my surprise great moisturiser


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Jan 26, 2012
Been having problems recently with a peeling nose and several dry patches around mouth. Doctor diagnosed low iron and blood test proved her right so been taking iron tablets. I've been using anti ageing moisturisers such as Judith Williams, L'Occitane Immortelle, Trilogy age Proof. In desperation I've been working my eay through all the creams in the house. Decided to use the Body Shop Hemp hand cream on my face (go figure) and all the dry patches have vanished. It sinks in well too and I've been using Laura Geller B&B over the top. I've tried the Body shop Rose hand cream with SPF 15 too as was outdoors a lot last week. All very surprising. Body shop sell a hemp face protector as well I see but with such good results, I'll probably continue with the hand cream as it is cheaper.
I suffer from eczema and use the body shop hemp range, most of the time my skin is fine but if ever it flares up I always go back to it, love the hand cream,body butter and the face protector, particularly in the winter months, glad it has worked for you. I always stock up when it is reduced :mysmilie_59:
Hemp is very very moisturising, you can get natural type brands that have facial moisturisers with it. It was online I did see a range but cannot remember the site. Lovelula perhaps???? Or try the health food shops as well.
I`m a big fan of body shop handcreams and have also been using their chamomile face cleanser. If you check their website they regularly have fantastic discounts and free p and p. The last time I ordered from them it was 40% off everything and no p and p.
I'm another big fan of BS Hemp handcream, although would never have thought of using it on my face, but if it works, why not?
I used to work with a consultant dermatologist who maintained 'there are only two fundamental issues with skin; it's either too dry or too oily. If it's too dry, the solution is emollient, and if it's too oily, the solution is detergent'.
I'm another big fan of BS Hemp handcream, although would never have thought of using it on my face, but if it works, why not?
I used to work with a consultant dermatologist who maintained 'there are only two fundamental issues with skin; it's either too dry or too oily. If it's too dry, the solution is emollient, and if it's too oily, the solution is detergent'.

:mysmilie_505: Persil or Daz?!
:mysmilie_505: Persil or Daz?!

Sorry, Loveinamist, only just seen your reply!
Fairy Liquid, actually. He regularly would 'prescribe' to acne patients that they should wash their face (or body, if affected) with diluted washing up liquid. They were usually pretty shocked! If that didn't work and they came back to clinic, he would give them a presription for Hibiscrub, which is a chlorhexidine based handwash used in hospitals, to use as a face/body wash.
I had realky bad acne as a teenager and then as an adult. I always washed my face with soap and never wore makeup as it slid off my face. Eventually at 38 years had 2 courses of roaccutane. Wonder drug! Now on HRT and skin has dried out. The hemp handcream was eventually too greasy so now using Judith William's phytomineral which my skin is happy with in these cold days. I think I may have been using too many different products is one cleanser in the morning, a moisturiser all day, a different cleanser in the evening and then a different night cream.
When I was young we used Liftboat soap, not the fancy green one but the red one used for household!!!! It was only when I was a teenager I started using proper cleanser as it was called. I had good skin compared to many other girls in school.
Liftboat or Lifeboy? I remember Lifeboy and we used the red one too. I can still remember the smell.
That Lifeboy soap gave me thrush and cystitis, shudder, ouch. But I suffer from psoriasis, so I may try that hemp cream, I am currently using oat based in the morning and a cocoa butter with a little salicylic acid in the evening to try to loosen the flakiness. Thanks for the tip!
I use Simple soap for my lady bits as it is I perfumed. I cannot even have a bath if I use any bath products otherwise I get bacterial vaginalosis.
DD suffered water infection after water infection - doc advised using aqueous cream for "intimate cleansing" - she's not had an infection since..
BusyMum - I've had them all my life. I'm not as sensitive to what I use to wash as I used to be, but the HUGE difference for me was being told by a lovely lady doctor at the clap clinic (was there for a smear, honest!) to use the double micturition method (emptying twice).

It's a standing joke in my circle how long I take to use the loo. Wee, wipe, up, turn around, down and wee again. A pain, but it works.
BusyMum - I've had them all my life. I'm not as sensitive to what I use to wash as I used to be, but the HUGE difference for me was being told by a lovely lady doctor at the clap clinic (was there for a smear, honest!) to use the double micturition method (emptying twice).

It's a standing joke in my circle how long I take to use the loo. Wee, wipe, up, turn around, down and wee again. A pain, but it works.
I ended up at the clap clinic too as a last resort. It was the practise nurse who suggested it when all other solutions had failed. They diagnosed my problem which was bacterial vaginososi AND TMAU. Never had any problems since and it had been going on for years prior to that. So grateful to the nurse. I will try your method too as when I was having tests in London they did make me empty twice.
I ended up at the clap clinic too as a last resort. It was the practise nurse who suggested it when all other solutions had failed. They diagnosed my problem which was bacterial vaginososi AND TMAU. Never had any problems since and it had been going on for years prior to that. So grateful to the nurse. I will try your method too as when I was having tests in London they did make me empty twice.

The doctors and nurses there are fab. Always my first port of call for lady bits.

Good luck with the double voiding. I was panicking so much as I can no longer get anti-biotics for bladder infections (despite me being hospitalized twice when the bladder infections went up into my kidneys - and then I ended up having massive doses that made me ill!). DV has made a huge difference for me. I've had as many as 13 anti-biotic prescriptions per year for 30 odd years, but, touch wood, nothing for the last year or so. My UTIs are so painful and long-lasting I have nightmares about them. I've tried all the usual suspects like cranberry juice and the OTC stuff but they don't touch it. My neighbour's daughter screamed from birth until 3 constantly until a locum GP suggested urine tests which found infection. She now has to have daily ab therapy for the rest of her life as the scarring is so bad on her bladder and kidneys. I don't think many people realize how bad bladder infections can be.

I feel your pain with the BV, too. I've only had it twice - the first in my early teens when I was too embarrassed to go and see the GP about it. My old school friend had TMAU but when I saw her last twenty years ago had it under control since changing her diet.

We're weird things. It takes such a tiny thing to upset our balance or cause big problems. I'm sometimes amazed people are still around.

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