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Jul 23, 2018
Brandizzo, Italy
Last night. LIz Earle BA. Remember to use the cleanser behind your ears because they get dirty. She could have added that if you don't clean behind your ears, you'll be able to grow potatoes there. But she didn't. Who does she think she is addressing? Children? She's a nice enough woman and represents a popular brand, but please lady, have some respect for QVC shoppers.
I suffered the indignation of having blackheads around my nose. Dad decided to deal with them, What did he do ? Put a flannel over a steaming kettle then slapped it on my nose - did I yell ! but it got rid of the black heads and I went to school with a nose like Rudolphs. If that happened today Dad would be in cuffs and I'd be in Care !!!
I suffered the indignation of having blackheads around my nose. Dad decided to deal with them, What did he do ? Put a flannel over a steaming kettle then slapped it on my nose - did I yell ! but it got rid of the black heads and I went to school with a nose like Rudolphs. If that happened today Dad would be in cuffs and I'd be in Care !!!
I've had deep cleansing facials where they effectively do just that. Your face is steamed and then a hot compress is put on your face. When everything has softened the blackheads (or whiteheads) are cleaned out. It sounds grim but it isn't. The whole facial takes an hour and a half and is so relaxing.

I haven't had blackheads since my teens but I do get small whiteheads around my nose as I've got quite greasy skin. I do try to look after my skin and have regular face packs and face scrubs but when I want a treat I book an appointment.
My granny again, I stayed with her week days as my primary school was at the top of her street. My mum and dad went out early to get to work.

Put my hand anywhere near my head, and she was out with the fine tooth comb looking for nits. I got the nits comb every time my hair was washed anyway.

Then the food. I was fed pancakes which had blue mould and told it was good for me as it was penicillin, I ate around it. Milk she had no fridge, so in summer you got bits floating in your tea and told it was the cream of the milk. No, it was off and tasted vile. I still to this day have a thing about checking milk by smelling it, and even pour a tiny bit in the sink to inspect. She would if around today be arrested for child cruelty.

She also was of the idea, if another child in the street took child illness, to throw you in with them to catch it and get it over with. I refused to catch chickenpox until I was 12, the first day of school after the Easter break I was staying with her and getting ready for school and said I had spots coming out on my body. Lucky my SIL was there and said that is chickenpox, you can't send Donna to school. My granny was all for just sending me anyway.
My Mum sounds very similar to your Gran, Donna. She had 4 children, always worked various jobs sometimes 2 or 3 cleaning jobs a day, my Dad worked away Monday to Friday as a long distance lorry driver back in the days of flatbed lorries he had to load himself, no motorways and not even a heater in his cab and so my Mum had to do everything at home herself.
If one of us fell ill it meant she either had to lose a day`s wages or send us to school come what may or IF she deemed us ill enough she`d farm us out to anyone who would have us for the day. We had quite a few nearby " Aunties" who were actually neighbours and so things such as measles, chicken pox and coughs and colds spread like wildfire where I lived. We all tended to go to the same Primary school and it was nothing unusual to have half the class missing especially during the cold months with chest infections, coughs and cold and the poor quality housing in our terraced streets with outside toilets, no bathrooms and no proper heating didn`t help.
I was in my last year at Primary School when I woke up feeling really nauseous, had a bad pain in my tummy and didn`t want to go to school. My Mum told me not to be so soft and sent me packing. Several hours later I was rushed off in an ambulance from school and by the time someone managed to track down my Mum at one of her cleaning jobs, I was already in theatre having my appendix removed. That was one of the very very few times in my life when I saw my Mum cry when she was sitting besides my hospital bed and stroking my hair.
Yes it might seem a hard way to parent, especially these days but she had such a hard life, worked her fingers to the bone, had no mod cons, no help and from her early 40`s had severe health issues herself which meant she passed away in her early 60`s. Plus it was the way 99% of us from the streets were brought up, it was a rough tough community simply fighting to make ends meet.
I suffered the indignation of having blackheads around my nose. Dad decided to deal with them, What did he do ? Put a flannel over a steaming kettle then slapped it on my nose - did I yell ! but it got rid of the black heads and I went to school with a nose like Rudolphs. If that happened today Dad would be in cuffs and I'd be in Care !!!
My mother used to get us in a headlock under the kitchen light and squeeze them out with her nails. Stung a bit.

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