in my experience women are always very critical of each other, but seldom to their face! I'm a Virgo, so I'm hyper-critical I know - but that includes being self-critical believe you me! I wouldn't criticise something people can't do anything about - if you're born with a big nose, sticky-out ears or teeth, that's unfortunate - yes of course something CAN be done about almost everything these days but not everyone has the money or the inclination to go under the knife. However, with Julia, she just seems to have this "I'm better than you" attitude so she sets herself up for being knocked down - she's a lovely looking woman (tho a bit gaunt since she lost the weight), but IN MY OPINION (!) dresses too young, her hair's too long & wild, and she's making a fool of herself. A good haircut, some elegant clothes, she could carry on being beautiful thru to old age and people would admire her, but as it is, she seems to be trying to hang onto her youth for as long as possible and it's starting to look a bit desperate, to me. If we're lucky, old age comes to us all, I think the thing is to go with it gracefully, be grateful for what we have, and thank our lucky stars if that includes health and enough dosh to keep the wolf from the door!