Miss Jill Franks

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In your opinion. I can't see the difference between laughing at or taking the mickey out of a presenter or saying nasty things about them. You seem to want it both ways.
Either this forum is for people to say what they like, within reason or not.

There's a huge difference between laughing or taking the mickey out of someone and saying nasty things about them! Think about your friends - taking the mickey compared to being nasty - two totally different things!

Sazza - who was your comment directed at?
As I understand it, this forum is for all our likes and dislikes. Being a presenter on QVC pretty much makes you fair game for criticism, it goes with the territory. Jill Franks is foul, she patronises and offends frequently. I may not always agree with threads on here but I would defend to the end the posters right to their opinion.

This thread has every right to exist.
There's a huge difference between laughing or taking the mickey out of someone and saying nasty things about them! Think about your friends - taking the mickey compared to being nasty - two totally different things!

Sazza - who was your comment directed at?

It was a general reminder given the direction the thread was taking.
Yes, she was particularly irritating this afternoon :taphead: The way she was going on about the Clarisonic I assumed she had one herself, then a bit later she said she had missed out when it sold out :talking: Then she announced that she uses Ultrasun all the time - along with everything else it appears :thinking:

Having Ultrasun in a gift show amused me, I'm sure it's great but if I was opening my pressies and found Ultrasun I would be just a tad disappointed!
Having Ultrasun in a gift show amused me, I'm sure it's great but if I was opening my pressies and found Ultrasun I would be just a tad disappointed!

Some of the gifts QVC are showing have me baffled, there are many that have been shown that would offend people if they received them!!!!
Well I like Jill and I think you're all a load of nasty b1tches..... :mysmilie_62:
OK which one of you stole £9.99 from my bank account:grin:?? I didn't even miss it until I read this thread:whew:
OK which one of you stole £9.99 from my bank account:grin:?? I didn't even miss it until I read this thread:whew:

It was ME! I bought the Elemis TSV which is amayzing and I love love love it. He-lllo. It's hilarious. You won't even know it's gone. Oh my gosh it's hysterical. I'm going to split it up for gifts between me, myself and I. Amayzing. :giggle:
Some of the gifts QVC are showing have me baffled, there are many that have been shown that would offend people if they received them!!!![/

Totally agree, can you imagine the fun of opening your present to find a foot file?????????? or the colouring for your Betty???????????(forgotten the name, sorry
Totally agree, can you imagine the fun of opening your present to find a foot file?????????? or the colouring for your Betty???????????(forgotten the name, sorry

Erm, is that a gynaecological term? :thinking:
when JF says "thats so funny" randomly about things that are blatantly not even slightly amusing i could kill the old windbag
Jill Franks is an appalling presenter, and how she ever got on tv is a mystery to me. I've never been able to watch her or the irritating middle-aged, passive-aggressive child woman that is Claire Suttonywuttony. Oh, and that smarmy, creepy git with the most monotonous vocal tone in history, Char......lie......Br.....ook.....pre.....sent...er..........on.........Brit......ain's......num......ber...one.....sho.....pping.........cha.............................................nnel..............take.......a...........lo.....ok......................at..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................this.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
I'm not irritated by JF - she seems a bit of an air-head but I don't think she has a mean streak and she seems to get on well with the guests and have a laugh. GH is a bit in the same mould - I get fed up of her limited vocabulary "definitely, definitely worth getting this" which she says about a million time in every show. I still like her though. She seems a gentle genuine sort.
CS's presenter style is more appropriate for childrens' TV but again I don't mind her. She is upbeat and enthusiastic.
CB and DW are real old-school smarms and they grate a little.
JR in contrast is a good presenter. She describes products accurately, she knows about dress-making so can talk knowledgeably about godets, seams and darting. She is honest about what she likes and doesn't like - she doesn't rave about everything or pretend she couldn't live without every item. However, I cannot bear her because she comes across as such a nasty piece of work.
I'm not irritated by JF - she seems a bit of an air-head but I don't think she has a mean streak and she seems to get on well with the guests and have a laugh. GH is a bit in the same mould - I get fed up of her limited vocabulary "definitely, definitely worth getting this" which she says about a million time in every show. I still like her though. She seems a gentle genuine sort.
CS's presenter style is more appropriate for childrens' TV but again I don't mind her. She is upbeat and enthusiastic.
CB and DW are real old-school smarms and they grate a little.
JR in contrast is a good presenter. She describes products accurately, she knows about dress-making so can talk knowledgeably about godets, seams and darting. She is honest about what she likes and doesn't like - she doesn't rave about everything or pretend she couldn't live without every item. However, I cannot bear her because she comes across as such a nasty piece of work.

I must be a bit slow this morning, but who are GH ana DW?
Oh sorry. GH is Gilly Halliday and DW is Dale Winton. Actually, now I come to think of it, Gilly may spell her name with a J which would have confused you.
Oh sorry. GH is Gilly Halliday and DW is Dale Winton. Actually, now I come to think of it, Gilly may spell her name with a J which would have confused you.

Oh of course, Gilly Halliday. For some reason, she's a presenter I always forget about.

I'd love to see Dale Winton on QVC too. Wouldn't he be a hoot!!:grin:

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