I also think maybe they need to guarantee that any personal care items or make up will not be resold whatever - that they won't be checking them to see if used or not, they will just not be considering those items for resale. Other companies let you try on clothes but they don't let you use make up or personal care things, so it is the only safe way forward really. It would be good to see them address this soon with some kind of statement. I can't rememer if they do but they could also have ID on the receipts to show who checked the item for accountability for their quality control people, if such people exist!
I've lost count of the number of times I've had to send something back because it was used - just off the top of my head I remember:
- kipling bag - bits of chocolate stuck to it
- Tiana B dress - smelt of smoke so badly I had to re-bag it and sellotape it up fully to stop the smell seeping out.
- Tiana B dress - smelt of perfume and really bad BO - obviously the previous buyer had tried to 'freshen' it up.
- Ronni Nicole dress - Had a big makeup line on the neck which you could see through the packaging.
- Philip Kingsley shampoo - No stopper in the spout and hair hanging from the leakage.
- Steamer - had the red velvet material hanging off where it had been used.
I could go on :headbang:
I have had some really long conversations with the CEO's office about this - they will send a red bag and will inspect the contents and follow up with the packer in the warehouse.
Apparently, when goods have been sent out and then returned, they have a sticker on them with a double bar code - one code is your customer reference and the other is the previous customer. Plus, the system allows them to track the person that placed the goods back into stock when they were returned from the previous customer... that's the theory anyway.
So... don't just speak to CS - go through to the CEO's team and ask for a red bag return so that they can investigate the 'failure' and 're-educate' the culprit.
If we all did this, it might at least start to cause them enough of a problem to take it more seriously.
Doing it this way also keeps more of a record of their service to you... you can then start muttering about 'goodwill' etc for the disappointment, inconvenience etc.
I get really fed up if I have to trudge to the PO with a return because their system is pants! Take a stand - get a red bag!