Mont Rose 213 x Summer Bulb Bumper Collection OTO


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Jun 24, 2008
Mont Rose 213 x Summer Bulb Bumper Collection
Item Number: 506573
QVC Price £18.50
One Time Only Price £14.98
P&P £0.00

This bumper bulb collection by Mont Rose features easy-to-grow varieties all know for their strong colours and excellent garden performance. Blooming through the summer, these flowers are ideal for cutting to enjoy in the home as well.

Aspect: full sun or semi-shade


50 x Anemone de Caen
50 x Anemone St Brigid
50 x Allium Moly - RHS Award of Garden Merit winner with beautiful star-shaped yellow blooms
50 x Allium Mixed - contain a selection of mixed height varieties in a blend of colours
3 x Scented Begonia - will soften the edges of any planting scheme and provide a delicate fragrance
10 x Red Gladioli
Cultural instructions

Cultural instructions:

Plant bulbs 3-4 times their own depth and water well upon planting
All varieties are ok to be left undisturbed for subsequent years apart from the Begonia which we suggest is lifted over winter
Full growing instructions supplied with product

Direct Despatch: please allow 5 - 10 working days for delivery

All measurements are approximate
You can buy packs of similar bulbs from the pound shops , the only one that you would pay slightly more for is the scented Begonias.
the anenome are very cheap to buy. i tell you who has some ovely shrubs and plants over the summer aldi.
You can buy packs of bulbs anywhere (and I have), however, I can vouch for Mont Rose's quality and they do grow. Things I've bought from the supermarkets/pound shops have been very hit and miss.


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