got mesmerised by all the demos, with the sauces, and the dips, and the drinks, and the mousses that could be made. Used it twice and again into the garage.

Now its smoothies. I'm done ! Its cheaper to buy a carton from Waitrose and stick in the fridge, rather than give the fridge house room for all the ingredients needed for one glass full !!!! Sarah G drinking from that plastic mug to demonstrate 'on the go drinking' was not something I would want to emulate; (not a big fan of seeing Joe public walk about with beakers or food whilst 'on the go')
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No, buy it as a present for your mythical Aunty. You can then try it out until returning it just before 25th January.
Just turned over to have a look, she's just said "you can leave it and walk away and do something else" seriously? twenty seconds? because that's all the old Nutri Ninja would take, I used to have one, this new "IQ" one seems to take twice the time, not very clever.
What is anyone thinking of making in their Auto IQ i.e. it keeps working after the button is pressed down, Ninja?

I saw Caroline, the 'lifestyle' advisor, making a drink which included kiwi fruit and coriander. If you're that desperate for vitamins, why not take a multi vitamin pill?

My parents lived healthily well into their 90s on a diet of mainly toast, potatoes, white fish and occasional cooked to death vegetables. That may be a fluke, or genes, but is no incentive to me to drink green sludge.
What an ugly looking machine, I don't see how this one is more advanced because the old Nutri Ninja you only had to press down for a few seconds, this one seems to take a lot longer. I think it's mean that they never brought this one to customers last year, instead of the TSV with more cups (I bought mine as one of the last things I bought about two years ago, first one had to go back because it had dried food in it and had been used by someone else) but don't worry, Nutri Ninja TSVs are like busses, there'll be another one along shortly, each a better bundle than the last.
Strato, unless you're so desperate that you use the 30 mbg - :mysmilie_468:
I thought I might be the only one who thought a Ninja was Emperor's new clothes. So many people enthuse over it. I used mine a few times, and it's been under the sink for two years now. For chopping onions, celery etc, it shredded some bits into fine mush, while leaving bit thick lumps of the rest.

When I had my big clean out of QVC stuff for the bin, it was amazing how many food processors I had, a Jack Lelanne (he swam miles in his 80s...only to die shortly after I bought it), a Kenwood, a QVC's own make rip-off of the NutriBullet, and others. They all had the same fault, you could spend an absolute fortune to buy the fruit and veg, and cleaning dried crud out afterwards put me off using them again. Shopperholic, you got one with someone else's dried crud.... yuk!
I thought I might be the only one who thought a Ninja was Emperor's new clothes. So many people enthuse over it. I used mine a few times, and it's been under the sink for two years now. For chopping onions, celery etc, it shredded some bits into fine mush, while leaving bit thick lumps of the rest.

When I had my big clean out of QVC stuff for the bin, it was amazing how many food processors I had, a Jack Lelanne (he swam miles in his 80s...only to die shortly after I bought it), a Kenwood, a QVC's own make rip-off of the NutriBullet, and others. They all had the same fault, you could spend an absolute fortune to buy the fruit and veg, and cleaning dried crud out afterwards put me off using them again. Shopperholic, you got one with someone else's dried crud.... yuk!

Yes I got someone's used Nutri Ninja, couldn't believe it (well I could because that was the third item in a row that I got that was used by someone else). I know what you mean about the clear out and you're right, it does cost a packet to make all those smoothies, or roughies because that's what I ended up with, smoothies that were anything but

Yes I got someone's used Nutri Ninja, couldn't believe it (well I could because that was the third item in a row that I got that was used by someone else). I know what you mean about the clear out and you're right, it does cost a packet to make all those smoothies, or roughies because that's what I ended up with, smoothies that were anything but

Roughies, tee hee! I wonder what the next fad might be. Perhaps roughies with all the peel and pips to be cut out first, and then the fruit eaten whole. Real fruit! They need to find a way to charge a fortune for it. Real fruit, as available from a greengrocer near you., presented by Charlie stuffing a whole melon in his mouth in one bite. Easy pay and 30 day mbg accounting for QVC's thousand percent mark-up, and £9.95 p&p.
I have the previous Ninja TSV and I am very happy with it. I use it every day to make smoothies and I do feel healthier. I do accept other people's comments such as take a multi vitamin (I do this too) and eat the fruit and veg whole. I have medical problems with my digestive system which makes eating a lot of fruit and veg difficult but with a smoothie I can get my 5 a day. I would quite like this IQ one but the one I have seems adequate for me.

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