And a reply to another post which I can't find the quote, but someone said that you never know what is around the corner.
I had an example of this today in a zoom meeting, which I have fairly regularly with a few friends.
One of them said she had recently been having high blood pressure, so her doctor put her on 5mg tablets a day. She monitors her own BP, and as it wasn't improving the Dr told her to take 2 of the 5mg tablets, and she then got stabilised.
When she got her next scrip, she continued taking the 2 tablets for a week, but was getting swollen ankles and breathing difficulties. After a week, she realised that her Dr had prescribed 10mg tabs, so she should only take one (she said they looked just the same and didn't realise).
She rang 111 and was told to go straight to A and E and she should call an ambulance (it was now about midnight).
At the hospital, she had to go through various procedures, and was told that she was lucky that the overdose had not been fatal. She has still not fully recovered, and her Dr has been phoning her a few times a day to check up on her (probably feels guilty).
As she said, she could very easily have died, completely out of the blue, if she hadn't gone to the hospital when she did.