Neom - Aromatherapy or Quack therapy?


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Jun 24, 2008
Now after watching the Kipling hour with Eilidh and Marie Francoise, I found myself shouting "Oh no you won't" at the screen when the latter said how with so many pockets this bag will have you organised and you'll know exactly where everything is! In my experience with one of those many compartmented Kipling bags on holiday a couple of years back I don't think I've ever been so stressed as it took me forever to find anything, at one stage I actually thought I'd lost the hotel keycard! Anyway this show was followed by a Neom hour with AY (enough to stress anyone out) but I thought I'll watch a bit. Now really what sort of anxiety are they talking about here? I'm pretty sure that after a busy day on your feet, rushing around, or after a standard crap day at work, it would be lovely to light one of their candles, or have a luxurious soak in the bath 'cause I'm sure they smell lovely and the quality's great, no problems there. Call me sceptical but I seriously doubt whether there products are capable of anything more than that. What I'm saying here is winding down after a stressful day is one thing, but anxiety, proper worries - Nah! They won't do you any harm, though I wouldn't think of drifting off to sleep with a candle burning beside me! A workmate of mine has huge worries about her elderly mother who has advanced dementia and she's having awful trouble getting her settled into a nursing home, and to top it all her partner's not earning at the moment because his taxi (his liveliehood) is off the road and the repairs are worryingly expensive so she's beside herself, and definitely not sleeping well. Her well meaning sister in law (they live miles away so can't really help much) sent her an expensive aromatherapy sleep kit, I don't know if it was Neom, it may've been but during a conversation she said it was awkward 'cause a few weeks later the SIL asked how she was getting on the present and is she sleeping better? The answer of course was no - I mean these products aren't miracle workers, they can't take away the problem but it provides no more comfort than chugging down a whole bar of dairy milk or having a glass of wine or three. She told her it was lovely and she's enjoying using the stuff but that's all she could say, though to me she said the bath was no better than Radox and the candle smelt nice, and the pillow drops just made her pillow wet! What do you think folks?
I don't rate Neom products. Bought before they ever hit QVC, candles okay, but not amazing. Bath products did not impress me much, bought a bath oil which used a pipette thing. Never got it to fill up so you had to keep trying to get enough in the bath recommended. Oh, and it left the bath with a greasy tidemark. Aromatherapy Associates kick Neom every time now their bath oils are fabulous.
I know what you mean Merryone about not knowing which pocket an item is in with a Kipling bag.It reminded me of the time when I got my partner a smaller Kipling with multi pockets to carry passport/ money/ credit cards when travelling.Many of these pockets were secured with Velcro & all I could hear was ‘rip,rip,rip’ until the item was located!
Probably the marketing and sales pitch are far superior to the product that is actually being punted. Never tried Neom and no intention of doing so. I do like MB and I did like Yankee but it's been a long time since I bought either.

Not tried Neom but I do use IT Works sleep spray. I was using it years before QVC started selling it and it works for me. Fortunately I don’t have too much stress these days so I don’t use it so often. Certainly helps me if I’ve had a couple of sleepless nights with arthritis pain. Neom far too expensive for me to buy
I buy Neom candles when they are on offer at QVC. I tend to give them as presents and they are always very well received. Am burning the Happiness one myself at the moment. It is burning extremely well, giving out a lovely throw of scent and I'm really impressed with it. Having said that, I couldn't burn it every day, far too strong for me but overall I'd say worth what I paid. Would repurchase, but I doubt that this candle has any affect on my wellbeing. My daughter swears by the This Works pillow spray, I have the Neom one and it doesn't help me to drift off, smells nice though!
I was given a huge Neom candle by a relative who was given it as a present but can't use candles as she has a lung problem. I love candles but wasn't keen on it. It was incredibly strong and gave me a headache.

I do use a few relaxation techniques but nothing is brilliant for me. I've got a wooden aromatherapy diffuser which I love but I don't find it helps for relaxation. It's great if I have a cold, I use eucalyptus or peppermint. Or low mood/energy - rosemary or lemon. But it doesn't particularly help me relax.

