"My Ladies" - Natalia


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I really rate Revitalash, it has made a real difference to my lashes and I now enjoy wearing mascara as I have long cury lashes that look even better with some enhancement. However I am running out and as I bought it on easy pay can't stretch to a replacment all in one go so will be looking for a more affordable alternative. So thanks for the suggestions on here.

As i said i have been using it for almost a year now and would not be without it! I just bought the three piece kit with the mascara and primer on easy pay £18.32 x 3. Does make it a bit better than having to splash out nearly £60 in one go.

I have tried the Rapidlash but find it makes my lashes go hard overnight. This is around £40 in Boots and it has been on Amazon for £24 - but you have to be careful about things from there as folks have put on the reviews of Revitalish that they have bought fake stuff. Rapidlash does get good reviews on both Boots and Amazon.

I have the Mavala but don't like the applicator - have been trying this on my brows as it is cheap.

Thing is it is hard to say if any of the others work as my lashes are soooo good now. You really need someone who is starting out to try them. And I don't want to risk undoing all the good work of the Revitalash - so keep using it every few days as a maintenance now. So it actually doesn't work out too expensive now.

It is interesting to read reviews of all these products as most of the poor reviews are from people saying 'I have tried it for 2-3 weeks now and there is no difference - what a waste of money it is going back' When it clearly says you must keep at it for 6 weeks or so to get really good results - which is what i found.
I'm 3 days in to using Lashtech by JML from Amazon as recommended by Ben's Mum. Just checked my eyelashes and they haven't gone hard yet. I have hopes for long curly lustrous lashes in 6 weeks.
I'm 3 days in to using Lashtech by JML from Amazon as recommended by Ben's Mum. Just checked my eyelashes and they haven't gone hard yet. I have hopes for long curly lustrous lashes in 6 weeks.

I am curious about this one too. Can't justify the price of revitalash, am not that desperate for long lashes! Would give this a go though if people are getting results - keep us posted :wink:
Forgot to apply the Lashtech for last 3 evenings. Today I applied it to the place where I normally would put eyeliner. This must be wrong surely and I've thrown away the instructions. Am I supposed to be applying it to the eyelash line?
I ordered one last night! As far as I can see from the Revitalash demos that is exactly where you put it! Put it on like eyeliner (top lid) and Emma (model) was also running the brush over her lashes too.....
I started using my Lashtech from JML last night. £6.99 and came with a mascara. Instructions say to use it on brows too - bonus! If it doesn't work, at least I won't feel guilty about spending a weeks worth of food shopping money on it :eek: lol

Any reports from anyone with this brand?

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I'm using the JML one too. Probably for about 2 weeks. I have forgotten to apply it some evenings. Just put some mascara on and lashes appear quite plentiful. Will report back again.
Speaking for us onlookers! or should I have said onlurkers? let us know how you get on with the JML. I could easily be converted. And the €$£ spent elsewhere. I see on t'other thread that Natalia was on this afternoon and I missed her. Shame. No, really.
I started using my Lashtech from JML last night. £6.99 and came with a mascara. Instructions say to use it on brows too - bonus! If it doesn't work, at least I won't feel guilty about spending a weeks worth of food shopping money on it :eek: lol

Any reports from anyone with this brand?

I've had amazing results with the serum and am very impressed. My lashes are genuinely much longer and curlier. Not keen on the mascara so I'm on the look out for just the serum as its almost finished.
That's good to hear Bensmum. Will persevere for a few weeks - If I remember! Used the mascara today. It's ok for weekend use, but it wouldn't be my everyday choice. I got mine on ebay, didn't see the serum on it's own. Will look out for that next time (if it works for me!)

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