Well I would call it a perfectly natural reaction, myself!
The final drop of the March TSV AD has been dispatched (Bubbly Pomegranate, Christmas Thyme and Spiced White Cocoa) - is it sad I'm excited about receiving them???
Well I would call it a perfectly natural reaction, myself!
Me too! I used to love the anticipation! Note "used to" as I (wait for it...) cancelled the last Auto Delivery! I know, I shocked myself! It was all over my Amex card no longer being taken by QVC, and I didn't want to use my debit card, so partly a protest (as if QVC give a damn). I felt weird when I came off the phone from cancelling. But I must say I really had to stop somewhere because the Yankees are taking over the house. I shall just have to "enjoy" the new scents vicariously through you on here - please do let us know what you think when you get them. I shan't be too jealous.
AndiK, I salute your willpower and resolution and I'm a teensy bit jealous you've closed your Q account - I wish I had the guts to do that!!!
If it's any comfort, I read the reviews of the candles in this last drop on the US YC website and overall, they weren't great, but I'll post feedback when I receive them - it's the pomegranate one I'm really looking forward too![]()
Thanks, Tarketta. I still have an unnatural interest in Yankees!
I haven't actually closed my account officially - they are still taking my outstanding Easy Pays from the old card manually, for example. But if I want anything else, I have to pay by another means, which is making me think twice. I added up what I spent with QVC Oct 2015 - Oct 2016 and was horrified. I had to cut down and not just on Yankees as I have too many bath and beauty products as well. Amexgate was the catalyst for sure. I know I'm overreacting and as a protest against that it's weak, but QVC have alienated this former big-spender, which makes me feel better!
I hear ya re the unnatural interest, it's almost a compulsion and I struggle to control it! Saying that though, burning lovely smelling candles really does give me a lot of pleasure so it could be worse eh
I can just imagine how that would make you feel better, I'm seriously impressed and I reckon it's a powerful protest as if enough people do the same or something similar, it will have a meaningful impact!
I think that at some point in hopefully the not too distant future I will do the same and close my account. Q still does offer amazing deals, but for me the temptation is too strong and I have to go cold turkey in situations like that otherwise I'll always crack - bit like biscuits, I can never have just one!!!!
I don't think I'll ever stop enjoying candles either. Fortunately, I have accumulated enough to last me years but I know I'll be perusing the sales in shops and online for bargains come January. Real bargains are my downfall.
Considering my former spend, I like to think Q will notice, ha ha! But yes, as you say, if others join me, it may have a genuine impact on them.
It's taking some getting used to that when I see a new thread on here about such-and-such TSV coming up or an actual bargain, and everyone's speculating or discussing the pros and cons, I can still look and join in but I have to try and talk myself out of it, where before (if it really was good value) I would probably have bought without thinking. Even talking about it now is helping my resolve, though. I WILL BE STRONG!!
So true - I also have a mega stash of beauty and bath products and yet I still succumbed to the Decleor TSV as it was such good value - like you said, I bought it without thinking. I dread to think what my rolling year spend is with Q, you were brave to calculate yours but it needs to be done methinks!
I think your post is positively inspirational so stay strong and hopefully a few of us will join you in your stance very soon!
Yesterday was the first time in ages I've had time to watch a Yankee TV Hour and was suprised to see they've moved onto the 'Special USA Botanical Fragrances' at relatively cheap prices. Are they rubbish then? I've kind of gone off Yankee lately, and cancelled the USA Auto Delivery as one of the drops was awful.
Also, has anybody ever counted how many times Stephen says 'absolutley' in an hour?
Anyway, I'm liking the sound of the 2017 fragrances moreso than this years range:
Cherry Blossom
Wild Mint
Linden Tree
Garden By The Sea
Sea Air
Coastal Living
Tobacco Flower
Viva Havana
Delicious Guava
Cuban Mojito
I am dreading the launch of all those mentioned upthread as they all sound fab to me!
Well I have just had the AD USA drop as we mentioned above and the cold sniff (very cold, the jars are perishing) results are:
BUbbly Pomegranate. Nice and fruity with a touch of almond to me.... so perhaps the maraschino (sp?) cherry the Rosa talks about is in here. I shall burn it with Festive Cocktail at some future time!
Christmas Thyme. Nothing to do with Christmas at all, like an Artisan one they did years ago. A nice herby smell with a zing of citrus, but I think they did say lemongrass was in it?
Spiced White Cocoa. After the nose shock from Irish Cream I thought I would hate this but it is a nice, buttery smell and surprisingly calm. I imagined it would be more of a cakey vanilla or sparkling cinnamon type of smell but it would,probably burn nicely with Home Sweet Home.
I shall now go and find room and partners for them in the stash bags!
Bubbly Pomegranate sounds a lot nicer than I expected - I thought it would be one of those generic fruity ones that all smell much the same. Anything with a hint of maraschino is good for me! The other two sound nice enough too, but I'm managing remain calm about having cancelled this AD. Deep breaths .....!
Stay strong, AndiK!!!!