New Year New You TSV 04/01/19


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Diet Chef? Caroline Sandry super food shakes? Pilates machine? Body blade? Celebrity exercise DVD? Super duper hold you in pants that start at your armpits and go to your knees? I wonder, I wonder.

......a sober ‘grown up’ post today :mysmilie_17:

‘Tis indeed a diet plan - Bodychef - as the presenters have mentioned it in their blogs (Biagi, Pullinger, Huntley - who it appears had been hitting the gym relentlessly - so fully expect her to ‘win’ at the weigh loss that will be reported....)

Not sure why they were chosen as they are already slim, but Q seem to live in some weird parallel universe after all!
Diet meals to linger in the back of the fridge along with exercise bikes used as clothes hangers in bedrooms, bodyblades propping up attics, fitbits gathering dust on bedside tables, gym memberships long forgotten and lycra tops and tracksuit bottoms used as spare pyjamas. I`ve lost count of the number of people I know who start off the New Year buying some or all of the above but by February they`re sick to the back teeth.
Guilty of all of the above. I finally admitted to myself that Diet Chef tastes awful, I can't be bothered with more than 2 minutes on a bike before my bum goes numb, gym membership complete waste of money. I clean my house more, walk my dog more and use a smaller plate for my dinner. Keeps the weight off free of charge. It is astounding how much money you can spend on these fitness fads so let's not.

I'm betting the diet sachet/meal things. I wish Pat or someone would do a beauty bash thing on fake book. (I can't) Perhaps she needs a new alias now that Liamx etal have sussed.

......a sober ‘grown up’ post today :mysmilie_17:

‘Tis indeed a diet plan - Bodychef - as the presenters have mentioned it in their blogs (Biagi, Pullinger, Huntley - who it appears had been hitting the gym relentlessly - so fully expect her to ‘win’ at the weigh loss that will be reported....)

Not sure why they were chosen as they are already slim, but Q seem to live in some weird parallel universe after all!

It will have to be Vegan if Chuntley is doing it.
Most of the Bodychef diet plans cost around £20 per day on their website, so 31 days at £20 is £620 a month :mysmilie_13: I know the TSV will be a better deal but even so it's going to be costly. Lots of beautifully photographed plates of food on their website but will they be anything like what you actually get? Diet Chef looked lovely too but the reality was food that was on a par with supermarket ready meals in the saver range. I did lose some weight on Diet Chef to be fair but I think that was mostly because I threw a lot of it in the bin or the dog.

I can’t understand why anyone would buy these ridiculous diet products as we all know weight gain is caused by eating too much fattening food. Cut out the sugar and eat smaller portions is a good way to lose weight. In the last thirteen weeks I’ve lost one and a half stones doing this and feel much better for it. Please save your money and give it a go.
I can’t understand why anyone would buy these ridiculous diet products as we all know weight gain is caused by eating too much fattening food. Cut out the sugar and eat smaller portions is a good way to lose weight. In the last thirteen weeks I’ve lost one and a half stones doing this and feel much better for it. Please save your money and give it a go.

Congratulations Bb that's absolutely amazing! Well done! :mysmilie_3: you're right, and I agree eat less unhealthy fats, smaller portions, more fruit and veg and move more, you don't need to pay someone for something you already know. :mysmilie_3:
I notice all of Aldi`s special buys this week are fitness related products, exercise bikes, weights, ab toners etc
That "eliptical" looks really hopeless as a fitness gadget for average folk. The kind of thing that only the ancient and relatively immobile in a care home would find helpful.
From reading trashy magazines (on Readly I wouldn’t spend money on them) the only diet thingy you need is an app which photoshops your life as it is played out on SM.

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