New Year resolutions anybody ?


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Registered Shopper
Oct 25, 2012
2013 will soon be here and much as I hate New Year itself I`ve kind of shocked myself into a New Year resolution which is to use up every bottle, jar, box or block of, face care, body care, perfume and makeup before I buy any more. I keep my current stuff in the bathroom and on my dressing table but I have a weekend bag at the bottom of my wardrobe where I store new stuff and I`m ashamed to say its almost full. No doubt I`ll have even more added to it because some people will have bought me smellies for Christmas. I am a one woman hoarder and can`t walk past a 3 for 2 offer in Boots nor 10% off days in Debenhams nor any offers in Superdrug or the like. I must admit I DO only buy stuff I know I`ll use but I just buy too much of it. Who the hell needs a whole row of No7 face cleanser and around 6 Soap and Glory body washes, not to mention umpteen Sanctuary foot creams and 3 unopened bottles of Samsara, to name just a few.
So I`m having a massive detox and avoiding all my usual haunts, going cold turkey and vowing not another toiletry will pass my front door until the weekend bag is almost empty. Wish me luck !
Felt really good when I ignored the 'Soap & Glory' offer in Boots on Saturday. I did a clear out on Saturday of hair stuff and threw out anything I hadn't used in the last twelve months and also lots of body lotions that I am never going to use ( mostly Molton Brown from when we used to get the Christmas TSVs ) but I am finding it really hard to cull my make- up.
I said that to myself recently but I know I will cave in. Also, I'm not good about throwing stuff out, even if I haven't used it in years.

I will try, however, I will!
I find the best resolution is not to make any and save myself the stress of trying to keep them. I've no real willpower or simply just no will at all anymore.

I have already started minimising spending in preparation for retirement next summer, doing really well on the necessities, like food etc. Just need to curb everything else!

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