My Friend's Lovely Boxer Girl Gave us a Total Fright


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Jun 24, 2008
I was visiting my friend's house yesterday, her dog was not quite well, she thought the dog had eaten something from the garden that had upset her tummy. The dog is about 11 and seems much older than the last time, about a month ago, I'd seen her. My friend also has two young cats (about two years old) the cats and the dog really get on. One of the cats came in and he's the same colour as my Sidney so I was fussing them both, when BG collapsed at my feet. It was quite a sight to behold, two middle-aged women trying to get one very large dog back on her feet. BG was out for a good minute, but not fitting, however, when she came to, she was back to normal. Friend's son came round and took BG to the vet. They gave BG an antibiotic jab and asked to see her again tomorrow morning. It was really sad as my friend was so upset and very scary.
Oh MS that must have been awful for the both of you. How was she when she came home from the vets? Let's just hope it's a virus or something and nothing major :( Poor dab. I hope she'll be ok.

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Let us know when you have some news on your friends dog and lets hope its nothing to serious ,11years old is quite a good age for boxers though but as you said its quite scary when something like that happens suddenly and you dont know what to do or why its happened .
That's horrible MS, I do hope the BG gets better and stays well. Hugs to you and your friend, hope you're both feeling a bit better today.
My beloved boxer Rocky experienced these sudden collapses occasionally and the vet never got to the bottom of it.

Rocky died 9 years ago this month and I miss him every single day.

I hope BG recovers and is soon back to her normal self.
Aww RIP to Rocky :bear: dollydimple xxx

Boxers are so lovely, let's hope BG will be ok for a while yet, is she being pampered? :bear:
Thank you all for your kind thoughts, will post when they let me know how she got on at the vets, later. I met up with them today for morning coffee and all was well.

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