My Philip Kingsley TSV..


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Nice 'n Easy...
Jun 24, 2008
is here.... and wow it blows the rubbish Ojon out of the water!!!!
My hair looks amazing after 1 use and even my 18 yr old son commented how shiny it looks and he had no idea I had tried something new!

After the dull lifeless lank look Ojon gave me, I am very happy!!
Mine turned up about an hour ago, great delivery service. I've used PK before and find it suits my hair better than Ojon too - that left it feeling all lank and dull.
sounds like a great product

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i want mine now where is it ?post delivery round here is rubbish, cant wait now after reading about lemon squeezy's result hope mines good too. First time i bought anything new for ages dont want to send it back fingers crossed hurry up mr postman:call::dull:.
Not here yet.

Ian the hairdresser - he looked like Julius Caesar - said not to use elasicizer 48 hours either side of a colour treatment. He didn't say why. Does it affect colour?
I've used PK shampoo and it does nothing for my hair at all - Ojon is much better for me.
I have developed my own eclectic routine:
PK Elasticizer just now & then (when I have time & motivation, but I admit it does make a big difference).
Ojon hydrating shampoo most days. (Occasionally I use Dr Bronnners soap for a 'detox', or just because I fancy a change).
No conditioner, ever. (It just weighs down my uber-fine, thinning hair).
Aveda volumising tonic every day - marvellous stuff, wouldn't want to be without it.
Mine (my first trial of it) arrived today and I will be using it as a 'morning spa treatment' as the lovely expert hairdresser suggested! Well it is the weekend!
Right, I've tried mine now and am very impressed. Just to give it a fair trial I did not use my GHDs afterwards. Now that usually means that as soon as I hit fresh air the 1920s style marcel-waves return! But not this time - went out to Tesco's and when I came back, still bouncy, reasonably straight and fresh looking. My hair feels nice and soft but with more oomph!
Hurrah mines arrived but cant use today as forked out for salon cut and blo dry yesterday as hair was driving me mad.
maybe thick but how does the shampoo and conditioner bottles work as it looks like they have a tip on them do you cut that off or what? the only way i have been able to get at any product for a sniff was to unscrew the things surel:sleepy:y must be easier way. any advice
A question for you all, as I missed most of the demos. How much Elasticizer and Maximizer do you use? I have short hair. thanks
I use about a 50p size amount. My hair is shoulder length , I'm probably a little heavy handed. When I use the maximiser it depends if I have time, I spray sections at the roots. HTH.

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