New Year Same Butcher!


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I don't have any real fur. However I am a meat eater, leather wearer, and I have a lambs leather jacket from QVC.
I have Basso faux fur.
It doesn't make me a supporter of his other trade.

I just think we should be careful of alienating those members who enjoy his faux fur by making them feel guilty by association.

Andamooka, you have just summarised my thoughts exactly. Thank you.
For those not aware of Basso's other side, I found this excellent explanation from Mad Granny Sue on a previous post:-

For those of you who don't know, he specialises in broadtail lamb products which are obtained by ripping unborn lambs from their mothers' bellies (the mother simply being stunned and therefore still alive) after cutting the mother from neck to tail, so as not to damage the fur on the lamb. The lamb is then skinned alive and its little body chucked on a pile of other dead lambs. This is all done in the name of so called vanity! The wool is tightly curled and very silky whilst the lamb is in the womb and that fetches the best price because once the lamb is born the wool starts to uncurl and loses its' sheen. The broadtail lamb is mostly used for collars and cuffs on his coats.

Basso is not the only furrier selling broadtail, but QVC are quite happy to scream about their ethics when it suits them, yet they persist in selling the products of a man known best for his fur.

Basso also like chinchilla too, it takes 1000 of these little furries to make one of his coats!

That is horrible, how could anyone happily wear any products of his when they are produced so cruelly. He needs stopping, god I feel sick.
hi. i only joined the forum yesterday & untill i just read this thread i had no idea that Dennis Basso specializes in this awful practice. What a awful thing to be part of in this day & age it sounds barbaric.
It would be intersting to see what happened if one of the presenters did refuse to work with Denis Basso. Although I know very little about employment law, I have a feeling that they could make a "conscience" case whatever their contract of may say. At the very least they could take to an Industrial Tribunal see what they thought.

Sadly, I feel that unless that happens or sales of basso's stuff fall dramatically, QVC will keep selling his products.
So are you saying even though his products say Faux Fur they are Not !

No, all his products on QVC in the UK are Faux Fur.

There are always people who claim that "mistakes happen" and sometimes fur-trimmed coats are real, but this has never happened with Dennis Bassos coats.
It has with some high-street brands however.
On the other hand, I can remember Veggie food ranges having real meat in them - was it Linda McCartney the last well-publicized one?

It would be intersting to see what happened if one of the presenters did refuse to work with Denis Basso. Although I know very little about employment law, I have a feeling that they could make a "conscience" case whatever their contract of may say. At the very least they could take to an Industrial Tribunal see what they thought.

Sadly, I feel that unless that happens or sales of basso's stuff fall dramatically, QVC will keep selling his products.

I don't know about employment law. Presenters could state they would prefer to not work on his shows - but I am sure that they would find their present contract would be their last...
Until i joined this forum i didn't know what DB got up to, I eat free range chicken and eggs (and as free range chicken is so expensive am currently eating quorn).

Anyway, I won't be buying anything from his range nor will I be watching his shows.

A forum like this is great, it gives people information and how they want to act on it is up to them as I believe strongly in personal choice.

BS x
I don't have any real fur. However I am a meat eater, leather wearer, and I have a lambs leather jacket from QVC.
I have Basso faux fur.
It doesn't make me a supporter of his other trade.

I just think we should be careful of alienating those members who enjoy his faux fur by making them feel guilty by association.

I agree with you 100%.
Don't kid yourselves, you are supporting him by buying his faux coats, it's all money in his pocket which helps him to continue with his vile trade of butchering animals alive and selling real fur to rich vain brainless tarts who have no conscience. Imo anyone who wears real fur is scum, just like Butcher Basso. :mad: :pPC:
Don't kid yourselves, you are supporting him by buying his faux coats, it's all money in his pocket which helps him to continue with his vile trade of butchering animals alive and selling real fur to rich vain brainless tarts who have no conscience. Imo anyone who wears real fur is scum, just like Butcher Basso. :mad: :pPC:

I'm not kidding myself thank you, just agreeing with Andamooka, especially her last sentence.
The people who are supporting him in his "vile trade" are the people who actually buy the real fur - not the folk like me who have bought his faux fur coats/jackets and scarves etc. I am not kidding myself either. I know what other items he sells and I wouldn't wear a real fur coat but if I like his faux fur items then I choose to buy them. I am fully aware that there are strong views in this area and fortunately in a democracy we are able to express our views. I do respect those who object to Dennis Basso but I totally agree with Andamooka and Margaret - especially with the last sentence. Just because there are those who do not agree there is no need for insults
What I don't understand is why buy from him when Fake Fur stuff is available from people who dont skin annimals alive.
Exacty Graham. It's not as if his coats are the height of fashion either or if there is anything remarkable about them, you can see similar on any market stall. Tigger, why so defensive.....I called real fur wearers scum so please tell me who is it on this forum have I insulted?? :pPC:
What I don't understand is why buy from him when Fake Fur stuff is available from people who dont skin annimals alive.

How are we to know whether these others are not involved with real fur? DB is open to close scrutiny because of his high profile and QVC appearances but how can we know that other, less well known, faux fur clothes manufacturers are not trading with real fur at the same time?
How are we to know whether these others are not involved with real fur? DB is open to close scrutiny because of his high profile and QVC appearances but how can we know that other, less well known, faux fur clothes manufacturers are not trading with real fur at the same time?

Just takes a few clicks to find out if a company is involved in the vile trade as Basso is.
Just takes a few clicks to find out if a company is involved in the vile trade as Basso is.

Absolutely. The internet holds all the answers if you are in any doubt about a company's ethics.

I would wear rags before putting one penny in that butcher's coffers. As PPC says, it's not as if he has the monopoly on fake fur.

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