My name’s Alan and I’m a recovering QVC-holic


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Strato, I can't wait to hear you go through your entire inventory of items purchased from Q with a running commentary. Please go ahead x

I will give a selection of the good and the bad when I boot up my old PC, where most of my orders are in Word documents, including QVC's descriptions and photos.

For example, I bought a selection of clothes hangers, which were sold to me as exercise machines.
Clothes hangers are a pet hate of mine and they make you feel like you are having a workout putting your ironing away. I bet BB is hyperventilating at the thought of your old PC being dragged back to life. :hi:
For me it was a Dennis Basso coat, which was so huge and thick that I looked like a padded cardboard box when wearing it, I was squashed up against the steering wheel when I wore it in the car and could not move my arms and it took me half an hour to get out of the car - all that faux shearling, faux fur, I felt suffocated! I even had to take it off and carry it one frosty morning walking the dog because I was too hot! I paid over £100 for it, missed the return date and ended up selling it for £45!!

Any clothes, they very rarely fit me and I don't know why but I still randomly buy them when something grabs my attention, because in my head I am the same shape as the models!!
Best cure for QVC addiction is to switch their propaganda off, by changing the channel. It works every time for me.:nod:
I discovered QVC eight years ago and spent like mad for a few years, hands up guilty to impulse buying and spending amounts I would never have forked out in shops. I returned loads as well and got 'the letter'(twice!) I was a sitting target to be lured into the la-la land that is QVC and my self control was sadly lacking.
Finally came to my senses and curbed my appetite...I only bought three things last year, all thought about, pleased with and kept. I still watch a bit most days but the love affair is over.
I see the TSV is a Fuji camera. I have already bought 3 of the previous Fuji TSV cameras!

The trouble is, each new model seems so much better than the previous.

But my last one has put me off Fuji. It will NOT allow me to drag and drop photos from the camera onto my PC. It insists on doing it "its way" and not putting the pics in the folders where I want them, and also mucks up the numbering system.

I won't be getting any more cameras (he said, hopefully) because there is no need to get better and better. I don't have a pet so I don't need a feature that only takes the photo when the pet smiles (obviously HoodedClaw's camera has this feature, judging by the photo).
For me the most useless was some fruit juicer thingy demonstrated by a nice German guy who said and showed how easy it was to juice all manner of fruit by just pressing a top container onto the lower one and hey presto the juice came out. What he did NOT say , at all, never, never ever was the fact that you have to have muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger had in the 80'2 to juice any fruit other then oranges, grapes and lemons.
I quiet likes the one and only Shearling coat I bought of QVC, not sure it was Basso though
I've not watched QVC since 31st December nor purchased since 19th December. New Years Resolution is to seriously curb my QVC addiction. Keeping the TV off seems to be be the most effective way to not buy anything. I check the daily TSV and Hotpicks online but it's nowhere near as tempting to buy than when you watching the presentations. So I've made it to the 1 month mark and now aiming for the second month and so on
I really like the look of that tsv and I cannot have it because it is still too much for me. I do have a previous tsv Fuji which I don't use as it is big, but would love a proper bridge camera, but I know I would not get use it enough to justify. And I would not have wanted it if I had not seen the presentation...I am sitting on my hands. It does look good but perhaps they always do! Anyway, I am a happy addict, but buy less these days. I have just bought the best vacuum ever from QVC and I would not have known about it if I had not seen the demo. It was expensive really £150, but on ez pay i could justify. SO QVC can be useful sometimes...
I do have a previous tsv Fuji which I don't use as it is big, but would love a proper bridge camera, but I know I would not get use it enough to justify.

I think this would be the same size (or even bigger) than any previous Fuji digital camera they've had on QVC. Perhaps it looks smaller than yours because the guest has huge hands (perhaps that's why they chose him).
For me the most useless was some fruit juicer thingy demonstrated by a nice German guy who said and showed how easy it was to juice all manner of fruit

I also bought a juicer. It works OK, it only takes 5 minutes to juice everything, then about an hour to dismantle the machine and clean all the parts (I don't have a dishwasher).
My very first order was at the beginning of 2004 and was a PAINTING KIT. It mainly consited of different size paint brushes with detachable heads.

It only came with a few plastic handles, and the brush heads were separate and clicked onto the handles when needed.

This seemed to be a good idea at the time, but I can't remember now why this was supposed to be an advantage.

I've never used it, and it is totally lost somewhere in Strato Towers among the other QVC tat. It cost £9-98 so didn't break the bank.

I would be interested to know if anyone else remembers any of the items I will be listing.
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I bought a ROBOT DUSTER. It was battery operated and it consisted of a ball with a duster attached that moved at random over the floor (it had to be a hard floor) dusting as it went.

When it bumped into anything, it changed direction and continued moving.

I only have one hard floor (in the kitchen) and I only bought it as a novelty item.

It very quickly broke, and was sent back for a refund.

I can't find any details of this in my database, in the early days I didn't record all my orders on the PC and QVC's order history does not go back very far.
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I am amazed at the prices I paid for my earlier Fuji cameras. The specs are rubbish compared to the latest TSV, but the prices were TWICE as much.

It shows how the price of technology has come down.
I am happy to continue posting items on this thread if anyone is interested, except I don't think it will be good for my health, remembering all the money I spent on useless items (and some good ones).
Enjoying your increasing list Alan...first cr*p purchase of mine was a very flimsy swivel sweeper which broke three months down the line..
At least you're lucky being a bloke that you've been spared all the fashion disasters that a lot of us have been through. Hopeless sizings...dodgy material and funny fittings.
I am happy to continue posting items on this thread if anyone is interested, except I don't think it will be good for my health, remembering all the money I spent on useless items (and some good ones).

I'm quoting myself now lol !!!!

Just to say that I see this as part of my therapy to wean myself off QVC (and to a lesser extent, IW).

Unfortunately, I've now become addicted to Lidl's weekly gadgety offers :-(
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