Nails inc query


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Registered Shopper
Dec 19, 2010
Galway, ROI
Hello Chaps. On the recent Nails Inc day on QVC, they showed a new collection called Juicy Sheers. Did any of you nail varnish addicts buy it? I am really tempted as they have it on 3 easy pays now, but I want to know if it is really sheer, ie see through. The colours look great but they only did a really quick demonstration on the day grrr, so it was hard to see how sheer it actually is. I would not get it if you could see your nails underneath. Any help would be appreciated.
Sorry Itchy, I didn't buy that set but I did see the Juicy Sheers demonstrated twice during the day, you could see your nails through them on each demo and I know on one occasion they used 2 coats and on the yellowey/orange colour you could definitely still see your nails through it, but they are meant to be like it I imagine, cause of their name.

I bought two other kits which arrived this morning but I haven't played with them yet, can't wait!, but these were more solid colours as I too don't like the thinner ones where you can see the nails through. You could hang on for a few days and see if any reviews go on the QVC website or check if they are showing a video presentation online against the item number for a catch up on what they said. This is one of the fab reasons for the 30 day money back guarantee I always think, somewhere like Boots would never let you take them back, especially if you'd used them. Not that I will send my glitters back, a girl can't have enough sparkle lol ;) good luck!!!
Are you able to look at the Nails Inc page on Facebook?

A lady posted a picture on Saturday of this kit - showing 1 and 2 coats of each colour.

Hope that helps x
Thanks Spooky. It sounds as though they are see through which i don't like. It is an orange and bright pink coloiur that I am after. I have NI Shoreditch on now, which is nice but I would love a more neon pink. I know NI have the new neon collection, but I would not wear the blue or yellow ones, so there is no point buying that. Anyway, I will keep looking. (PS don't like LD or OPI)
Thanks Spooky. It sounds as though they are see through which i don't like. It is an orange and bright pink coloiur that I am after. I have NI Shoreditch on now, which is nice but I would love a more neon pink. I know NI have the new neon collection, but I would not wear the blue or yellow ones, so there is no point buying that. Anyway, I will keep looking. (PS don't like LD or OPI)

You could order direct from NI's website so you could get the individual Neon shades on there. They have a bright green on too which QVC didn't have. Also, if you spend over X amount you get a free gift (last week they had a set with a yellow shade in as a freebie, pale yellow tho I think rather than bright) also if you spend over Y amount you get free postage too unlike QVC!!! oooh don't get me started on NI and postage with QVC LOL. I think they said on air tho that the Sheers were only QVC but don't quote me on that!!
It might not be possible but if you can get to a Nails Inc store they will let you paint a nail in any shade you fancy before buying. I found that really useful when looking for a grey. The one I bought of three I tried was definitely not the one I would have chosen from looking at them in the bottles.

I think those are see through.

The other option is to ring Nails Inc customer services and ask them for a recommendation for a colour to try.

Hope you find what you want. I don't have a bright pink Nails Inc to be able to recommend.
Itchy, the Nails Inc counter at my local House of Fraser also has testers for all the nail polish colours, I found that really useful! Going wedding ring shopping soon and will probably treat myself to a new nailpolish and mini-manicure beforehand there, the ladies at those counters are often really helpful.
Thanks so much everyone. We don't have any Nails Inc counters in our little city! And my previous attempt to buy from them direct was a flop as the system would not allow me to buy without a postcode (we don't have them here in the ROI). I really miss the departments stores in good old blighty! We have debenhams, but there is not much in it. We have 'posh' Brown Thomas, which sells a lot of prestige cosmetics, but although the Dublin one sells NI, they don't in Galway. Its a bit of a wilderness shopping wise. There was great excitment here a few years ago when Marks and Spencer came to town, but typically for Galway, its small and should you see anything nice advertised in magazines, you can be sure our branch will not stock it.

P.S. Have fun wedding ring shopping Craftology - its a long time since I did that!
I went ahead and ordered the Nails Inc Juicy sheers anyway. So glad i did, they are gorgeous. I am wearing the orange one now, which is a real departure from the colours I usually feel safe with. They are sheer (hence the name) and like lip gloss. However i put three coats on and you cannot see the nail underneath. Now I am tempted by the NI Neon set. Why is it that you can never have enough nail colours??
Comparatively speaking I think nail polish is an affordable treat. And you also get to see it all the time. I bought the Paparazzi collection and like them all bar one. The day they arrived I had one fingernail painted in every colour.
Tinkerbelle - I painted my nails for Christmas alternately one red and green with the Xmas Nails Inc. - I thought it looked great. Like you nail varnish chips really quickly ie often next day so I'm experimenting with putting on a layer of shatter when the original colour is looking mangy.
I'm currently using a silver La Femme crackle but I don't really like the effect of shatters generally - has anyone any other ideas or recommendations for nicer shatters/crackles?
I'm not 100% sold on crackles - although I do owe some. Ive mentioned it before but I will again - electric lane from nails Inc. Its a glitter topcoat that isn't rough and isn't a sod to remove but it really enhances colours (light and dark). It's holographic too and sparklesvlike you wouldn't believe! I've got it on over lowndes square and it is fab. Its in a kit with black taxi and porchester square on qvc or direct from NI - the have 20% off this weekend if you quote a code (easter20) I think. Honestly cant recommend enough!!

The nubar 2010 topcoat is nice too - it's clear with red and green 'flakes' in it - helps to transform colours or give them a bit more life towards the end if the week.

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