My Boycott On Products From China


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Aw, WeatherGirl-thanks for your kind concern. I have M.E. and get really exhausted - had to go home, to bed. Thanks Donna255 for your post. I am saddened by the subject of the smuggling trade but they do say not to discuss politics or religion! As I am housebound, my purchases from Q weren't absolutely necessary for the most part; I don't go on those cruises or out for the candle-lit dinners the presenters go on about! It was high time I f.a.r.t.ed really! ;-) Gosh, I feel bad just typing that! blush
Thanks for your comments, I do hope I'm not banned! I like it here! (Snarly paranoia) Noticed that QVC USA announced a joint venture with China, looks like they're expanding their shopping channels into there. (Yahoo! Finance 20 Mar 2012). My time at the computer is done, I be tired, must rest ...

Why should you be banned Snarly:mysmilie_853: What I like about this forum is that we can say what we want (I suppose there is a limit somewhere:cheeky: ) You have just let us know how you feel, and we can either like it or dislike it, that is our choice:mysmilie_3:
do mulberry make stuff in the far east?

Yes they do. They have a factory in China. To be honest, I think they go on a little too much about their Somerset factory because the majority of their bags are not made there. 30% are made in the UK, according to their website:

They are at least honest about it though. All bags have a label inside saying "Made in England / Turkey / China / Spain".
Heather from nails inc said their nail polish was made in UK so you can have colouful nails (although it doesn't last long on me but that's another story!)
I suspect you'll have to do a lot worse that say what you think Snarly to get banned. Just don't run round the forum waving your knickers in the air ... not sure that would get you banned either but it is best to be on the safe side.
Aw minim, you've used about a-quarter of my Welsh vocabulary, bless you, cariad. (((((cwtch))))) And a new word to me, chopsing?, but I get the drift. lol Thanks caretodiffer, High5 from the Snarly Paw!
The other thing you have to wary of if you choose to avoid buying things made in China is that many companies (here in the UK and elsewhere) import part made goods from China and then put them together in the UK and then can say Made in UK on them and no mention of China. I know this because the last company I worked for did this, they only had to bolt 3 things together and then install some software. All the units went out with a Made in UK label. There are rules about how much work has to be done in this country to make it made in UK but they are very limited.

good luck with your stand Snarly, but I dont think its possible to keep with that.

Practically ALL electronics have parts from China (even those that claim to be assembled elsewhere).

Many high-end designer clothing brands (such as Coach handbags) are made in China.

The Chinese practically "own" Africa and America now. The vast majority of minerals coming out of Africa are from Chinese mines.

I am of the opinion that we should give up teachings kids french or german at school, but teach them Chinese instead. It would probably be more useful for them.

Why would you think you'd be banned from this forum, Snarly? You're ok, Graham isn't Chinese. :grin:
Haven't clicked on the link so not aware what is going on - will check later. Just wanted to join in the cwtches and chopsing! A very widely used word back home in Port Talbot but never hear it East pf Bridgend. Classic!! Thanks for the smile both Taffs :D

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i bought a dress very very expensive mother of the bride and all that. anyway it says created in belgium. god knows what that means. they drew the picture in belgium,then shipped it off to china. most wedding dresses i noticed were made in china as well!
One of reasons I like Kim & Co (although not all the styles suit me but I love the tops and Maxi Dresses) is because she designs and manufactures the clothes in her building in Canada- a bit of a cottage industry. My wedding dress was also designed and made in Canada, there are a few Niche wedding dress designs that you see in bridal magazines that are Canadian, my second choice dress was too. I was very impressed.
One of reasons I like Kim & Co (although not all the styles suit me but I love the tops and Maxi Dresses) is because she designs and manufactures the clothes in her building in Canada- a bit of a cottage industry. My wedding dress was also designed and made in Canada, there are a few Niche wedding dress designs that you see in bridal magazines that are Canadian, my second choice dress was too. I was very impressed.

It is definitely a point in her favour, it's one of the reasons I thought I would give Kim & Co a try.
Hello Snarly

I applaud you for taking a stand. The Chinese Government have done too many human right atrocities. I wish I could do the same as you. It will be very hard as most things are manufactured in China. Good luck and all the best:happy:
A :up: up from me also Snarly and carry on being 'chopsy' as its said even further west of Port Talbot. :giggle:

My hubs in particular abhors so many consumer products being exported over here from China. Particularly when this country used to be a powerhouse of manufacturing. M&S always prided themselves on selling goods made only in Britain......going back a bit now I think!

I think it may have been the Tiana B promo I heard where the lady said all their clothes were designed and created in New York. I wish other guests would come clean with where their products are made......or are they rather coy about mentioning China.....wonder why? :smirk:
Nos da i chi....
Just seen the Prince Charles thing Snarly. Think maybe a career change might be in order! A big thumbs up from me too Snarly. I always prefer to buy things made in a country with a half decent human rights record....shall we overlook centuries of bloodshed and a few modern day misdemeanors on our own doorstep.....
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it. Life's experiences make us who we are and tonight I am that much wiser than yesterday. Nos da, bach. Good night.
A :up: up from me also Snarly and carry on being 'chopsy' as its said even further west of Port Talbot. :giggle:

My hubs in particular abhors so many consumer products being exported over here from China. Particularly when this country used to be a powerhouse of manufacturing. M&S always prided themselves on selling goods made only in Britain......going back a bit now I think!

I think it may have been the Tiana B promo I heard where the lady said all their clothes were designed and created in New York. I wish other guests would come clean with where their products are made......or are they rather coy about mentioning China.....wonder why? :smirk:
Nos da i chi....

My OH is the same.
It's for that reason he won't entertain even a thought of a Dyson as to quote him "they sold out the British worker" when they moved all their manufacturing abroad.
Also have to be careful which Heinz products find their way into the shopping basket and no more HP sauce as "they closed down a perfectly good factory and moved it to Holland." He finds it laughable that a "Great British Sauce" is now produced in Holland !
In fact this thread has sent me to the kitchen cupboards and it's amazing how many products don't say where they're made. A lot give a British address for the company, but don't think we can assume they are made there??
coincidentally i received a heated propagator thingy this morning that i ordered from Amazon (I'm a gardening geek :rain:), and the sticky label on it's bottom said.........Made in England. The instruction booklet was written in clear and rather elegant english, not translated from mandarin or swedish using a computer program.

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