My Boycott On Products From China


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i am very unhappy that so many british jobs have been lost in my lifetime. britain was at one time the workshop of the world. the best steel,ship building,cars ,tailoring etc etc .then we have people moaning about unemployment all our jobs have gone. thats why even though we all moan about qvc p&p at least the call centre is still in britain and i support that.
It's food that really riles me, especially apples. Why import tasteless apples from around the world when English apples are the tastiest and juicy?? Some of the nicest apple varieties are also dying out which is sad.

Regarding manufacturing I wouldn't mind so much that the mass production items are made elsewhere around the world, but only if we continued to make high-end products, the ones that take real craftsmanship. The only ones that I can really think of are some high-end cutlery, Scottish cashmere and whisky. Something that the UK was known for making the best.
It's food that really riles me, especially apples. Why import tasteless apples from around the world when English apples are the tastiest and juicy?? Some of the nicest apple varieties are also dying out which is sad.

Regarding manufacturing I wouldn't mind so much that the mass production items are made elsewhere around the world, but only if we continued to make high-end products, the ones that take real craftsmanship. The only ones that I can really think of are some high-end cutlery, Scottish cashmere and whisky. Something that the UK was known for making the best.

i agree charlie - i saw a very interesting tv prog all about how the tasteless golden delicious had cornered the market and forced out ur lovely english apples. one thing we do well is apples! they mentioned how there were hundreds of varieties and i'd heard of about 2 or 3. really a shame.

on a similar theme, i was looking for strawberries once in asda during wimbledon and all they had were tasteless huge american ones. the produce manager was there so i asked him why they didn't have any english strawberries and he said there were none available. i said it's wimbledon for pete's sake, the height of the season and he didn't even answer.

while i'm here, a big (((((hug))))) for snarly - you go girl!
They do the same with tomatos, big fat tasteless lumps while all over the world they are having the best of fruit and veg. I loved what Mary Portas did and so wish more would follow. I have been trying for ages online to get a pair of kinky knickers to support the staff and they are sold out, what does that tell you.
They do the same with tomatos, big fat tasteless lumps while all over the world they are having the best of fruit and veg. I loved what Mary Portas did and so wish more would follow. I have been trying for ages online to get a pair of kinky knickers to support the staff and they are sold out, what does that tell you.

waitttt....what am i missing here? what do kinky knockers have to do with tomatoes??:confused:
waitttt....what am i missing here? what do kinky knockers have to do with tomatoes??:confused:

They are made in Britain with all british manufactured lace by people who were on the dole. Not a direct link to tomatoes I grant you but sort of connected to the general theme :happy:
The reason things are made in China is because we all want things cheap. The corporates all want more profits. Cheap + profit = bad working conditions = low pay = China!
and I'm guessing the same is true of British food produce - it must be cheaper to buy it from abroad and import it than buy it from British suppliers, which is sad.
Buying British

Just putting a link to an article from BBC News ( Nov 2011) about this very same topic. It seems at least retailer John Lewis is/will be promoting british manufactured goods with its new UK logo. Let's hope more do the same and persuade the great British public to 'buy British'.
The manufacture of TRUNKIES is being moved from China to Plymouth (where I live).

These are ride-on fun suitcases for kids, as seen on Dragon's Den a few years ago (and turned down), I think their turnover is now £6m per year.

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Just putting a link to an article from BBC News ( Nov 2011) about this very same topic. It seems at least retailer John Lewis is/will be promoting british manufactured goods with its new UK logo. Let's hope more do the same and persuade the great British public to 'buy British'.

I bought a duvet for my little boy from John Lewis recently and was pleasantly surprised to see 'Made in UK' on label. I did wonder if it had just been finished here, but perhaps not...

I also heard a programme on Radio Five recently (my excuse for listening to Radio Bloke? I was in bed sick and Melvyn Bragg was yattering on Radio Four :yawn:), I think it was with Declan Curry, some business prog, and a couple of manufacturers were talking about how they were moving production back to the UK. The rationale was that they were sick of time lags on imports from the far east, they couldn't re-order a good seller quickly enough etc, but also the premium that people now place on 'Made in UK' products is making them more saleable and at a better price. One of those speaking made baby products and said this was especially the case for her - people are prepared to pay more for 'Made in UK' as it appeals to their sense of wanting the best quality for children.

I should listen to Radio Bloke more often...:cool:
They are made in Britain with all british manufactured lace by people who were on the dole. Not a direct link to tomatoes I grant you but sort of connected to the general theme :happy:

They also have a tag inside saying who made them - mine were stiched by Andrew!!
i think its a very good thing and long may it continue. giving jobs back to british people ..
I received Tacori earrings this morning and telephoned Q that I will return them under DSR. They are made in China and I informed QVC that I am boycotting items from China. I told the representative to google Daily Mail+China+Korea and explained what she would find. I asked if QVC were aware of this news item. She didn't think so. Based on this news story which has been reported worldwide, I have chosen to make a moral stand.

Impossible to live a modern life without using something made in China - the computer you used to write the message would have Chinese parts for starters.

The pills that had been smuggled out of the country are illegal in China - so you are making a moral stand over something that is illegal in China I am not sure what your stand is about?
Remember way back when, was it the seventies, when there was that big drive & we were all encouraged to "buy British"?

Trouble is, nowadays, most of our manufacturing has disappeared due to cheap foreign imports. I too remember when everything in M&S was British made, we even had a factory in our little market town producing clothing for them, but that went long ago.
Same with fruit & veg, you had to buy seasonally. Now people want things all year round & we don't have the climate for that without importing, so it isn't just down to cost. But it is a disgrace how many thousands of acres of our fruit orchards have been grubbed up as a result.
But even the government doesn't help. They don't buy British either, dumping British produced aircraft to buy from America.

I suppose we need a new industrial revolution to get the country manufacturing again & look wider than failing Europe for our markets, like we did before when Britain was a real powerhouse of production.

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