I've also got an acupressure mat with thousands of plastic spikes. I get tons of tension in my shoulder and it helps break it up. Experts say to use it just before bed and it makes you sleep much better, but it doesn't help me, can still take me an hour to get to sleep.
These are the answers I was expecting tbh, a mixture of yes there nice, they're fairly relaxing etc and I should imagine that somebody suffering from with a general anxiety disorder may find that creating a little Zen with the help of luxury products is beneficial, but if you've got big worries and your sleep is being affected something like this isn't gonna be an awful lot of help. Personally I think aromatherapy isn't what it's quacked up to be (sorry) but it's nice
I know what you mean Merryone about not knowing which pocket an item is in with a Kipling bag.It reminded me of the time when I got my partner a smaller Kipling with multi pockets to carry passport/ money/ credit cards when travelling.Many of these pockets were secured with Velcro & all I could hear was ‘rip,rip,rip’ until the item was located!
For me, an organiser bag needs to be more specific. Ok having a bag separated in to a series of same size zipped compartments does mean that all your stuff's not in a jumbled heap that you have to root through to find anything, and gives an element of protection. I get just as frustrated however having to open umpteen different zips in order to find what I want, especially when they all look the same. Give me pockets of different sizes one that'll fit your purse, a slip pocket for your phone, pen holders, a key fob (ok Kipling do have those) a little pocket that will literally just hold something like a bus ticket, or a hotel key card, and a middle zip compartment that will hold a passport, other stuff such as a scarf, a book, make up bag, packet of tissues, bag of sweets can go in the main part of the bag so no rooting required!
There is one particular Kipling bag that I have 3 of , because it is so brilliant. It could be the Gabbie S bag but I’m not sure. It’s got a huge main compartment with an inside zip bit ( mirror back in the day? ), then on one long side it has two zipped compartments, one of which fits your iPad, and a zipped compartment. Opposite side has a zipped compartment and the other short sides a smaller compartment.The Gym bag one fits Cossie , micro foot towel, hair towel and main towel, foldable walking stick and emergency coins in zipped bit, long side with two compartments takes phone, AA card, and keys in one, then large comb and Aveda paddle brush in other. Opposite side plastic bag for wet cossie. Shorter sides small sized Aveda shampoo, phomollient, and conditioner. Other side small sponge and sundries and it fits in your locker easily. Number 2 is my airplane hand luggage as it fits under the seat in front of you and number 3 fits my various sized embossing folder collection.
I think my first one was from QVC but the others from Kipling sales on the internet.
I agree about having too many pockets unless you have a specific use for them and a good memory. I also use a medium Kipling Gabbie which has one huge compartment where essential stuff lives and the other 4 pockets have specific purposes. I've tried other bags but always come back to the Gabbie for daily use because I know where everything is (in my system) from using it for several years. Look out for bargains on amazon etc. where I got mine. I'd be lost without it.
PS - Mine has a tiny rubbery monkey, not the fluffy one shown in the link and I've left it because it's unobtrusive. Normally I take them off.
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Neom - it’s nice. The candles are good quality. The bath and body products are very good. If you are going through significant stuff in your life nothing is going to bring you back from that other than resolving the situation one way or another.

I think it’s a bit over rated, the costs are questionable for sure!
One of my daughters has PCOS and suffers badly from insomnia and a few years back I really hoped Neom sleep spray would help so I ended up buying some plus loads of Neom items. I don't buy it anymore because the prices have gone up so much and I don't think they are worth the cost, also I have a big stash. They are great for my lovely 30 something nieces who adore that sort of thing but even then, I have gifted so much I can't any more. That said, my DD says it does help her relax as part of her sleep routine when she has a big day the next day but has also added, she's not sure if its all a trigger in her head that is now familiar with it all.

Now Kipling on the other hand, I've bought 2 this year, one big one and a small one called 'Fanni' (snigger) and it's so small it has one outside pocket and one tiny inner pocket and it's the main goto for me, perfect. I like it mostly because knowing Kipling from 25 years ago I've had about 8 bags and looked at loads and this one was dark purple (my absolute fave colour) with a lilac small monkey and it's name is Louise (me) I love it. Not bad for someone who used to be called the bag lady at work because I used to commute from Derby to Leicester every day and liked to bring lots of stuff with me in a big bag.
Sleep Pillow Sprays, hate them all!

One, I am one of those people who lavender does not relax. Yes, I want to get up, dance around the room.

Two, I just do not like anything perfume like on my pillow when I am going to sleep.

I had a really weird dream last week and swore I could smell Chanel Comete, woke up thought my bottle had smashed or something. Then realized it was a dream. It was so realistic.o_O

I have a few Kipling bags cross body, current one is black shiny front flat part to keep my bus pass in. Easy to pull out and put back in. Zip bit above it where I keep my plastic bags for shopping. Main part has key fob, a zip bit at the back nail file is in it my umbrella, purse and mobile are in the main part. I got it half price in a sale.

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