No "bashing" the QVC Presenters Thread


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I like Debbie Flint too and Kathy,although she sometimes makes me nervous as she gets her words mixed up a bit
I do think she has a very natural style about her,no airs and graces
How refreshing after all the raised temperatures on here recently! I really like pipa, love her quirky style. Julian is good fun, although I would not get into a cat fight over him. He is actually in my favourite film 'Mike Basset, England Manager'. Its only a small part unfortunately. Debbie is good, fun and bubbly. In fact, apart from 3 (nameless). I like them all. Good thread, well done.
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I reckon selling things you don't necessarily like, on live TV, without a script is much much harder than it looks so all of them are OK in my book. I'm not sure that I could ever do that job and I've been in sales/business development/doing presentations blah blah blah for over 20 years.

Debbie Greenwood is particularly good, she has a laid-back style and never seems that she's actually "selling" if you know what I mean. I fancy Julian (same age as me) and admire Pipa's stylish dress sense and friendly presenting manner.

I really admire Sara G - very clever, chic and smart and hope she comes back, although I remember she was totally slated on this Forum when she started.
Jill Franks - funny, a bit ditsy and no hard sell.
Charlie - acceptably smooth and funny in a nice way

I can take or leave most of the others. I don't like the idea that I should switch off if I don't like the presenter - what if I want to see/buy the products ?[/QUOTE]

I agree, unless they keep talking about sb's wedding and not about the products? Jill Franks springs to mind. :bandit:
I enjoy watching AY - DF and JR. Actually I only like watching make up shows ........ you never know what will happen!!!!!!!!:mysmilie_520:
I could not do their job, my face woud give me away when confronted by some daft piece of tat that I loathed the sight of so fair play to all of them for being able to keep talking. Personally I like Pipa, Kathy, and wish Sara G would come back and show us a picture of her little boy. They had her doing a voice thingy the other day and I wondered if this meant she was coming back. Oh and speaking of babies, I like Cladia too. Also find Julia very good at describing stuff.
If the thread was about guest presenters it would have to be Ginetta - Veronese

She is on now with her amazing poise and elegance, I find her absolutely fascinating - and yes I'm so jealous! :star:
If the thread was about guest presenters it would have to be Ginetta - Veronese

She is on now with her amazing poise and elegance, I find her absolutely fascinating - and yes I'm so jealous! :star:

Yes...and she speaks fluent German, too! (as well as English, obviously) V. elegant lady. She showed her wedding pix on air a while back and looked totally glam and lovely. Grrrr.
I like

Julian: He is fun, doesnt take himself too seriously and is a bit cheeky.

Debbie F: Friendly and down to earth. Shes a litte different in her sales patter but I like her.

Julia: For being professional and informative, never have to wait to know the sizes with Julia

Ralph from Honora: Silver fox ( is that just me??)

Genevieve: Fun, Friendly, informative and always looks nice. Great fashion expert.

keeley from Elemis: I like the product and she knows her stuff. I have learned at lot from her.
Anthony was my fav bloke. Don't know much about Julian as he does DIY shows - not my bag.
AH always had a bit of a cheeky glint in this eye.

In his absence, I'd choose The the Gatineau man. Not sure why, I like the fact he's got some wrinkles, looks a bit worn in and sometimes looks embarrassed with AY, which is cute.

Of the women, my fav is Claudia. She is wacky, very endearing, not a hard sell and gorgeous without being cocky about it.
I reckon selling things you don't necessarily like, on live TV, without a script is much much harder than it looks so all of them are OK in my book. I'm not sure that I could ever do that job and I've been in sales/business development/doing presentations blah blah blah for over 20 years.

I totally agree with this, my professional life involved a lot of public speaking and even after years at the job I still found it hard at times not to dry up. And I was talking about a subject I knew and loved, not a piece of clothing I'd just been introduced to and I wouldn't be seen dead in :grin:

My all-time fave presenter is Claire, she always makes me smile and never irritates me, and has a wide vocabulary which makes her easy on the ear to me at least (I won't elaborate further as I've just done so on the current Claire thread and it might get a bit much :giggle:). I also really like Pipa, I'm roughly the same age and am always nodding when she gets onto the eighties and starts pondering about her changing taste in clothes as she ages. I rate Debbie Flint, never saw her the first time round but find her quite 'real' and like the way she asks useful questions of guests. I always get the impression Jilly Halliday clocks in, does her job, and clocks off. QVC is her work not her world and I like that :nod:
I'd also go for Claire, she's sunny and always looks lovely. Pipa too, in a whimsical world of her own, you actually never feel like she's selling you anything even though she is. I also really liked Sara G too, hope she comes back. I also really like Genevieve, someone who really knows about fashion (yet still chooses to work at QVC :giggle:) but is a pleasure to listen to.

Male wise it was always Ant *sobs*. In the absence of Ant I'd probably have to go for one of the guests - so I'd pick Simon Brown who seems a thoroughly nice chap, knows his stuff and is competent and a nice easy watch.
Indecisive? lol

Fickle is probably a better term but you are too polite to say it!!!!

For example, there are periods of time when I find Jill Franks and Anne Dawson absolutely unwatchable and then, at other times, I don't find them annoying at all. I used to love Pippa and now, at times, I find her irritating. The same applies to Clare and Catherine; sometines I find them fun to watch and at other times they grind on my nerves. I am finding Charlie hard to stomach lately when I didn't mind him before.

The only presenter that I always like is Alison Keenan.

I like Glen Campbell - (might have to re-visit my old Glen Campbell Appreciation thread :grin:)

I find him quite relaxing to listen too- even the well worn phrases -

I'm sure there are some valid fashion tips in there somewhere :wave:
Actually, I can take or leave all of them.........some days they get up my nose, some days they are watchable.

If I really had to choose one over the other it would be Alison Keenan, I know she spouts on at 90 miles an hour, but she's someone who I wouldn't mind going out for a drink with. I think she would be a good laugh.

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