Nail Boutique TSV 8/11/12


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Jun 24, 2008
There is a Nail Boutique TSV on Thursday 8th November! I wonder if it might be a Red Carpet Gel Manicure one!
When the red carpet system was first aired in June as a tsv they said they wouldn't have another till Christmas and they mentioned December I think.
Nail Boutique TSV Nov 8th

Hi - does anyone know what the TSV will be on Nov 8th? - the TV listing says "Nail Boutique" - I NEED it to be a Red Carpet Manicure kit - with a bigger machine....:thinking:
Thanks - sorry didn't see the previous thread!.....I'm hoping it won't just be a repeat of the existing machine...fingers crossed :wink:
Oh no... Just had another look at TV listing for Nov 8th...
the TSV show is now listed as 'Beauty Stocking Fillers' ...instead of
Nail Boutique .....booooo.... I'm guessing it won't be Red Carpet Manicure...
The old tsv for recarpet manicure is now available with 3 easypay. I have it and use it all the time
A couple of weeks ago I emailed them directly and asked if there would be a TSV before Christmas and they said no but there would be one if February. They did say that the kit would be featured on air a few times though . I got Hubby to order one for Christmas for me. Looking forward to trying it out.
Thanks,i was hoping they would do a collection of red carpet varnishes for a great price as a Tsv,will have to see what i can get on line as Q' s range is limited
A couple of weeks ago I emailed them directly and asked if there would be a TSV before Christmas and they said no but there would be one if February. They did say that the kit would be featured on air a few times though . I got Hubby to order one for Christmas for me. Looking forward to trying it out.
PEBE, if you buy it now you have until 25 Jan to try it out to your heart content
I've just ordered mine too...I was hoping it was going to be a bigger machine to do the whole hand in one go...I emailed Red Carpet directly a few weeks ago to ask if they were going to launch a new machine - but didn't get a reply :confused:
I've just ordered mine too...I was hoping it was going to be a bigger machine to do the whole hand in one go...I emailed Red Carpet directly a few weeks ago to ask if they were going to launch a new machine - but didn't get a reply :confused:
Ladies, you don't need a bigger lamp, just claw your hand and hold the lamp over the clawed five fingers. I adore this small lamp, doesn't need much room to store and looks so elegant. Also hold it over your toenails. It gives me the same quality finish if I were curing my manicure with my hand under the lamp on a table.
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That's a great tip Marina. Going to try that next time I do my nails - sounds much easier than doing thumbs separately .
In salons they usually do the thumbs separately.

I think the Red Carpet Manicure is going to be on tonight in the gifts shows, DF mentioned it on air the other night.
Red carpet's on at 11pm

Thanks, i may have to record this as am out, and no matter how careful i try and put these varnishes on, they never seem to last even up to a week on me, i like the idea of it but perhaps it is either my nails or the way i am applying as it just does not last,i might watch and learn a few more tips, having said that i can have a manicure at a salon and chip it before i get home:giggle:
I get about 10 days now I am doing the nail edge. I use a keyboard 9-5. When I went on holiday I managed 14 days

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